My BF deleted all my emails!!!!!!


New Member
So, I was laying in bed with my bf and he was checking his email. So I see an email title "missing you" I asked him about it and he says some girl wrote that to him. He didn't close out of the email so later on when I go to get on I see his email is still open. I go to his trash folder and recover the email. He was basically telling an ex that he still his feelings for her and he misses the times they shared. She was basically paying him no mind saying they can be friends if he wants. He gonna tell me he was just kidding. :ohwell: Do I look stupid? Anyway, he later goes in and deletes ALL my email. I have different folders for school work, my job search, recipes, etc. He deleted every folder. I so pissed. Now he is in my room in my bed. We been fussing all day but he won't leave. I keep threatening to call the police but why should I have to? Its so embarrassing and to have the neighbors all in my business. This is MY apartment! What am I to do?
Muck the neighbors if you don't want to be bothered with him anymore. If you still want to keep him as your boyfriend then tell him to leav again and if he doesn't suck it up.
ETA: You may have to get like "I'm Gonna Get You Sucka", you can either take the stairs or the window.
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IMHO, I think he needs to go regardless if he deleted the emails or not, he's shady.
I think you need to do what you have to do in order to get him out AND MEAN IT
If you really want to get rid of him, stop threatening to call the police and just really do it. He really has his nerve to be laying in your bed after what he did. Get him out! And don't look back! He just pissed me off!
Um, you are seeing some very important shyt. Do you still want to be with him? Because if you do, be prepared to get cheated on. He misses his ex...let him go back to her since he seems to have unresolved feelings. Why do you want to waste your time battling for affections that should solely for you in the first place?

As for getting him out of your serious are you about that? Damn the neighbors...If you want him what you have to do.

Tell him that he has a choice..

Leave willingly----

or you got something to make him leave

Tell him he has 2 minutes to decide what he wants to do, before you take action.

Back in the day when I kicked my BF out and he wouldnt leave, I started picking up his stuff and throwing it out the front door. Playstation and all...

He got the picture real quick
So, I was laying in bed with my bf and he was checking his email. So I see an email title "missing you" I asked him about it and he says some girl wrote that to him. He didn't close out of the email so later on when I go to get on I see his email is still open. I go to his trash folder and recover the email. He was basically telling an ex that he still his feelings for her and he misses the times they shared.Bright red flag right there. I would have dumped him on the spot for that one. She was basically paying him no mind saying they can be friends if he wants. He's gonna tell me he was just kidding. He's lying. :ohwell: Do I look stupid? Anyway, he later goes in and deletes ALL my email.He's a boy; you need a man. I have different folders for school work, my job search, recipes, etc. He deleted every folder. I so pissed. Now he is in my room in my bed. Tell him to get his funky butt off of your bed.We been fussing all day but he won't leave. I keep threatening to call the police but why should I have to? Its so embarrassing and to have the neighbors all in my business. There's nothing to be embarassed about. If he does not leave, call the police.This is MY apartment! What am I to do?

Comments in red.
So... instead of kicking him out of your apartment, you're posting on LHCF?

April fool's, right?:rolleyes:


(And keep us updated! :grin:)
So, I was laying in bed with my bf and he was checking his email. So I see an email title "missing you" I asked him about it and he says some girl wrote that to him. He didn't close out of the email so later on when I go to get on I see his email is still open. I go to his trash folder and recover the email. He was basically telling an ex that he still his feelings for her and he misses the times they shared. She was basically paying him no mind saying they can be friends if he wants. He gonna tell me he was just kidding. :ohwell: Do I look stupid? Anyway, he later goes in and deletes ALL my email. I have different folders for school work, my job search, recipes, etc. He deleted every folder. I so pissed. Now he is in my room in my bed. We been fussing all day but he won't leave. I keep threatening to call the police but why should I have to? Its so embarrassing and to have the neighbors all in my business. This is MY apartment! What am I to do?

Not even speaking{yeah, right:ban:} on what to do with this creepy interloper but is there a way to recover RECENTLY DELETED MAIL via your isp?
You asked him to leave and he wouldn't? Don't bother arguing with him. The proof is in your face. Call the cops and get to stepping!
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WHY are you even calling him your bf anymore... DUMP him!!!! He doesnot respect you
1 He emails an ex telling her he miss her
2 He refuses to accept your wishes to be alone at the moment

Kick him to the curb and keep it moving!!!!
So, I was laying in bed with my bf and he was checking his email. So I see an email title "missing you" I asked him about it and he says some girl wrote that to him. He didn't close out of the email so later on when I go to get on I see his email is still open. I go to his trash folder and recover the email. He was basically telling an ex that he still his feelings for her and he misses the times they shared. She was basically paying him no mind saying they can be friends if he wants. He gonna tell me he was just kidding. :ohwell: Do I look stupid? Anyway, he later goes in and deletes ALL my email. I have different folders for school work, my job search, recipes, etc. He deleted every folder. I so pissed. Now he is in my room in my bed. We been fussing all day but he won't leave. I keep threatening to call the police but why should I have to? Its so embarrassing and to have the neighbors all in my business. This is MY apartment! What am I to do?

Where do you live? I am pretty POed to begin with and will throw him out myself!!! Seriously you deserve way better. Don't be embarassed. The cops are there to serve and protect. That dude has some nerve!!!!!!
Im hoping she hasnt commented because she is in the process of ridding herself of this trash

That's what I'm hoping - That she's handling business and by the time she gets back here, she will announce that he is now her ex-boyfriend.
So wait a minute.He was writing another woman and you looked at what he was writing so he deletes YOUR email?For what purpose?He's acting like he's guilty already by doing that crap!:nono:
See this is why he does not have my password. That was straight up f*d up it reminded me of that thread where someone's man burned all the girls pictures. He did it because he was straight up wrong and he knows it. Check with your email provider and see if anything can be done to bring them back and change your password!
Not even speaking{yeah, right:ban:} on what to do with this creepy interloper but is there a way to recover RECENTLY DELETED MAIL via your isp?

You should call the ISP and tell them your password was breached by an intruder. They should be able to help you. Then kick his arse to the curb!!!!!
I usually don't like telling people what to do about their man....but ummm dump that loser:perplexed. He is either cheating or just waiting to cheat...
call the police stat!!! i dont even know the dude but im sitting here p!ssed off like he done it to me, Dump the trifling SOB
Thanks so much ladies. He's gone. He left last night shortly after I posted here. I am still worried though, because I packed all his things in trash bags and told him to take them with him, but he left them here. He just wants a reason to come back. I would take them to his house and leave them outside but my engine blew. I just want all this drama with him to be over!
Thanks so much ladies. He's gone. He left last night shortly after I posted here. I am still worried though, because I packed all his things in trash bags and told him to take them with him, but he left them here. He just wants a reason to come back. I would take them to his house and leave them outside but my engine blew. I just want all this drama with him to be over!

Good luck girl and if you can have someone else drop off his stuff to him or not be there when he comes back for his stuff.....that way you dont have to listen to any of his **** that would be grreat too.:yep:
Thanks so much ladies. He's gone. He left last night shortly after I posted here. I am still worried though, because I packed all his things in trash bags and told him to take them with him, but he left them here. He just wants a reason to come back. I would take them to his house and leave them outside but my engine blew. I just want all this drama with him to be over!

Alright! you're okay. He bought himself some time by leaving his crap there. now he's probably thinking up some sweet nothings to tell you when he comes back to pick up his stuff. If you can't leave the bags outside the door, have a friend (preferably big and male, but 4 or 5 lhcf girlfriends will do) on standby in the home while he picks his crap up.

Good luck.
I'd put all this bags outside, call him, and tell him if he wants them then he needs to get it before the neighbors start going through them and leave it at that. That was childish of him to delete all your emails because you found his email to his ex. Dump him!
Thanks so much ladies. He's gone. He left last night shortly after I posted here. I am still worried though, because I packed all his things in trash bags and told him to take them with him, but he left them here. He just wants a reason to come back. I would take them to his house and leave them outside but my engine blew. I just want all this drama with him to be over!

Girl, put his bags outside! Don't give him any reason to come back up in your house. He was SO WRONG for what he did. He deletes YOUR emails because you saw an email that he sent to another woman? How does that sound? :mad:
I agree put his clothes to the curb and remind of about trash day. It is on him to get them. Don't deliever his clothes to him. If he wanted them all like that the would have taken them with him when he left.
Um, you are seeing some very important shyt. Do you still want to be with him? Because if you do, be prepared to get cheated on. He misses his ex...let him go back to her since he seems to have unresolved feelings. Why do you want to waste your time battling for affections that should solely for you in the first place?

As for getting him out of your serious are you about that? Damn the neighbors...If you want him what you have to do.
Tell it gurl!!!!!:lachen: I wish some kneegrow would do all that then have the nerve to sit back like "whatchugondoboutit?":rolleyes: