My boss says she envies AA women's hair

I take it with a grain of salt. It's their way of "othering" us. Most of the time they really don't mean what they say, though. It's an aspect of their other faces.
One of my old good friends (ha no longer a good friend as of this month!) has been harassing me non-stop about my decision to transition. Mind you he's AA and had an afro for all of last semester!

Anywho, last night I was walking with my best friend who is Asian and I was complaining to her about his nerve. To my immense surprise she turned to me and said "Wow he's so ridiculous. I wish my hair could be as versatile/interesting as yours. Think about it, every single day you seem me with the same straight hair. My hair can't even hold a style never mind a curl!" I was completely caught off guard because she has a tendency to be brutally honest, all the time.
I remember when I first started wearing braid outs, I had a lot of Mexican women complementing me on my hair. I ain't gonna lie, at first I gave them the side eye, while still saying thank you. I can be very suspicious sometimes. :lol:
I'm happy to hear of your boss being supportive.

My co-workers call me 'the girl who wears a different hairstyle everyday' which is a vast overexaggeration lol but they wear their hair the same way day in day out so I guess my updo one day braidout the next is quite new to them

The white people at my job say I'm "the woman of a 1000 hairstyles" lol​
To be honest, not gonna lie, when I was younger, I used to envy white and Asian people's hair. Just the way it's so shiny, smooth and grows long so easily, compared to my rough dry short mess (due to not knowing how to look after it properly). I really believed mine could never be as nice, nor did I know the complete capabilities of my hair. Since discovering this forum, my views have had a complete turn around, and I'm beginning to feel quite proud of my hair type; it is really is beautiful and versatile, and I am so excited to be fully natural one day, getting attention from my hot afro :afro: :D.