My hair is better than yours!


New Member
:eek:ffrant:You know what? My hair is making a slow turn around. It's soft and moisturized and it looks decent everyday. (If you kno me personally you would understand this is a blessing LOL) :lachen: People are giving me compliments everyday on my hair, and how nice I look.... Now people wanna know advice from the retard. lol I guess they figure if I can learn to make my hair look nice ANYBODY can because...tsk tsk...

So this girl asks me what I do to my hair, I knew she didn't really wanna know so I said nothing much just same ole same ole. She said she really wanted to know, so I told her I was daily cowashing my hair moisturizing my hair every night deep conditioning twice a week and I don't use small combs anymore.... She looked at me crazy

Basically I'm slow because I didn't know that black people can't wash their hair everyday, and soon my hair is going to fall out. :ignore:It doesn't matter what comb you use and you have to brush your hair to stimulate your scalp which is why my hair looks better but she said it's not longer. You shouldn't moisturize your hair every day because it will get limp and then to top it off...she said

I don't have to do any of that stuff to my hair because my hair isn't like yours. My hair is better than yours:angry2: and I know how to take care of it without all that unnecessary stuff you're doing. All yoru hair is going to fall out.:censored:

Hmm... if so why is your hair soooo thin and stringy long with no body....AND WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME FOR ADVICE THEN?! :wallbash:
lmao! that be-yotch! whatever dont even listen to her. in a couple of months that same chick will be crawling back asking you how can she get her hair to look like yours.
:eek:ffrant:You know what? My hair is making a slow turn around. It's soft and moisturized and it looks decent everyday. (If you kno me personally you would understand this is a blessing LOL) :lachen: People are giving me compliments everyday on my hair, and how nice I look.... Now people wanna know advice from the retard. lol I guess they figure if I can learn to make my hair look nice ANYBODY can because...tsk tsk...

So this girl asks me what I do to my hair, I knew she didn't really wanna know so I said nothing much just same ole same ole. She said she really wanted to know, so I told her I was daily cowashing my hair moisturizing my hair every night deep conditioning twice a week and I don't use small combs anymore.... She looked at me crazy

Basically I'm slow because I didn't know that black people can't wash their hair everyday, and soon my hair is going to fall out. :ignore:It doesn't matter what comb you use and you have to brush your hair to stimulate your scalp which is why my hair looks better but she said it's not longer. You shouldn't moisturize your hair every day because it will get limp and then to top it off...she said

I don't have to do any of that stuff to my hair because my hair isn't like yours. My hair is better than yours:angry2: and I know how to take care of it without all that unnecessary stuff you're doing. All yoru hair is going to fall out.:censored:

Hmm... if so why is your hair soooo thin and stringy long with no body....AND WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME FOR ADVICE THEN?! :wallbash:

After she picked herself off of the floor, what did she say?
wow.. i can believe she said the nerve to say BETTER... hmm but you right why the hell did she even ask you in the first place..
:eek:ffrant:You know what? My hair is making a slow turn around. It's soft and moisturized and it looks decent everyday. (If you kno me personally you would understand this is a blessing LOL) :lachen: People are giving me compliments everyday on my hair, and how nice I look.... Now people wanna know advice from the retard. lol I guess they figure if I can learn to make my hair look nice ANYBODY can because...tsk tsk...

So this girl asks me what I do to my hair, I knew she didn't really wanna know so I said nothing much just same ole same ole. She said she really wanted to know, so I told her I was daily cowashing my hair moisturizing my hair every night deep conditioning twice a week and I don't use small combs anymore.... She looked at me crazy

Basically I'm slow because I didn't know that black people can't wash their hair everyday, and soon my hair is going to fall out. :ignore:It doesn't matter what comb you use and you have to brush your hair to stimulate your scalp which is why my hair looks better but she said it's not longer. You shouldn't moisturize your hair every day because it will get limp and then to top it off...she said

I don't have to do any of that stuff to my hair because my hair isn't like yours. My hair is better than yours:angry2: and I know how to take care of it without all that unnecessary stuff you're doing. All yoru hair is going to fall out.:censored:

Hmm... if so why is your hair soooo thin and stringy long with no body....AND WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME FOR ADVICE THEN?! :wallbash:

Just outta curiousity what she a black girl?

Also after she said that did u ask her then why did you ask me.. i would have
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lmao! that be-yotch! whatever dont even listen to her. in a couple of months that same chick will be crawling back asking you how can she get her hair to look like yours.

Yup she will~~cuz she'll be Bald or dang near it in no time at all at the rate she's going!
After she picked herself off of the floor, what did she say?
:lachen::lachen:I was thinking of grabbin her by the hair and swingin her and her attitude to da flo!

But LAWD! I just stood there for a minute and couldn't believe what she I politely smiled and changed the subject...I'm too nice lol Yup she's black but she's a little lighter than me so she is determined she has indian hair:lachen: in her and she hair is better because she has hair that is a little longer than most back girls (about 2 inches below shoulder :perplexed) I'm surprised she has ANY hair because of all that durn pink oil and grease she uses in her hair! OH and she told me my methods wasn't going to work because I use cheap products and you know I can't afford her kinda products like some thick grease mess with "olive oil and nutrients" in it lol that she says costs like $20....I just listened ...*sigh* loool
:lachen::lachen:I was thinking of grabbin her by the hair and swingin her and her attitude to da flo!

But LAWD! I just stood there for a minute and couldn't believe what she I politely smiled and changed the subject...I'm too nice lol Yup she's black but she's a little lighter than me so she is determined she has indian hair:lachen: in her and she hair is better because she has hair that is a little longer than most back girls (about 2 inches below shoulder :perplexed) I'm surprised she has ANY hair because of all that durn pink oil and grease she uses in her hair! OH and she told me my methods wasn't going to work because I use cheap products and you know I can't afford her kinda products like some thick grease mess with "olive oil and nutrients" in it lol that she says costs like $20....I just listened ...*sigh* loool

LOL I can't help it but is this product by any chance some darn old school products (ie. ultra sheen grease, perm repair and whatnots) combined into one, including her Pink Oil Moisturizer?? Hence her $20 price tag LOL:lachen::lachen::lachen:I just had to throw that out there!!
:lachen::lachen:I was thinking of grabbin her by the hair and swingin her and her attitude to da flo!

But LAWD! I just stood there for a minute and couldn't believe what she I politely smiled and changed the subject...I'm too nice lol Yup she's black but she's a little lighter than me so she is determined she has indian hair:lachen: in her and she hair is better because she has hair that is a little longer than most back girls (about 2 inches below shoulder :perplexed) I'm surprised she has ANY hair because of all that durn pink oil and grease she uses in her hair! OH and she told me my methods wasn't going to work because I use cheap products and you know I can't afford her kinda products like some thick grease mess with "olive oil and nutrients" in it lol that she says costs like $20....I just listened ...*sigh* loool

wow, smiling gracefully was the best route to go. Just do what you do and keep taking care of that crown of yours. Its just ticks me off when people love to to toot their own and then shut others down.

Just do what you do :3 and when you have your lovely length. Just swing your hair and make sure it hits her in the face :3
Hmm let's see I'm going to use a word people don't like here. She's a Hater. If her hair was so much better then yours then she wouldn't have felt the need to stop what she was doing to ask you about your hair that is supposedly so bad, and discredit you and your hard work. whatever! keep doing what your doing cause it's working. Why is it that when a black woman makes progress with thier hair, all this drama and negativity starts. Are people that miserable that their only happy when somebody is dong bad? That's really sad. :angry2:
:lachen::lachen:I was thinking of grabbin her by the hair and swingin her and her attitude to da flo!

But LAWD! I just stood there for a minute and couldn't believe what she I politely smiled and changed the subject...I'm too nice lol Yup she's black but she's a little lighter than me so she is determined she has indian hair:lachen: in her and she hair is better because she has hair that is a little longer than most back girls (about 2 inches below shoulder :perplexed) I'm surprised she has ANY hair because of all that durn pink oil and grease she uses in her hair! OH and she told me my methods wasn't going to work because I use cheap products and you know I can't afford her kinda products like some thick grease mess with "olive oil and nutrients" in it lol that she says costs like $20....I just listened ...*sigh* loool

Yeah. A lot of people are like that. They will think their hair is "better" just because it's longer.
Hmm let's see I'm going to use a word people don't like here. She's a Hater. If her hair was so much better then yours then she wouldn't have felt the need to stop what she was doing to ask you about your hair that is supposedly so bad, and discredit you and your hard work. whatever! keep doing what your doing cause it's working. Why is it that when a black woman makes progress with thier hair, all this drama and negativity starts. Are people that miserable that their only happy when somebody is dong bad? That's really sad. :angry2:

People hate the word "hater" here? :lol: Why?
what a ****! You shoulda stabbed her IM JOKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But she had the nerve!!!!!
I dont use this word often but what a b****. I dont think i would have held my tongue because ignorant mess like that gets me mad. Keep doing what your doing girl. You know what I hear ignorant stuff like that and it makes me really mad but it also motivates me to get on my grind to show people how stupid their thinking really is. I can't stand ignorance.

Let your haters be your motivators! And your hair looks very pretty in your siggy. Did you do the spirals yourself?
I honestly do think this sista was tryin to hate on you, simply cuz she KNOWS your hair is in better shape than hers and definitely looks better than hers. I can't help but feel that she's spewing them comments off because she's just simply jealous, but have ya thought about she really wanted to know what you doing so that SHE TOO can do it too, but secretly? Don't give her any more ideas gurlie, like someone else said, she won't said anything else when your hair does hit her in the face!
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OMG, I'm over here :rofl: that she swears she has Indian in her family!

What a simp!

Olive Oil and Nutrients??? I'll go in my kitchen and make that right now! :lol:
wow. i couldn't even imagine even having that conversation with someone. i'm so blunt i would've had that girl in tears.
She obviously has some insecurity issues :nono: especially since she asked you for advice in the first place. Just get used to it, there will be more of that to come. Your healthy hair speaks for itself!!!:yep:
"BETTER?!" Define "better." She is still on that archaic "good hair" fallacy. Obviously she's ignorant on two counts:

1. because she has slave mentality nearly a 150 years after the fact.:spank:
2. because she is so insecure about herself that she has to put someone else feel bad in order to feel good about herself.

Pssh--If your hair didn't look good, that ***** never would've asked you about it!
Wow. Well done. You took the classy route. You'll be getting a lot more of that as your hair becomes the object of envy for others. Just keep it up and politely ignore them. :yep:

I can't help but be reminded of a family member who asks me for computer help and then proceeds to tell me what I am doing wrong. I always stop and ask, "So then do you want to take care of it yourself?", to which they inevitably replied, "I don't know how to fix it." Then I would say, "Well I do. So are you going to let ME do it?" Now when I help, we don't have to have that conversation.

She obviously has some insecurity issues :nono: especially since she asked you for advice in the first place. Just get used to it, there will be more of that to come. Your healthy hair speaks for itself!!!:yep:

ITA with this ^^^.
Some people need to be hit with a brick up side their head.. Girl keep doing what you do. If next time she comes to u again asking for your regimen refer her to the old pink oil. Smile and call it a day. evil arze haters.
If I had a quarter for every person who said my hair was going to fall out... and it just kept getting longer and thicker and longer and heaithier and longer....

But, everyone's got their excuse as to why my hair looks this way. "Isn't your mama this. Ain't your dad this"" But you're mixed, right?"

Now, if only I could keep scissor-happy stylist out of my hair. Hmmm....
she think she slick... she has too much pride to ask for help and just say thankk you so she had to try and play you.. But i bet when she got home her a** was online looking up what cowashing it.. I bet you so much money she gonna try it. I hate ppl like that
Why is she asking for hair advice if her hair is so much better. Don't worry about her, she is obviously insecure.
wow. i couldn't even imagine even having that conversation with someone. i'm so blunt i would've had that girl in tears.

Ditto. I don't hold back much especially after she came to me to ask for advice and then have the nerve to say her hair is better than mine! I would have told her exactly what her hair looks like and how she should start from scratch to get it right.