..the matching colors between the posts are where I respond to the issue.
You shouldn't let the tone or the subject matter of this thread bother you; I think perhaps what was unclear is my reasoning for starting it in the first place. My goal was NOT to squash some hidden insecurity I had, or feel like any of the ladies on the board have, but to debate some things I have heard in past conversations and wanted to get some input from the ladies here.
I am studying towards a profession that already contain multitudes of biases and I had a mentor that told me and a friend that we should consider perming our hair or flat ironing it more because it was more 'professional'. Needless to say, we not only put her in her place, we gave her examples of why she should not assume that everyone is disapproving of our hair and I guess in haste, I failed to explain that connection in the original thread. Just like you said, surely, just because she feels that a few people thought a certain way at one firm, meant it was across the board.
I feel that the other ladies that mentioned their experiences were also giving examples of how mindsets are not general, if I'm making sense. Understandably, they would offer their more positive experiences in order to do so, but I don't feel anyone here was seeking validation or is insecure, rather, I feel they are the opposite.
Furthermore, supposing a lurker or someone considering going natural saw this thread, I think it would be a good thing to see some misconceptions squashed. Although WE on the board already feel positively about our hair, fact of the matter is, not every Black person does and we know our hair is the hair that usually, in this society is 'controversial'.
I hope I cleared things up Neith, and if something still seems a bit unclear, don't hesitate to ask. I just felt your post shows somewhat of a disdain for me starting this thread maybe because I may have been unclear.