My hair is better than yours!

Wow. People like her actually motivate me. My MIL talked mad crap a little over a year ago, when I was barely SL, and I made the mistake of sharing my new hair care practices with her. And recently she visited over the holidays, and now I am approaching BSL. She ate her words. :grin:

Time is your friend. Just sit back and laugh later. Enjoy the process.
The B!Tch don't know $h!t. Let her keep combing with the small teeth combs then the hair on her head gonn be lookin like the hair on her kootch.
I dont use this word often but what a b****. I dont think i would have held my tongue because ignorant mess like that gets me mad. Keep doing what your doing girl. You know what I hear ignorant stuff like that and it makes me really mad but it also motivates me to get on my grind to show people how stupid their thinking really is. I can't stand ignorance.

Let your haters be your motivators! And your hair looks very pretty in your siggy. Did you do the spirals yourself?

Yup!! I'm getting better yall with rolling!! lol But yeah...just wait til the summer...this ho (excuse my french) lool is gonna be all up in my a swingin "hurr" tryna buy my "cheap products" on the sly...and when the heck did Keracare become cheap! I need to find this store cuz LAWD $20 for some 36 oz. shampoo ain't THAT bad but it aint that's good either! loool

But you know what really makes me mad? Her hair is coarse and can take mroe than mine which is thin. :wallbash:BUT I JUST WANNA KNOW how does she still have hair when she flat irons her hair EVERY OTHER DAY! And loool before me nor my friends knew NOTHING about hair protectant so I know she doesn't use any loool. Plus I peeped her products....all Motions, Pink Oil, and Palmers ish lool ...i guess those are more expensive products that I should try lool :nono::nono:
The B!Tch don't know $h!t. Let her keep combing with the small teeth combs then the hair on her head gonn be lookin like the hair on her kootch.

OMG!!!!! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I'm dying!!!!! :lachen::lachen:

But yeah girl back on topic! :grin:

Your hair is TOO CUTE! :yep: It was sooooo obvious that she was hatin'!!! Keep doin' you and that hair!!! Make her hate cha even more!!! :grin:
Hater!! You'll show her behind come a year with your hair all down your back and thick. ppl still play that "i got indian in my family" card? That's so played. You black, you black, love it or get lost.
Ditto. I don't hold back much especially after she came to me to ask for advice and then have the nerve to say her hair is better than mine! I would have told her exactly what her hair looks like and how she should start from scratch to get it right.

Preach it girl!
"BETTER?!" Define "better." She is still on that archaic "good hair" fallacy. Obviously she's ignorant on two counts:

1. because she has slave mentality nearly a 150 years after the fact.:spank:
2. because she is so insecure about herself that she has to put someone else feel bad in order to feel good about herself.

Pssh--If your hair didn't look good, that ***** never would've asked you about it!

She's right!! She NOTICED that your hair is looking better,which is why she said something in the first place. She was prepared to say something bad,no matter what you said you were doing to it.
Stay on top of yours hun!! Shake em off!!
You're better than me. I would've been really calm and looked at her like :ohwell: I thought indian people had thick, glossy and smooth hair...what happened to yours? Cheap products? How much are you paying for that pink oil? Oh yeah? Your hair is better than mine? Let me know how so I can fix it... Last time I checked dry, broken off, thin hair is unhealthy. So are you saying I should rip my hair out from the root with a small toothed comb..that would make it grow?....sigh...why can't I run into these kinds of people....
It sounds as though she is envious of your hair & scared that yours will get as long or longer than hers. From your pics, you are obviously doing something right, because your hair looks healthy to me.

I also congratulate you on the classy way in which you handled the situation. You won't need words when she sees the length & beauty that you will achieve.
see, like everyone said, you are a much better woman than I am. . . cause see, I would have been on the evening news with a hoodie over my face & handcuffs with the headline, "Maryland woman shanks another over hair comment"
You're better than me. I would've been really calm and looked at her like :ohwell: I thought indian people had thick, glossy and smooth hair...what happened to yours? Cheap products? How much are you paying for that pink oil? Oh yeah? Your hair is better than mine? Let me know how so I can fix it... Last time I checked dry, broken off, thin hair is unhealthy. So are you saying I should rip my hair out from the root with a small toothed comb..that would make it grow?....sigh...why can't I run into these kinds of people....

Because God protects babies and fools. :lol: You'd probably have her curled up in a corner talking to herself.
OMG, I'm over here :rofl: that she swears she has Indian in her family!

What a simp!

Olive Oil and Nutrients??? I'll go in my kitchen and make that right now! :lol:

lol i live with someone who says she is part indian too :rolleyes: girl i just go head and ignore that bit of foolishness, she sounds like a broken record
see, like everyone said, you are a much better woman than I am. . . cause see, I would have been on the evening news with a hoodie over my face & handcuffs with the headline, "Maryland woman shanks another over hair comment"
:lachen::lachen:I see it on the headlines lool!! Can't WAIT! LOL LHCF is gonna be on the MAP baby!! lool!!
Like Kat Williams says, "If you have one hater hating on you, then you need to get 14 more by the summer!" Needless to say, you are doing something right and the chicken head can't stand it. Keep doing the dang thang and swing your hair and knock her eyes right out.:grin:
Like Kat Williams says, "If you have one hater hating on you, then you need to get 14 more by the summer!" Needless to say, you are doing something right and the chicken head can't stand it. Keep doing the dang thang and swing your hair and knock her eyes right out.:grin:

I don't understand this mentality. Like as long as your hair is LONGER than someone elses' it's better. Nevermind that it looks like a cat got into a lace tablecloth and laid waste. And WHY do these women insist on wearing their hair down EVERY FRIGGIN DAY while I'm watching it get thinner, and stiffer and more brittle. If you don't like protective styling, that's fine, but if you're at the gym sweatin your a** off what exactly is the point of having your hair down??

The saddest part, some of the stuff this woman said are exactly the things stylists will say to you. You can't wash your hair that much -- that's too often. You don't use a regular comb? That's why it's so tangled. All your hair is going to fall out using that white/clear/non black people stuff. :wallbash:
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I don't think the young lady was hating, jealous, or being deliberately ignorant. Notice her comments came after you described what you do to keep your hair healthy. OP don't take it personally. Her comments were just her way of saying that she's too damn lazy to commit to getting the kind of hair she wants. So of course she has to tear down your hair, because she's too lazy to make any changes to her routine.
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I'm going through the same thing with my family and friends, my mom is telling me I'm moisturizing my hair too much and its going to fall out. And my sister says I think I'm white cause I'm washing my hair weekly.

My sister hair is extremely extremely overprocessed, and is coming out around the edges, and everytime I try to help take care of her hair, she complains about the smell...of the product.....

My mom doesnt really comb her head daily and her beauticans frys her hair every 6 weeks.........

My sister keeps saying I cant wait until you straigten your hair and you see that it all fell out, cause I'm going to laugh at you........

It hurts a little, but I just tell them to leave me alone!!!!!!!

I will not be using heat on my hair until March or Maybe May.....

but I know my hair is healthy I can look at my comb and tell that.....
I remember in high school when I asked my girlfriend to trim my hair. She pulled the back of it and hacked it off with the scissors. "Oh, I didn't know what I was doing. You shouldn't have asked me." was her reply. She couln't stand seeing my hair grow longer than hers.

After that, I rocked a cute a** bob!
(I still loved her-R.I.P. 7/04)

Lesson learned: HATERATION!!!!! Green with Evny!!!!! Just like "my hair is better than yours."
... And WHY do these women insist on wearing their hair down EVERY FRIGGIN DAY while I'm watching it get thinner, and stiffer and more brittle. ...
you took the words out of my mouth! why do they do that??

OP: she was totally hating. Jealousy is an ugly thing.
Girl, If she ever has the nerve to ask you again...will you PLEASE give her ALL the WRONG advise.

Tell her to use sponge rollers
Tell her to wait at least 3 weeks before washing
Tell her to bulk up on over the top levels of protein and no moisture
Buy her the Smallest tooth comb you can find
Tell her to flat iron daily w/ no heat protectant

....oh then laugh at her a@@ when her hair breaks off uncontrollably. :lachen:

We can dream can't we... but honestly, just play her by babying your hair and let it grow, grow, grow!!
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Girl, If she ever has the nerve to ask you again...will you PLEASE give her ALL the WRONG advise.

Tell her to use sponge rollers
Tell her to wait at least 3 weeks before washing
Tell her to bulk up on over the top levels of protein and no moisture
Buy her the Smallest tooth comb you can find
Tell her to flat iron daily w/ no heat protectant

....oh then laugh at her a@@ when her hair breaks off uncontrollably. :lachen:

We can dream can't we... but honestly, just play her by babying your hair and let it grow, grow, grow!!

:lachen::lachen::lachen: I know you're being sarcastic but this is so funny :look:.
Girl, If she ever has the nerve to ask you again...will you PLEASE give her ALL the WRONG advise.

Tell her to use sponge rollers
Tell her to wait at least 3 weeks before washing
Tell her to bulk up on over the top levels of protein and no moisture
Buy her the Smallest tooth comb you can find
Tell her to flat iron daily w/ no heat protectant

....oh then laugh at her a@@ when her hair breaks off uncontrollably. :lachen:

We can dream can't we... but honestly, just play her by babying your hair and let it grow, grow, grow!!

:lachen::lachen::lachen: "Oh and by the way use a lot of gel on your hair! I heard it works wonders as a protein treatment. Put horse mess on your hair, the stimulants will make it grow! That's how the horses' tails get so long lool!"
:lachen::lachen::lachen: "Oh and by the way use a lot of gel on your hair! I heard it works wonders as a protein treatment. Put horse mess on your hair, the stimulants will make it grow! That's how the horses' tails get so long lool!"

You mean that's not true?? :perplexed I thought that is what pre-poo meant! What am I gonna do with the big box I bought?


But seriously, you could have posted this and people would believe it...coochie cream, pee.... horse mess is only a step away :lol:
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wow. i couldn't even imagine even having that conversation with someone. i'm so blunt i would've had that girl in tears.
giiiirl! you know? lol

why did she even start talking that mess to you? she actually had the nerve to say her hair was better? wouldve been no more convo after that. she was just plain out rude as hell.