My hubby butchered my hair!!!! pics!

Awww, OP. (((HUGS))) I know you're upset, but your hair looks really good.

I know exactly how you feel. Some years ago I was relaxed and bsl. My shortest layers in the front were at my collarbone. I asked my SO to trim my ends and he cut all my hair to above my shoulders :blush:; he said he had to match the piece in the front.

Just like you, I cried (while he danced around with my hair and pretended it was a wig). :nono: Men... they don't know any better. But your hair looks good, the new look will grow on you.
My husband wants to know if you beat his arse? He said 'Thats jacked up'!

OP, you hair looks great. I think you should take some clippers and cut a bald spot in the top of his head though.
I'm not going to lie, he cut off a lot. It doesn't look too bad, but I would have been hurt too if I saw that. Next time if you have him cut it pony tail the hair and band it where you want him to cut it, that way he's helping you and you will stay sane.

The good thing is he cut it even. I had a stylist chop my hair and it was uneven at that. I would post a picture but this is your post so I'm not going to do it.
I agree with the ladies... Health before Length. Now you know you are working with a healthy head of hair. Shoot I just cut off some of my heat damage ends and nearly had a heart attack since it was like 2 months of growth cut off in the trash. But it will grow back!!
It looks nice but he cut off about a year's worth of progress. To be quite honest, I'd be upset regardless of how "nice" it looks. Just being honest.
I looks healthy to me. My hair seems to behave a little better when my damaged ragedy ends are cut. Actually, I need to do the same thing as you but I am waiting until it grows out a little more.
Wow, he cut a lot. He did a good job cutting evenly, but it is a lot. Did you tell him exactly how much you wanted cut? Maybe next time if you let him do it again, you can wear that measuring shirt and tell him what number to cut to.

At least as you grow it out you'll have a nice cut.
I agree with many others; your hair does not look butchered at all, he gave you a blunt cut, and it actually looks very nice. I understand about losing the length, but at least you won't have to do a lot of trimming as you reach your future length goals. Maybe he just prefers blunt ends?
Im sooo sorry to laugh, but I can see you frustration but he gave you what you asked for its even...its beautiful it will grow back quickly....
You know men hear and visual two different things.......dont cry no more
My 100% honest opinion:

First of all... Your hair looks lovely!

However, he cut too much off. You asked for 1/4 to 1/2 an inch... he cut off like 4 inches, right? :shocked:

If it was a stylist that did it, I bet more people would be angry for you.

On the other hand, I'm assuming he's not a hairstylist. Maybe he didn't understand.

I would still be very hurt.

It will grow back, and at least it still looks very nice and healthy. Sorry that this has happened to you :hug2:
Okay, here's my honest opinion. Your hair is in a V shape. Unless you expected him to recreate that V, he cut to where he could be sure it was even. If he'd done exactly what you'd said, 1/4 to 1/2 inch, I'd be MORE upset, because you'd have a blunt--nothing. Not a V, not a U. It'd look like an upside down trapezoid. In my mind, that's not gettin it. If in the future you want a small trim but also want to maintain the shape of the hair, I'd go to a professional. That said, I do much prefer the after, but I have a fetish for blunt ends :look:.
Thanks ladies!!! I am still feeling kind of down!:sad: I know some people think im over reacting, but I have been on this journey for almost 3 years and my hair was the longest its ever been!! No my hubby is not a professional, but he cuts hair. I have always trusted him to do my trims and he has always done a great job, but yesterday I don't know what happened:wallbash: Yes my ends were uneven, but I had layers and felt like they would have started to catch up, and I wanted to trim little by little if they didn't so that I didn't lose all the length that I had worked so hard to get! Now I just feel like i'm at point one all over again, just a little bit longer! At this point I feel like cutting it all off and saying screw it!!!!
Yowza, He took A LOT off.

HOWEVER, it looks way healthier now, nice and even ends, and you'll grow it back in now time.

If you let him cut your hair again, specify exactly how much you want him to remove before he starts choppin.
Thanks ladies!!! I am still feeling kind of down!:sad: I know some people think im over reacting, but I have been on this journey for almost 3 years and my hair was the longest its ever been!! No my hubby is not a professional, but he cuts hair. I have always trusted him to do my trims and he has always done a great job, but yesterday I don't know what happened:wallbash: Yes my ends were uneven, but I had layers and felt like they would have started to catch up, and I wanted to trim little by little if they didn't so that I didn't lose all the length that I had worked so hard to get! Now I just feel like i'm at point one all over again, just a little bit longer! At this point I feel like cutting it all off and saying screw it!!!!

And how many more years of growth would you have lost doing that? Your hair is still lovely, and it looks like now you don't have to worry about the layers catching up. I'll just say, I asked for a 1/2 inch trim last year, and the stylist took off almost 4 inches. She cut all of the layers out. But now, just six months later, my hair has grown so much and I don't have to cut it at all. Now is the time to really baby your hair so it can continue to grow, and hopefully you won't have to cut anytime soon. And be sure to tell hubby it's okay and you still love him...really you do!
Awww, OP. (((HUGS))) I know you're upset, but your hair looks really good.

I know exactly how you feel. Some years ago I was relaxed and bsl. My shortest layers in the front were at my collarbone. I asked my SO to trim my ends and he cut all my hair to above my shoulders :blush:; he said he had to match the piece in the front.

Just like you, I cried (while he danced around with my hair and pretended it was a wig). :nono: Men... they don't know any better. But your hair looks good, the new look will grow on you.

LOL That had me bust out laughing and now everyone in the library thinks I'm a loony.
is ur husband an undercover stylist - u know they all r scissor happy. He took off alot and I would be a bit upset also. However, I also like having a blunt cut - which he gave u very good one.
Thanks ladies!!! I am still feeling kind of down!:sad: I know some people think im over reacting, but I have been on this journey for almost 3 years and my hair was the longest its ever been!! No my hubby is not a professional, but he cuts hair. I have always trusted him to do my trims and he has always done a great job, but yesterday I don't know what happened:wallbash: Yes my ends were uneven, but I had layers and felt like they would have started to catch up, and I wanted to trim little by little if they didn't so that I didn't lose all the length that I had worked so hard to get! Now I just feel like i'm at point one all over again, just a little bit longer! At this point I feel like cutting it all off and saying screw it!!!!

That seems a little drastic, calm down. I think your hair looks better now eventhough it's a little shorter. Your ends weren't that great and now you are on your way of having your hair look like Tracyee by the summer.
You said be honest so don't kill me.
I can see how you would be upset over losing length, however if I'm to be prefectly honest, your hair looks way better then before. The look of your hair in photo 1 & 2 doesn't look as healthy and strong as photo's 3 & 4. Don't be to upset with DH, even though he went a lil scissor happy, your hair looks great!!!
He did cut ALOT and I would have cried initially as well...but it does look nice and even and thick.
Hubby would have had to buy me a present afterwards though, just for making me cry!!!
My husband wants to know if you beat his arse? He said 'Thats jacked up'!QUOTE]

Lmao! I should have caught him with a right hook, huh? I didn't, I was too busy crying and pouting.

While he was dancing in the mirror with his new 'wig' he would stop here and there and say "You better not cry." The nerve. :rolleyes:
My husband wants to know if you beat his arse? He said 'Thats jacked up'!QUOTE]

Lmao! I should have caught him with a right hook, huh? I didn't, I was too busy crying and pouting.

While he was dancing in the mirror with his new 'wig' he would stop here and there and say "You better not cry." The nerve. :rolleyes:

I'm sorry, I would be crying too but this story is too funny.:lachen:
Sorry SL.
I trust my DH to do my trims too but the time before last, he cut it so unven.
Then he spent the rest of the time trying to even it back up. I finally took the scissors from him. I let him cut my hair a few weeks ago but only because I was cutting 4 inches off and I didn't care how short it was.

I have cried over getting a 4 inch "trim" at a salon before so I totally understand where you are coming from. Unfortunately this is your DH so you can't hold a grudge for too long. I also know that as much a men like to see women with long hair that he wouldn't have done this if he didn't think it looked good.

I hope you feel better soon, your hair does look great with the cut.

So ladies I just got back home from running errands and I must say I like the cut. I wrapped it last night and when I unwrapped it this morning it was so pretty and flowy and to tangles at the ends. I will baby my ends and keep it up off my shoulders and hope to be BSL by next September! Again TY!
Your hair looks so healthy!

I can understand why you were shocked but just think - if you really protect your ends you might not need another trim for like 2 years lol.

How did you get your shirt? Did you make it or order it? I feel as if I need one of them.
I actually think that he did a good Now your ends are nice and healthy..I have a thing for blunt ends. It looks great to me!