Thanks ladies I did not expect all this responses. I am blushing!
I didn't realize that the "Length check and fro contest" album was hidden. I just opened it on fotki.
from the looks of the straightened pic, I'd say you ARE waist length
I think my hair always looks shorter to me than it is. I don't think the sides are there yet because my hair grows in a u.
How long were u stuck at MBL?
I feel stuck now.
Oh, and what's your current reggie? (of course! lol)
I was stuck at BSL for a couple years. Then I grew it to MBL a couple times and kept having to cut it because of raggedy ends. I cut it back to BSL sometime last year because of my ends. I don't have a set reggie but I kept it simple to get over the hump.
1) I used no heat and cut all of the hair color out of my hair (this was the first time in a year I used heat), the combo of heat and color jacked up my ends
2) I keep my hair stretched. I wear twists or twist outs 90% of the time.
3) I shampoo every 2 weeks and rinse in between as needed. I use diluted shampoo
4) I do what I call a DC and leave in. I apply my conditioner, put on a cap, leave the cap on for about an hour. I remove the cap but I leave the condish in. I only rinse if there is excess (like if my hair looks really white from the conditioner).
5) I use a protein conditioner and porosity control treatments as needed ( I never leave these in I follow the directions on these for the most part)
My products are in my fotki. This is really all I do. This is pretty much what I do but I change it up if my hair needs something different.
Gorgeous hair!!!
I did not see a "length check and fro contest" album on fotki but your other photo prove (in pictures) that I really must start protective styling if I want to retain length.
Thanks so much for pointing this out! I feel silly. The album was marked as hidden.