My hubby butchered my hair!!!! pics!


New Member
Hey ladies! I am calm now, but I was not earlier!!! Well I relaxed/texlaxed today and was going to get my hubby to give me a little trim! Well I tell him I want it even, but only want 1/4-1/2 inch chopped! Well let me tell you I am about APL now if that!!! I t does look and feel health with the cut, but I feel bald! I cried my eyes out! What do you ladies think and please be honest with me.
well, he cut A LOT i'll tell u dat. but it looks GREAT, i actually like it. Don't worry, u'll grow it all back in no time :)
It's not as bad as you think. I think it looks ok :)

He evened it out. I would've done the same thing. If he had only taken off 1/4-1/2, you still would have had uneven ends. Right now you have a blunt cut, and if you're determined to grow, sometimes it's better to take off all the damage to avoid it moving up the strands. Also, you won't have to lose inches later on when you hit some of your goals

It would be even more devastating when you get to waist length (if that is a goal of yours) and you end up having to chop back to APL because of damage.
Thanks ladies! I know he was just trying to do what I told him. I will have to get use to this! Back to my growth aides and babying my ends, so this doesn't happen again!
I don't know why yall acting like it's not a big deal. If one of you went to a salon or asked one of your peeps for a "trim" and got 5 inches hacked off blunt or not you would be pissed too. I understand why you were crying hair will grow back but sheeeit who wants to start over to get back to a point they were just at.
He butchered your hair?? I butchered my hair a few months ago..i have so many layers i couldnt even put it in a ponytail! Thank god i have curly hair, so that i can hide the choppiness:lachen::nono:

Anyway i wouldnt call your hair butchered, i think your ends look amazing and much better!
If you would have went into a salon and asked for the same thing, you'd be NL right now. I came into this thread thinking the worst and all I see is a healthy blunt cut.
If you would have went into a salon and asked for the same thing, you'd be NL right now. I came into this thread thinking the worst and all I see is a healthy blunt cut.

This is an excellent point. Imagine the rage after a tragic salon visit after so much growth? I think in this case, a husband prevented the news from reporting "Furious woman hulk-smashes local salon". :lachen:
Its fine. He did it as a man would, lol getting rid of all the see through thinner hair and just making it perfectly even, at least he got it nice and even. You have a great even line now which will probably benefit you for future hair growth. In a couple of weeks to a month itll take on a more natural hang when the ends show a little growth and become slightly uneven again. Your hair is still long and healthy so dont worry...
Well I'd only trust my dear with my bangs, he just did it this weekend and I freaked so I know I a trim is out of the question. It's a pretty blunt cut but I know how you feel.
Hey ladies! I am calm now, but I was not earlier!!! Well I relaxed/texlaxed today and was going to get my hubby to give me a little trim! Well I tell him I want it even, but only want 1/4-1/2 inch chopped! Well let me tell you I am about APL now if that!!! I t does look and feel health with the cut, but I feel bald! I cried my eyes out! What do you ladies think and please be honest with me.

It looked straggly before and now it doesn't. But he did cut ALOT. Better baggy those ends so you wont have to cut for another year !
Awww, OP. (((HUGS))) I know you're upset, but your hair looks really good.

I know exactly how you feel. Some years ago I was relaxed and bsl. My shortest layers in the front were at my collarbone. I asked my SO to trim my ends and he cut all my hair to above my shoulders :blush:; he said he had to match the piece in the front.

Just like you, I cried (while he danced around with my hair and pretended it was a wig). :nono: Men... they don't know any better. But your hair looks good, the new look will grow on you.
Awww, OP. (((HUGS))) I know you're upset, but your hair looks really good.

I know exactly how you feel. Some years ago I was relaxed and bsl. My shortest layers in the front were at my collarbone. I asked my SO to trim my ends and he cut all my hair to above my shoulders :blush:; he said he had to match the piece in the front.

Just like you, I cried (while he danced around with my hair and pretended it was a wig). :nono: Men... they don't know any better. But your hair looks good, the new look will grow on you.

Oh my...that sounds horrible.

But your hair looks absolutely lovely now!:yep:
In the heat of the moment, you may have shown your anger with him. If so, take some time to make amends with him. He really did an EXCELLENT job.

I recently went to the salon for my trim and needed at least 3 inches. It was the best 3 inch trim. I really needed it.

I can't even get my DH to touch my hair since I'm such a NUT when it comes to cutting my hair.
He butchered your hair?? I butchered my hair a few months ago..i have so many layers i couldnt even put it in a ponytail! Thank god i have curly hair, so that i can hide the choppiness:lachen::nono:

Anyway i wouldnt call your hair butchered, i think your ends look amazing and much better!
I love the siggy pic
I don't know why yall acting like it's not a big deal. If one of you went to a salon or asked one of your peeps for a "trim" and got 5 inches hacked off blunt or not you would be pissed too. I understand why you were crying hair will grow back but sheeeit who wants to start over to get back to a point they were just at.

:lachen::lachen: I was thinking the same thing. I would be pissed that I'd have to start all over, so I definitely understand.

I see that he did even it up, and it does look good. My thing is though that if your hair was healthy before (healthy ends and all), the reason it wasn't all the same length is because like Chicoro mentioned before, our hair doesn't all grow at the same rate so it's possible that your ends would have caught up at some point. I would be slightly miffed for about a day or two, but your hair does look great.:yep: