My Boss Tells Me NO MORE BUNS! How Can I Look My Best & Keep Hair Healthy?

Yeah. I was thinking Off Topic but I'm certain more members visit the Hair Care forum and it would be great for all to have access to the discussion.

Not many folks visit the Career section. lol.

Hey Rasta I agree I think the hair section would prob be the best place for maximum exposure and input from the board.
Not to be a debbie downer but I just wanted to say be careful when you're trying to get your edges sleek. I was brushing and gelling my edges everyday because I wanted it to look sleek with my half wig and the temples started to thin a little bit.

Maybe you can make a bigger bun with some stockings. A bigger bun could make a difference.
The problem with half wigs and the like is that they often take just as much effort and talent to make look good as your real hair. If her problem is that she's having trouble styling, then that same problem will happen with any wig.
I have type 3 hair too, Wyldcurlz, and after I go running in the morning, I do the following:
  1. Rinse my hair.
  2. Apply Lustrasilk Shea & Cholesterol conditioner.
  3. Fully detangle with a large paddle brush.
  4. Spritz all over with Motions Marula Oil.
  5. Make a ponytail.
  6. Twist the ponytail loosely 2-3 times.
  7. Pin it under if the ponytail is high; pin it up if the ponytail is low.
  8. Optional: Brush the front with a soft boar bristle brush; this usually isn't necessary for me as the the conditioner and oil keep my hair smooth.
This results in a shiny, curly textured, frizz-free, large bun. All the French girls in my office ooh and ahh over it and say "I wish my hair could do that."

I have a roller set at the moment so can't take a picture today, but will get one up online by next week just for you.
Not to be a debbie downer but I just wanted to say be careful when you're trying to get your edges sleek. I was brushing and gelling my edges everyday because I wanted it to look sleek with my half wig and the temples started to thin a little bit.
I agree about the potential for damage. I stopped brushing my hairline systematically and it is no frizzier than before. It would be best to let the product do the smoothing.
Thank you for saying this and that's why I suggested the Syntonics. I too was using gel every day for years and my edges became brittle and started to break and I was using KeraCare by the way. I finally had to throw in the towel with using gel because my edges were jacked up. I would suggest the Syntonics to anyone that likes using gel because it holds throughout the day and you don't have to worry about compromising your hair line :nono:.

Not to be a debbie downer but I just wanted to say be careful when you're trying to get your edges sleek. I was brushing and gelling my edges everyday because I wanted it to look sleek with my half wig and the temples started to thin a little bit.
The promo depends on OP wearing her hair out-- her boss said she didn't want her hair "slicked back"

The manager has told the OP to wear her hair down and get rid of the buns altogether so this all seems rather moot to me. :look: Unless the manager can be pacified with some slick and more professional looking buns.

Hope you're not feeling too badly by this all OP. :bighug:



Corporate America kills me!! I have the same issue. I like wearing my buns because 1.) its easy maintenance 2.) protective style and 3.) I go to the gym during lunch so its easy to deal with. For the most part, I wear my hair in a bun for a week and straight down for a week (alternating weeks). Everytime my hair is down, I get more compliments and my boss would tell me (several times) "You're hair looks really nice, you should wear your hair like that everyday" *hint,hint*:perplexed I wonder if wearing my hair in a bun is hurting me professionally to move up the ladder. Now, I'm considering a sew-in. So I too understand your fraustration. Wish I can give you some advice but I'm also trying to figure out this puzzle.
My texture is very similar to yours, and in order for me to get a sleek bun, I detangle and ponytail my hair while in the shower. After I step out, I apply a dollop of Fantasia IC over my hair, focusing on the edges. I smooth back with my hands, and undo the ponytail. While keeping a firm grip on my hair, I take my denman brush in one hand , smooth any tangles from my hair, and put my hair back into a ponytail.

To make a really elegant and protective bun, I made this tutorial:

I've also provided a rollerset tutorial:

Please let me know how this works for you :)
My texture is very similar to yours, and in order for me to get a sleek bun, I detangle and ponytail my hair while in the shower. After I step out, I apply a dollop of Fantasia IC over my hair, focusing on the edges. I smooth back with my hands, and undo the ponytail. While keeping a firm grip on my hair, I take my denman brush in one hand , smooth any tangles from my hair, and put my hair back into a ponytail.

To make a really elegant and protective bun, I made this tutorial:

I've also provided a rollerset tutorial:

Please let me know how this works for you :)

That is a great tutorial, even as a seasoned rollersetter, you've explained it so well for people who want to give rollersetting a try. Thanks. :)
My texture is very similar to yours, and in order for me to get a sleek bun, I detangle and ponytail my hair while in the shower. After I step out, I apply a dollop of Fantasia IC over my hair, focusing on the edges. I smooth back with my hands, and undo the ponytail. While keeping a firm grip on my hair, I take my denman brush in one hand , smooth any tangles from my hair, and put my hair back into a ponytail.

To make a really elegant and protective bun, I made this tutorial:

I've also provided a rollerset tutorial:

Please let me know how this works for you :)
Wow:blush: this is everything OP needed to know in one post!! :clapping::clapping::clapping: Your bun is so sophisticated, cute, full professional and sleek

and that rollerset was flawless!!:goodpost:

You should really give a rollerset like kblc06 did a try wyldcurls, it was flawless!
exactly it is obvious that her manager just doesnt like buns and visually maybe wants the ladies in the office to wear their hair down--so be it--either rock with the way it goes there or deuces...:perplexed

i personally dont like buns--they r boring and visually bland to my eye..i dont think growing yoor hair or keeping your hair healthy has to involve a bun...

i woulda had my hair down so quick---shiddddddd...lookin at my new promotion check the next week lmaoooo

The manager has told the OP to wear her hair down and get rid of the buns altogether so this all seems rather moot to me. :look: Unless the manager can be pacified with some slick and more professional looking buns.

Hope you're not feeling too badly by this all OP. :bighug:
I agree with your post BUT your bun isnt corporate appropriate either. It very similar to hers except yours is a bit more flat.

Not trying to be rude, but I thought the intent was to give her ideas to improve her bunning technique. Your bun look VERY similar to hers. :)


One of the reason why I found the OP's hair messy, was b/c it wasn't flat and/or neat looking. Considering I work at a university, its fine if my bun isn't considered corporate since I don't work in that environment(at least not until I receive my Masters). My focus is on making sure my hair look neat. On another note, I definitely think that some of the other styles posted would be good alternatives.
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My texture is very similar to yours, and in order for me to get a sleek bun, I detangle and ponytail my hair while in the shower. After I step out, I apply a dollop of Fantasia IC over my hair, focusing on the edges. I smooth back with my hands, and undo the ponytail. While keeping a firm grip on my hair, I take my denman brush in one hand , smooth any tangles from my hair, and put my hair back into a ponytail.

To make a really elegant and protective bun, I made this tutorial:

I've also provided a rollerset tutorial:

Please let me know how this works for you :)

I love this! One of the best tutorials for creating a fuller bun I've seen. So cute.
I don't think conditioner is going to cut it for slicking your edges back. Do you not want to use gel? If you want to stay natural use aloe vera gel, if not eco styler from the BSS will make your edges smooth.

Also instead of just twisting the hair around I think you should use one of those bun formers things, like a foam donut, to get a nice round bun.

Or Fantasia IC Styling Gel w/Sparklites. That's my current fav for slicking back edges.
For the most part, I am anti-bun on myself. It's not flattering at all on me and I feel kinda homely in my BEST bun (slicked down and everything)!!! It just isn't me. OP you stated that buns aren't flattering on you... as many other ladies have suggested, maybe you should look into other low manipulation (braidout, twistout, rollersets etc.) styles and forgo the bun all together!

On another note, my Grandmother worked in HR for over 20 years (retired in 06) and I know that she would suggest taking your boss's advice. She's old school though and she believes that we must play the part in order to get where we want to be!!!
This has been an interesting thread. OP I hope you have a solution to your problem.

OT: Maybe someone can now start a seperate thread showing styles appropriate for corporate situations. :yep:
It may give people more styling ideas. It would def help me as I am style-challenged espcially when I am out of extensions!:sad:
OP, I agree with the posts about using the scarf, some product and wet hair... I wet bun my hair every morning.. But she's smooth.. like real smooth and my texture is a lot like yours. I dont know what you feel about CO washing, but you dont actually have to do that. You can spray your hair with water and wet it, put on some condish to leave in and castor oil on top (castor oil is kinda thick, so it's great for making the hair lay down). Brush your hair back into the bun and then tie it down with a scarf kinda tight. Let it stay that way til you get outside of work and take it off. You should be fine. I think buns ARE for you, but you could definitely perfect your technique. It's rather easy to do this, and may I suggest you practice today and tomorrow and see what you can come up with. IMHO, i would not advise using gel. Most gels are drying and damage the hair. While you want a better style, I'm sure you want to maintain the health of your hair. Another thing I've been doing lately as well as once I put the hair in the ponytail holder (ouchless, seamless holder), I then braid the hair and then wrap it around the holder, making sure I tuck in the end. It looks sleek adn nice, and very pretty. I always get compliments and my edges be on point! Bless you sis, I know it's hard to hear such harsh comments, and honestly, they could have used some diplomacy and tact, but you know--some people lack that... We can be gentle with each other but honest... Also, if you should decide to try this, repost another pic cause I wanna see your progress... I know for sure you can do it!

Be encouraged,


ETA: I know some discourage against wet brushing, but using a soft brush and going slowly will help you not rip through your hair and tear up your cuticle. Im very gentle when I do it and my hair is fine--and trust, I have very delicate hair... It likes to fall apart if you look at it too hard ;)
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I don't event think you need to wear it down all the time. Occasionally, yes, but I don't think you have to sacrifice health for style.

My suggestions: Get a couple of phony ponies. You can easily slick the sides and top down more (or not bc sometimes messy/undone compliments the overall style you are going for) and add additional hair AND HAIR ACCESORIES to make your look more polished. I think your bun is too small and too tight to be "stylish."

Big messy buns at the top, back or side of the head with tasteful accessories will make all the difference. I think with your hair texture, you could buy some generic synthetic phony pony pieces for a resonable price. I like Tony Brattin's pieces from HSN. <--Try one like this in dark or medium brown and you can do your bun the same way you normally do, wrap the fake hair tight for a more controlled bun, twist and clip it up and have the ends hanging for a loose messy up-do, or twist it loosely for a loose messy bun. Add a nice headband (try forever21 for reasonable, cheap fashionable hair accessories) or accessory and your style quotient just went up 200%!

I think it's the style and how it doesn't really compliment your overall appearance that's the issue with your boss and I can kinda see where she is coming from.

Your main thing is that you want your hair to look "intentional" and right now it doesn't.
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Just wanted to chime in and say that while the boss did say to wear your hair down more and lose the bun, she may not have meant exactly that. The bun is messy and looks like you didn't feel like doing your hair that day. Whereas, she knows that you took some time with the other hairstyles and you WANTED them to look good. This bun shows that you simply don't care how it looks. At least that's the way it looks to me. Some of the other buns with all their intricacies show that you care how your hair looks.
Like some have said before, I think she needs to let go of the buns, because even if she fixes them then it will still be a bun. Her boss told her to lose the bun. She can still practice them just don't wear them to work. I suggest a half-wig or rollerset.
I am hoping to see progress pics and an update from the OP. Did she get a half wig? Did she master the sophisticated bun? Even tho the boss said no bun, based on the picture I think the boss meant get rid of THAT bun.
Like some have said before, I think she needs to let go of the buns, because even if she fixes them then it will still be a bun. Her boss told her to lose the bun. She can still practice them just don't wear them to work. I suggest a half-wig or rollerset.

You may be right but maybe if the boss saw her wearing a NICE, neat bun, then she'd at least know the OP was trying.
Based on your length, you may be a candidate for this style. You can do it with your curly hair, it's protective too. You can also do it on a rollerset. It's super easy. I tried to find the tutorial I used for it, but it's been removed.




I definitely suggest wearing a phony pony or bun. I was the queen of them while relaxed LOL
Unfortunately I have to agree with the boss on this one. I work in corporate america and I am one of 3 black women. I wear my hair in a bun 99% of the time and I received nothing but complements. Even if your hair is in a bun it needs to look polished and well manicured. I use Lustersilk pomade stick to lay my edges down and I smooth the rest with triple silk moisturizer by Neutrogena. After my hair is combed I tie a scarf on my hair and take it off when I get to work. My hair is neat, PROTECTED and PROFESSIONAL all the day long! Best of luck and I hope you don't give up bunning, just improve it! :)