My hubby butchered my hair!!!! pics!

Awww, OP. (((HUGS))) I know you're upset, but your hair looks really good.

I know exactly how you feel. Some years ago I was relaxed and bsl. My shortest layers in the front were at my collarbone. I asked my SO to trim my ends and he cut all my hair to above my shoulders :blush:; he said he had to match the piece in the front.

Just like you, I cried (while he danced around with my hair and pretended it was a wig). :nono: Men... they don't know any better. But your hair looks good, the new look will grow on you.

sorry I had to bust out laughing at this :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
:lachen::lachen: I was thinking the same thing. I would be pissed that I'd have to start all over, so I definitely understand.

I see that he did even it up, and it does look good. My thing is though that if your hair was healthy before (healthy ends and all), the reason it wasn't all the same length is because like Chicoro mentioned before, our hair doesn't all grow at the same rate so it's possible that your ends would have caught up at some point. I would be slightly miffed for about a day or two, but your hair does look great.:yep:

I agree with the bolded. Your hair looked pretty healthy before just uneven. It would have evened up eventually.
Okay you said be honest! Why did he do that! Now I am finished! Goodness that was quite a chunk hubby cut off. It will grow back just keep doing the K.I.S.S. - IMHO I would have went to 6. It will grow back though.
wow he cut off about 5 inches! you went from 8.5 to 3.5!
well he did do a perfect blunt cut thogh. your hair looks great. the ends will grow back out fuller.
I think it looks nice and healthy. I actually think your husband did a damn good job of cutting it so even. Don't cry, your hair will be back before you know it! (Hugs)
he cut alot but it doesn't look too bad, women please stop having men cut your hair! especially ones that are not hairstylists. we can't get mad at them because they don't know what they are doing.

it'll grow back fast though,
He cut a lot, but you needed it if you wanted it even. If he'd only cut a little it would've still been very uneven.
I understand how upset you are, but a tleast it looks nice. It seems that he was trying to even out your cut. Next time just tell him that hair grows in layers, especially if you have layers lol. IMO you had a nice amount of locks creeping to BSL, you just had a V cut.
Your ends look PHENOMENAL (but I'm a scissor-happy sucker for fresh ends :crazy:)! Honestly, I think looks better in the after pic, even though you lost quite a bit of length. It will grow back much healthier and thicker than before :yep:
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I feel your pain! The first pic in my siggy was my DH's doing as well :rolleyes:.

Even though he did cut off a LOT of hair, I think you hair looks wonderful!!:yep:
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:dighole:When is his funeral? I'd like to send so flowers.

Honestly when I was the first picture with the measurements I thought, her hair still looks pretty damn long. Then I saw the second measuments pic and said Oh :censored: WTF happened? MFin' SOB.

You will always remember the day he hacked off your hair which will mean you will never run into this problem again, right?

Don't worry no one will even notice the difference.
Op, I cried too when a stylist cut my hair too short, it sucks I know. But you'll love it when your hair starts growing out looking awesome!!
I'm sorry that happened though!! You will get over it soon though!

Just like you, I cried (while he danced around with my hair and pretended it was a wig). :nono: Men... they don't know any better. But your hair looks good, the new look will grow on you.

omg :rofl:

Men are so insensitive :rolleyes:
I thought he did a great job, despite having cut a lot. I think if I had my hubby do it, we'd have to practice on a wig first. Hey at least it's even!!! It could always be a lot worse. ;)
Yes he cut alot, I would be heartbroken if that were me, but just like everyone else said it sure does look good. Nice and even.
Next time if you ever allow him near your hair with scissors again that is, point out which line on the shirt you want him to cut to and constantly be monitoring. Now all your oldest ends are gone though so it's like you have a new head of hair.