My Hair Is Actually Growing!! YAY! PICS!


New Member
I just wrote out a whole speech about a watched pot never boiling and then my browser crashes...erases everything. I hate you Safari!! :wallbash:

Anyway, I had an epiphany just a moment ago. My hair's actually growin! :clapping: I went thru old pics to see the difference. So I thought I'd share.

I'm not complete APL yet. Bein a big girl with a BIG back has its disadvantages. Takes me longer to reach goals. :ohwell: Oh well, I'm in no rush. :look:

Here are the pictures. Sorry they're so big, I'm too lazy to resize them. Hope you enjoy! :yep:

May 2010 (My homegirl straightened it. BEST. EVER.)

Feb 2011 (I straightened. It's not as straight, but you can tell it's longer even with the curls at the end.)

Nov 2009 (The only other time I did a blow out and kept it long enough to take a pic.)

Feb 2011 (Did a blow out right before I straightened. Unfortunately I jacked up my ends using the comb attachment. NEVER AGAIN!)

Nov 2009 (A wash n go from a year and half ago. I hate wash n go's. The shrinkage is of the devil!)

April 2011 (A wash n go from a couple weeks ago. Sorry I look a mess. Law school leaves me NO time for makeup.)
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:congrats: on your progress. Your hair has really grown! Love that eyeshadow in the third pic, too!
Excellent progress! U know i'm jelly over all that beautiful natural hair! j/k.....i can't wait to cut off my relaxed hair and join u
beautiful hair! You're very pretty with great skin. I see youre in the H too, how did you find the humidity to affect your press?