My hair grew the fastest when......(PICS)

Mari J

New Member
My hair grew the fastest when I became all natural and wore weaves for a whole year! (Healthy Hair Pics Below)


And then......

I effed up by using too much direct heat and permanently coloring my hair. The result is below.:wallbash:


I definitely learned my lesson and am on the right track now. When did your hair grow the fastest???
When I went on a diet last year. I started walking, eating sprouts, exercising and I did nothing to my hair but bunned.

Are we suppose to post pics?
I like this thread, but I don't have a testimony. Dlewis, I would like to see your pics.
When I went on a diet last year. I started walking, eating sprouts, exercising and I did nothing to my hair but bunned.

Are we suppose to post pics?
No you don't have to post pics. Just curious on the different techniques used to grow hair faster and retain length. Your hair looks really thick and healthy!!:yep:
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You mentioned color. Ever time I dye my hair I lose hair. Whether it's a rinse or permanent color. It didn't really matter until I start tryng to grow my hair. That's when it dawned on me...."your hair doesn't like color".
Mari, your hair is beautiful will you be doing the weaves again? I'm really considering a weave this year.

DLewis your hair is lovely.
Mari, your hair is beautiful will you be doing the weaves again? I'm really considering a weave this year.

DLewis your hair is lovely.

Thanks!! I will switch up my reggie this year.

2010 Regimen

· weekly DC Protein Steam Treatments
· co-washes every 3-4 days
· Weekly poo
· Direct heat no more than 3 times a year for length checks
· Protective Styling/Bunning hair 90% of the time and moisturizing daily
· Take daily/vitamins hair supplements, drink lots of water, cleanse, exercise, and eat healthy

I Will Not...

Permanently color my hair or trim
You mentioned color. Ever time I dye my hair I lose hair. Whether it's a rinse or permanent color. It didn't really matter until I start tryng to grow my hair. That's when it dawned on me...."your hair doesn't like color".
dlewis I definitely agree! I finally see the light and will NEVER permanently color my hair again. The funny thing is I just got my roots touched up the end of December. Another minor setback but I WILL SURVIVE!!!
When I was relaxed...and natural...and texlaxed...with a fantastic diet, regular exercise, a regular supplement, washed and co-washed daily and focused on things other than my hair.
I was pregnant and I wore braids for 9 months straight.

I don't have pics, this was before my HHJ. I single-handedly destroyed that healthy hair in 6 months. :nono:
To be totally honest, "Nothing"!, of course I Deep Condition every 10 Days, but When I want something different, I cornrow it up and make wigs or purchase wigs, just for something different, or if I'm doing a stretch, like right now, is when I retain the most, I probably can attribute the fast growth from the Sulfur Mix, I cornrowed My hair for 4 to 6 Weeks while I was doing a Mini-Challenge (with Myself), using the Mix, and I must say, this is when it seems to show the most progress. Growth, Retention, I don't know which, but that is when I noticed.
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Hi ladies!!!

I'm new here so I don't understand all of the terms/acronyms. But in response to your question, my hair grew fastest when I:

1. Was pregnant & eating healthy & taking prenatal vitamins
2. When it was dirty
3. When it's braided or weaved..

What is a weekly DC Protein Steam Treatment?
What is a co-wash & why is it done so frequently? (every 3-4 days)
What is a weekly poo? It's kinda scary to me.

LOL! :lachen:

I think there's a list of terms in the stickies but I don't know how to link. You can find them at the top of the page.

What is a weekly DC Protein Steam Treatment?

She deep conditioned her hair using a steamer and a protein conditioner.

What is a co-wash & why is it done so frequently? (every 3-4 days)

Co-wash is using conditioner to wash the hair instead of or in place of shampoo. It's supposed to be more moisturizing. The frequency varies depending on the individual. Not everyone does it.

What is a weekly poo? It's kinda scary to me.

Poo is just short for shampoo.

Don't be scared just take your time and read through the threads, you'll have it down in no time.

QUOTE=Vavavoom;9827148]Hi ladies!!!

I'm new here so I don't understand all of the terms/acronyms. But in response to your question, my hair grew fastest when I:

1. Was pregnant & eating healthy & taking prenatal vitamins
2. When it was dirty
3. When it's braided or weaved..

What is a weekly DC Protein Steam Treatment?
What is a co-wash & why is it done so frequently? (every 3-4 days)
What is a weekly poo? It's kinda scary to me.

When I did nothing to it.
When I worked out, drank protein shakes, drank 70oz water daily, vitamins I gained about 3inces in 2mths. I think I boosted my spring growth spurt because I went from SL to an inch from APL in 2mth.
I plan in getting back on this. I already started doing nothing to my hair except moisturize, seal wash & DC. Gym starts next week along with shakes.
Hi ladies!!!

I'm new here so I don't understand all of the terms/acronyms. But in response to your question, my hair grew fastest when I:

1. Was pregnant & eating healthy & taking prenatal vitamins
2. When it was dirty
3. When it's braided or weaved..

What is a weekly DC Protein Steam Treatment?
What is a co-wash & why is it done so frequently? (every 3-4 days)
What is a weekly poo? It's kinda scary to me.


Welcome Newbie! Here's a link to the Newbie Manual a member put together. It should help.

Ok, my hair grew the fastest when I joined the six month HYH Challenge last year and just stuck to my basic regimen and left it alone.
Hi ladies!!!

I'm new here so I don't understand all of the terms/acronyms. But in response to your question, my hair grew fastest when I:

1. Was pregnant & eating healthy & taking prenatal vitamins
2. When it was dirty
3. When it's braided or weaved..

What is a weekly DC Protein Steam Treatment?
What is a co-wash & why is it done so frequently? (every 3-4 days)
What is a weekly poo? It's kinda scary to me.

I'm new here too so don't feel bad! I'm still learning as well. When I asked this question a helpful member posted this list.

EL – Ear Length
NL – Neck Length
SL - Shoulder Length
APL – Arm Pit Length
BSL – Bra Strap Length
MBL – Mid back Length
WSL – Waist Length Hair
NG – New Growth
BC – Big Chop
DC – Deep Condition
NTM – Neutrogena Triple Moisture
MNT - Mane N Tail
CW- Conditioner Wash
CWC - Conditioner, Wash, Conditioner
ACV – Apple Cider Vinegar
CON – Creme of Nature
WRTC - White Rain Tropical Coconut conditioner
BSS – Beauty Supply Store
PJ – Product Junkie
Slip – When the comb easily glides through the hair
IMO – In My Opinion
HHG – Happy Hair Growing
BHM – Black Hair Media
LHCF – Long Hair Care Forum
EVOO - Extra Virgin Olive Oil
EVCO – Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
JBCO - Jamaican Black Castor Oil
DIY – Do It Yourself
HTH - Hope This Helps
ETA - Edited To Add
TIA - Thanks In Advance
ITA - I Totally Agree
IA - I Agree
SMH - Shakes My Head
SO - Significant Other
DH - Dear Husband
DD - Dear Daughter
BRB - Be Right Back
BTW - By The Way
HE - Herbal Essences
MMF - Mizani Moisturefuse.
MT - Mega Tek
MN - Miconazole Nitrate
EO - Essential Oil
SAA - Silk Amino Acid
S&D - Search & Destory (Method for Triming off Spilt Ends)
FFOTD - Fab Foto Of The Day
LOTD - Look Of The Day
ALS - Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate, Ammonium Laureth Sulfate
SLS - Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate
Cones - Silicones
My hair grew the fastest when I was on a super-healthy diet, lots of vitamins and water and exercise, and being consistent with using MN:

This was May '08:


This was 1.5 months later:


I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't been documenting my hair journey w/ pics.
(dont judge me)

When I left my hair COMPLETELY alone. As in I got a sew-in weave and left it in for 7 months straight. I washed my hair ONCE a month and used braid spray occasionally. I retained 7 inches (no exaggeration). My stylist retightened the tracks once a month. (Mind you I consider myself a weavologist :lachen:it looks good from day first to day last)


month 6

However a new stylist made me feel like crap when I was talking about it once. I felt so ridiculed. Needless-to-say I haven't done a weave AT ALL since and I'm back to 1/8 - 1/2 in a month :sad: :perplexed

ETA: before I told this stylist this she was complimenting me on my ends (even though I never had a real trim) and the overall health of my hair... ugh i would love to say how its best to ignore peoples opinions, but coming from a stylist, it really hurt to hear her say all the crap that she did AFTER complimenting me on my hair's health)
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This is a nice thread, OP. Mine grew fastest when I stopped combing so much, and just left it alone. My hair doesn't like to be washed frequently (like more than once a week). I do CW in summer sometimes twice a week, just for moisture, but my hair definitely grows the fastest when I braid it up and leave it alone for weeks at a time. Other than that, bunning and leaving it be also produce great results in the growth and thickness areas.

ETA: You can check out my Fotki for pics from July 2009 vs. Nov. 2009. Those results came from braiding (w/o extensions), using grease on my scalp, washing every 2 weeks or longer between washings, and wearing a LF to let my hair "rest and grow." I don't care if folks think its gross or judge me for not washing for like 3 or 4 weeks at a time while my hair is braided. My hair speaks for itself, and no, it doesn't smell after all that time...I don't overload with products. Sherrylove (if you all remember her) also went several weeks between washings, and has nice, long, past WL hair (the last time I saw her, she did); so did my great-grandma, and so does my grandmother.
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You mentioned color. Ever time I dye my hair I lose hair. Whether it's a rinse or permanent color. It didn't really matter until I start tryng to grow my hair. That's when it dawned on me...."your hair doesn't like color".
:yep::yep: my hair hates colour and always sheds when i do it and that is not even with permanent colour. Not even going to attempt that
As others said, my hair grew the fastest when it was both 1) protectively styled and 2) left alone. I experienced the most growth with braids (*not* micros) and sew-ins...but when I got to grad school I did absolutely nothing to it--no moisturizing, no styling, no nothing...just hats and no likey. :nono:

Here's hoping this is the last time I'll have to grow out a TWA...
My rate of growth has been pretty much the same throughout my life, I just could not retain my ends, therefore it seemed as if it did not grow that quick.

Now that I know better and can retain my ends, I would say that my hair grows fastest in summer.

Just to add... during my pregnancy I did not shed, and my hair was fabulously awesomely thick. I lost it all thereafter :/
When I did my Crown & Glory braids, I retained everything. With my wigs, too, I retained really well. What messed me up and caused setbacks was 1) slacking off on protein and 2) messing with weaves :nono: :wallbash: Never again!!! :down: