MTG: please tell me if it really lives up to all of this hype!


New Member
Hi ladies,
I have been lurking on this site for almost a year now and I am finally an honest-to-goodness member. Anyway there are soooo many posts about miracle products, and I am usually able to avoid buying them, but not MTG. I couldn't resist buying it when I heard about so many ladies gaining an inch of new growth from using MTG regularly so I ordered some. I am about a month post relaxer and I have been using MTG consistently for two weeks now and I have seen absolutely no growth at all! I was in cornrows for 2 weeks until thursday. When I put the MTG on, my cornrows started looking messy, as if there was some newgrowth. However, when I took out the cornrows my roots seemed pretty smooth, so I think what I was noticing was that the mtg was causing my hair to revert. Can someone tell me if they have actually seen growth or does MTG cause reversion? I have been looking at some people's post that say they have gotten so much new growth from MTG, but I honestly didn't see new growth from the root, or a difference in length from the before and after photos. The pictures that did show growth looked like they belonged to people with beautiful hair already. Am I being premature in my MTG doubts? If MTG does cause your hair to grow, how long do you have to use it before you actually see some results? I would really appreaciate all comments about MTG, good and bad. TIA!
I haven't received my mtg yet, however, what finally convinced me to get it was looking at Naijaqueen's album. Her before and after pictures are stunning. It's obvious that she received a major change in length. A few other ladies I believe brittanynic16 she's a natural.. her album is very inspirational as well.
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my hair has grown sooo much since i did the BC..and i have been usuing MTG as well...but i cannot say that MTG made my hair grow..i dunno it may have been a combo of things..but i just say to myself i will keep doing whateva it is that i have been doing in order to keep my hair growing like a weed...i will take pics prolly next week..
bellezanegra826 said:
Hi ladies,
I have been lurking on this site for almost a year now and I am finally an honest-to-goodness member. Anyway there are soooo many posts about miracle products, and I am usually able to avoid buying them, but not MTG. I couldn't resist buying it when I heard about so many ladies gaining an inch of new growth from using MTG regularly so I ordered some. I am about a month post relaxer and I have been using MTG consistently for two weeks now and I have seen absolutely no growth at all! I was in cornrows for 2 weeks until thursday. When I put the MTG on, my cornrows started looking messy, as if there was some newgrowth. However, when I took out the cornrows my roots seemed pretty smooth, so I think what I was noticing was that the mtg was causing my hair to revert. Can someone tell me if they have actually seen growth or does MTG cause reversion? I have been looking at some people's post that say they have gotten so much new growth from MTG, but I honestly didn't see new growth from the root, or a difference in length from the before and after photos. The pictures that did show growth looked like they belonged to people with beautiful hair already. Am I being premature in my MTG doubts? If MTG does cause your hair to grow, how long do you have to use it before you actually see some results? I would really appreaciate all comments about MTG, good and bad. TIA!

1st question, how do u apply it to ur scalp, and 2nd of all, do u have pictures?
I too got MTg and eliminated my constant use of heat, and added MTG my hair that had been breaking flourished, and my hair is thick now. My hair when i joined the forum was in its worst state in July when I started posting. I must also add that I go against the norm and use MTG just about every day, and I really massage it in. I noticed results within a month, I think 2 weeks is to soon to want to drop it, try it consistently for a month and go from there.
I've been using it for a little over a week. I apply it to my scalp every other day. I'm noticing my hair by my scalp becoming more PLUMP! Can't explain it. But it's really shiny and healthy looking. I can tell my hair is starting to grow more as well. But i can't confirm just yet, it's only been a week. Also my hair has become more elastic, which i really needed.
I put it on my scalp almost everyday. I do not have any pictures because 1) I keep my hair up and 2) I don't think there has been any improvement so I wouldn't want to waste anyone's time. I do not plan on giving up mtg since I have so much of it left, I just wanted to get some more perspective on the situation. Thanks again
bellezanegra826 said:
I put it on my scalp almost everyday. I do not have any pictures because 1) I keep my hair up and 2) I don't think there has been any improvement so I wouldn't want to waste anyone's time. I do not plan on giving up mtg since I have so much of it left, I just wanted to get some more perspective on the situation. Thanks again

If we were worried about wasting time, we would be working instead of posting.:grin: Put up your pics
asummertyme said:
my hair has grown sooo much since i did the BC..and i have been usuing MTG as well...but i cannot say that MTG made my hair grow..i dunno it may have been a combo of things..but i just say to myself i will keep doing whateva it is that i have been doing in order to keep my hair growing like a weed...i will take pics prolly next week..

How often do yu use MTG? How often do you wash your hair also?
Naija out of curiousity, did you put it on your hair AND scalp, or just your scalp? Also, do you guys still do the daily conditioner washes or is it better not to?
I put MTG on monday-friday and get my hair put up every friday or saturday. I'm sort of doing a personal protective style challenge and after this week, I will have had my hair up for 1 month. The next time I take my hair down, I will take pictures of my hair and figure out how to post them.
bellezanegra826 said:
Hi ladies,
I have been lurking on this site for almost a year now and I am finally an honest-to-goodness member. Anyway there are soooo many posts about miracle products, and I am usually able to avoid buying them, but not MTG. I couldn't resist buying it when I heard about so many ladies gaining an inch of new growth from using MTG regularly so I ordered some. I am about a month post relaxer and I have been using MTG consistently for two weeks now and I have seen absolutely no growth at all! I was in cornrows for 2 weeks until thursday. When I put the MTG on, my cornrows started looking messy, as if there was some newgrowth. However, when I took out the cornrows my roots seemed pretty smooth, so I think what I was noticing was that the mtg was causing my hair to revert. Can someone tell me if they have actually seen growth or does MTG cause reversion? I have been looking at some people's post that say they have gotten so much new growth from MTG, but I honestly didn't see new growth from the root, or a difference in length from the before and after photos. The pictures that did show growth looked like they belonged to people with beautiful hair already. Am I being premature in my MTG doubts? If MTG does cause your hair to grow, how long do you have to use it before you actually see some results? I would really appreaciate all comments about MTG, good and bad. TIA!

You are so far the first person (that Im aware of) who has documented an experience similar to mine. Unfortunately I purchased the big bottle of MTG and not the trial size so I will keep using it until it finishes or find other uses for it. I used it consistently for a month and saw no significant change in growth rate. After But so many people are getting so much growth that I did not want to give up. I braided my hair for about 6weeks and put MTG about every 4-7days. After taking down my braids, my hair seemed to have grown as the same rate it would have without MTG.
But why me:confused: I could certainly use all that growth.
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I know that products work differenlty for everyone, but it just seems strange to me that I have experienced no growth at all. Its really frustrating because if my hair continues along this path I will never be able to reach my hair goals.
I've been looking at the photos of different people who posted that they use MTG and I haven't seen any growth that wouldn't be considered normal. It would be nice to see some before and after pictures where the hair is straightened and not curled in both the before and after pictures.

I remember when everyone was saying they got incredible growth from Surge. I tried the Surge. I experienced reversion, not growth. I measured my hair just to make sure.
Exactly! I had posted similiar thoughts in another thread asking members if maybe they were confusing reversion or texture change with new growth. I've been using mtg for almost 2 mths and about every 3 days, I've now stepped it up to every other day, and have not seen any significant growth. Beyond my scalp I've been using it on my hairline. I'm natural so it's also difficult to tell. I've also been using it on my dog (she's a great product tester lol) who has 2 small bald spots on her elbows and I haven't seen any increased growth rate.
I bought it and it STINKS. It is the kind of smell that will make you lose friends and make enemies. No one wants to smell hygienically-challenged and that is the way using a lot MTG can make someone smell. For those who dont have it, IMO, the smell is a combination of horse and burnt bacon fat. The only living being this would make smell better is a horse, and we all know how horses smell. :lachen:

The smell, combined with some of the negative reviews, have made me decide not to use it. Lots of women grew their hair long before MTG, and my growth has been fine without it, so I think that it's best for me not to tempt fate. I was using Dominican Cinnamon essence (it comes in a small brown bottle. Alternatively, you can do what I am going to do when this essense runs out, add some cinnamon essential oil to jojoba or another light oil.) and my hairline was coming back that way, so I think that I will keep using the cinnamon essence and call it a day with the MTG.

Thank heavens I put it on the day before a wash day and thank heavens I only bought a trial size. :ohwell:
Check out my fotki...I'll never get rid of MTG! I apply it 2-3 times per week directly to my scalp, only in the evenings. It really stinks...
What I plan to do is measure my hair the next time I take it down and keep a journal of the measured length because if you do a before picture with your hair dry then an after picture when its wet *surprisingly* your hair is an inch longer, but that does not mean that your hair has grown that much. I know its hard to take consistent before and after pics, so i'm going to do measuring primarily.
Since I am getting some silver and gold on the hairline and in the bang area, and the temple area, I can definitely see the growth and how fast it is coming in. I think that if you are just looking at natural hair with nothing to mark a demarcation between the old and the new, it can be discouraging. However, Surge and I had to part because I could not trust it when it came to tenderness, burning sensation etc. and rather than risk this I just stopped. May use it down the line on the length of my hair, but for now not on my scalp. I use the MTG on scalp and hair and I have definitely gotten some growth throughout, ( I can tell by the hair roots, different color) and I am letting the natural color grow out indefinitely in the back. So it is not a guess for me. I was stuck in a growth warp for awhile and you all heard me whining about it on the board. But I am not whining anymore.My hairline is evening up and thickening up and I am impressed and plan to keep using it. I really believe that a big factor is: If your hair and scalp are sulphur deficient, you will notice the most growth. When you color or relax your hair you break down the sulphur bonds, among other things. If you have health issues, you will also have sulphur issues because your body is just leached out of certain things to try to sustain itself and recover. That is why diet is so important, to get certain things in to your body to make up for depletions and needs. Even if you are natural, with no color or chemical, you could still have deficiencies. Black people have the lowest sulphur availability in their makeup, so I have been told. Perhaps this is true. Maybe those whose hair is not responding the the MTG have a greater need in their chemical makeup that is not being addressed or met. (Protein, acid, fats, moisture, vitamins and minerals, rest, stress, etc) HTH . I would suggest doing a total assessment of what is happening with you personally and you may come up with some plausible answers. Bonjour.
I been using mtg since july, and I can really see a difference. My hair has grown quite a bit, but the main thing is that my new growth seems fuller!
angelbaby said:
I've been looking at the photos of different people who posted that they use MTG and I haven't seen any growth that wouldn't be considered normal. It would be nice to see some before and after pictures where the hair is straightened and not curled in both the before and after pictures.

I remember when everyone was saying they got incredible growth from Surge. I tried the Surge. I experienced reversion, not growth. I measured my hair just to make sure.

Naijaqueen's album and Brittanynic16 have AMAZING photos.. i mean unbelievable.