My hair is better than yours!

You mean that's not true?? :perplexed I thought that is what pre-poo meant! What am I gonna do with the big box I bought?


But seriously, you could have posted this and people would believe it...coochie cream, pee.... horse mess is only a step away :lol:

:lachen::lachen::lachen: Now that's just funny right there! lool. What's funny is that the girl has become a huge hater of me, my clothes, and my hair lately. She claims it doesn't look like it used to (like that's a bad thing) She says I need to get a kut because i don't look professional, and don't I know most black girls hair won't get that long. It reaches a point and just falls all out.

What IS funny is that instead of asking me for more advice, she just buys everything I have....yall she bought that KeraCare 1st lather shampoo and uses it every 5-7 days. (I use that once a month followed by a GOOD con) It has severely dried her hair out and she dunno why. Haha it's gettin...shorter...and shorter..and the energizer bunny...I'm not gonna say a durn word. loool Besides...her hair is better than mine right?
dag. if she hadn't had such a nasty attitude, she could be growing long hair right along with you. maybe she'll apologize and ask for more tips when her hair is done falling off.
Girl, If she ever has the nerve to ask you again...will you PLEASE give her ALL the WRONG advise.

Tell her to use sponge rollers
Tell her to wait at least 3 weeks before washing
Tell her to bulk up on over the top levels of protein and no moisture
Buy her the Smallest tooth comb you can find
Tell her to flat iron daily w/ no heat protectant

....oh then laugh at her a@@ when her hair breaks off uncontrollably. :lachen:

We can dream can't we... but honestly, just play her by babying your hair and let it grow, grow, grow!!

LOL! Great advice! I second this...........................:lachen:
I remember in high school when I asked my girlfriend to trim my hair. She pulled the back of it and hacked it off with the scissors. "Oh, I didn't know what I was doing. You shouldn't have asked me." was her reply. She couln't stand seeing my hair grow longer than hers.

After that, I rocked a cute a** bob!
(I still loved her-R.I.P. 7/04)

Lesson learned: HATERATION!!!!! Green with Evny!!!!! Just like "my hair is better than yours."

My older cousin (mom's cousin) did this to me once. I rocked a cute bob and it grew back quickly. May hair was always longer and in much better health than hers...actually a couple of bobs since then...this happened in like 97 or something..