My hubby butchered my hair!!!! pics!

Your new ends looks so healthy now!You know what we say around here-don't hang on to damaged ends. I know you felt like he totally butchered you, but looks like you still have good length. :yep: Forgive him, and give him a kiss for doing such a great job!
Dang! He did go crazy, but it sure looks better. The length might be gone, but it looks much healthier.
I'm not a fan of the blunt cut and I would be HOT that he cut so much.

All of that aside, your hair will grow back.

ETA- I don't think your ends looked bad prior to the cut, either. Glad you like the end results.
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I'm not a fan of the blunt cut and I would be HOT that he cut so much.

All of that aside, your hair will grow back.

ETA- I don't think your ends looked bad prior to the cut, either. Glad you like the end results.
TY! I didn't think they were that bad either lol! Oh and I don't like the blunt cut either, but I have to learn to live with it for awhile.
Do yourself a favor and never get a trim by him again, wow!
Your ends are even so that's great ,but how can one mistake a trim for a cut...
Live and learn.
Oh my goodness. I would be in tears :cry: because that's about a years worth of growth for me. I don't mean to bring u down but I"m just being honest. It does look healthy though and he cut it very even.
I mean, why'd he cut so MUCH?
Yep, it's super-even, but 2 inches would have been fine, jmho.
I'd have been distraught, distressed and disgusted. Dang.
He cut alot, but it does look better.

I know ladies here have success with their hubbies trimming for them but I wouldn't dare let my husband come no where near me with no shears!
Your hair looked fine to me in the before pics just uneven. I'm not one for cutting off healthy ends, I could care less about them not being even.

However, he really did do a good job and I would trust him with a scissor again after explaining and showing him exactly how much you want taken off.

Your hair looks really nice and healthy so don't be upset, there are a lot of people trying to get where you are now.:grin:

I love your vids by the way, can't wait for you to make a new one!
Your hair looked fine to me in the before pics just uneven. I'm not one for cutting off healthy ends, I could care less about them not being even.

However, he really did do a good job and I would trust him with a scissor again after explaining and showing him exactly how much you want taken off.

Your hair looks really nice and healthy so don't be upset, there are a lot of people trying to get where you are now.:grin:

I love your vids by the way, can't wait for you to make a new one!

TY! ladies!! I keep going back and forth with this! One minute I'm mad as hell and cursing my DH out like just a few minutes ago when I was uploading my relaxer/texlax hair cut video and just looking at how much he cut pissed me OFF!!! He says that he thought I wanted it all even at the thickest part so that's what he did! He says he did not hear the 1/4-1/2 inch request! It was like 2 am so he was tired as well! I know he didn't do it on purpose, but that doesn't bring my hair back! And while yes I had some thin ends hey were still healthy! Oh and ceebee3 I just posted 3 new videos! Thanks for watching my videos!!1
Nothing to cry about! I would thank him so much because he did an awesome job on your ends. Simply beautiful!! your ends are thick and luscious!!
Know what you can try? I trim my own hair and I cut it with the hair scissors pointed upwards, that way it's not blunt looking and looks more natural. You just snip snip snip along the length of the bluntness and viola. Just be sure to only use the tips of the scissors so you don't give yourself another cut.
Aw, OP! I'm sorry hubby went a little nuts :ohwell: You'll probably be amazed at how fast it grows back, though. Just take the opportunity to enjoy your new look as you grow it back out! :yep:

Know what you can try? I trim my own hair and I cut it with the hair scissors pointed upwards, that way it's not blunt looking and looks more natural. You just snip snip snip along the length of the bluntness and viola. Just be sure to only use the tips of the scissors so you don't give yourself another cut.

I cut my own hair too, and that's exactly how I do it :yep: I'm a big fan of the straight across look, but I like it to have a bit of softness to it.
Nothing like nice fresh ends. Love 'em when I was relaxed. He did cut a lot, but you know it was for the best. I woulda had a "moment" and then I woulda just kept it moving...Your hair will grow back, hun.
Whoa,that is a lot of hair! I think it still would've been pretty even at 6.5 mark on your length shirt, but hubby took it allll off lol! In all honesty, he did do a good job and it looks so lush and full.
I don't think it looks bad at all. A few weeks ago i did a little trim and have been itching to take off more. I want to cut off about 3 inches so I would be about where you are now. You'll be thanking him when you see it grow back thicker and fuller :yep: