MTG controversy

Whats with MTG? Please vote and post!

  • I use MTG and have great results!

    Votes: 221 34.6%
  • I've used MTG, disliked/hated the results

    Votes: 55 8.6%
  • Have not used MTG/Other

    Votes: 362 56.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
BlkOnyx488 said:
I don't care
why should horses be the only ones allowed to long hair down their back?
If I am willing to put stuff in my hair that was meant to clear up a beastie yeastie, then I certainly have no problem using products meant for a horse?

Let's face it horses have long hair, I would love to have horse hair:lachen:

Taking a deep breath...:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: catching breath for a second round of ...:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Hi all,
Using MTG is a personal choice that each individual has to make. I use it becasue it gives me HOPE!!!! I started using MTG in July of 06 after finding out about it on this forum because in March of 06 I developed large bald spots in several places on my head and my hair length went from past shoulder length to only 2 inches all over my head except for of course the many completely bald areas which happened after becoming very anemic for a long period of time without me knowing. My doctor put me on iron pills which have brought my iron back up to normal, I eat better, drink more water, exercise, and take vitamins, and I have continued with the MTG. I have not gotten any growth with it, but it offers me hope. :look: Tip: If anyone is interested, MTG is only $10.89 for a 32oz. bottle without shipping charge at

If mtg is not featured on the main page, just type mtg in the search box.
HighlyFavored1 said:
I've been using MTG for about a month. So far, I'm loving the results. Since I apply it while my hair is wet, the smell is not very noticeable by the time it's dry (unless somebody is all in my head). What I like most about it is that it's also helping my hair to grow in the areas where growth is usually a lot slower. So I have substantially more new growth in the areas behind my ears, along my temples, at my front hairline, and at my nape. This is a really big deal for me because these areas always grow slower than my crown and the sides, causing my hair to appear thinner. So for me, I feel like it's helping to thicken my hair because it's giving the slow growing areas a chance to get some accelerated growth.

Additionally I haven't had any side effects of headaches or neck rashes because I simply put a towel around my neck first, and I apply it with my fingers so I get a good idea as to how much i'm using and whether it's dripping.

:( Unfortunately, I don't know if I'll be able to continue to use it once I'm back at school because I'm around people and my boyfriend too much. Hopefully i can atleast continue to use it on my nape and other slowgrowing, "hidden" areas.

I had results with MTG, but, my man hated the smell. I stopped using it...... i want long hair AND my man. LOL
tia123 said:
Hi all,
Using MTG is a personal choice that each individual has to make. I use it becasue it gives me HOPE!!!! I started using MTG in July of 06 after finding out about it on this forum because in March of 06 I developed large bald spots in several places on my head and my hair length went from past shoulder length to only 2 inches all over my head except for of course the many completely bald areas which happened after becoming very anemic for a long period of time without me knowing. My doctor put me on iron pills which have brought my iron back up to normal, I eat better, drink more water, exercise, and take vitamins, and I have continued with the MTG. I have not gotten any growth with it, but it offers me hope. :look: Tip: If anyone is interested, MTG is only $10.89 for a 32oz. bottle without shipping charge at

If mtg is not featured on the main page, just type mtg in the search box.

Sounds like you have been through a great deal. Thanks for sharing and posting.
tia123 said:
Hi all,
Using MTG is a personal choice that each individual has to make. I use it becasue it gives me HOPE!!!! I started using MTG in July of 06 after finding out about it on this forum because in March of 06 I developed large bald spots in several places on my head and my hair length went from past shoulder length to only 2 inches all over my head except for of course the many completely bald areas which happened after becoming very anemic for a long period of time without me knowing. My doctor put me on iron pills which have brought my iron back up to normal, I eat better, drink more water, exercise, and take vitamins, and I have continued with the MTG. I have not gotten any growth with it, but it offers me hope. :look: Tip: If anyone is interested, MTG is only $10.89 for a 32oz. bottle without shipping charge at

If mtg is not featured on the main page, just type mtg in the search box.
Thanks for the info!:) I've only been using MTG for about 2 weeks now, so I'm not sure if it's working yet. But if it does, I will most definitely be purchasing more. The smell doesn't bother me at all and no one I've been around has noticed it. I do wear wigs in public though, so that probably helps to shield folks from the smell...:look:
I personally don't believe in using topical growth agents, unless I had some kind of medical condition that was hindering my normal hair growth. But to those who do I say...Whatever Floats Your Boat... And To Each His Own...Live And Let Live:)
At first, i was afraid to use MTG. But i have a patch of hair that is very brittle and fragile and always breaks off. my scalp also feels funny or sensitive in that area as well sometimes. it recently broke off probably the worst it ever has. So i went to my local country feed store and decided to give it a try. So far, my hair/scalp likes it. been using it for i think about 3 or 4 months now. i don't put it on my entire head, just that one section.
ekomba said:
wow get out Keluric 19.99!!!!!!:eek: i m glad i stocked back then even though i only have 2 bottles left i m try to squeeze it till summer lol then i m good :cool: :D i paid 11 something from that other horse site last year not shapleys forgot their name

Dang Ekomba!!!your hair looks so pretty! bonjour
I just brought another bottle to use on my left side that is thin and almost bald from my last relaxer. Is anyone concerned that the bottle does say not intended for human use. I am actually nervous about using it now.
i created a solution that knocked the smell right out, while adding special essentials of their own.

Using a 8 oz applicator bottle (can be found at hair stores):

.50 oz rosemary essential oil
.50 oz lavendar essential oil (this overpowered the smell the most)
.20 oz ylang ylang oil
.20 oz peppermint oil
(shake it up) then add:
.50 oz Jojoba Oil (u can add ur own carrier ie. grapeseed, olive,etc)
filled the rest of the bottle wit MTG...... (the bacon smell is GONE... all i smell is the essential oils.)

from the responses ppl give about the odor.... i think ill take an essential oil smelling head any day!

hope this helps anyone:D
i created a solution that knocked the smell right out, while adding special essentials of their own.

Using a 8 oz applicator bottle (can be found at hair stores):

.50 oz rosemary essential oil
.50 oz lavendar essential oil (this overpowered the smell the most)
.20 oz ylang ylang oil
.20 oz peppermint oil
(shake it up) then add:
.50 oz Jojoba Oil (u can add ur own carrier ie. grapeseed, olive,etc)
filled the rest of the bottle wit MTG...... (the bacon smell is GONE... all i smell is the essential oils.)

from the responses ppl give about the odor.... i think ill take an essential oil smelling head any day!

hope this helps anyone:D

I'll have to try that...Thanks!!!
Yeah, its a shame that the search tool isnt working, because that topic has been discussed here as well.

One thing that i love about LHCF, however, is that we tend to be relatively open-minded. Although everyone may not agree w/certain hair growth tactics, we usually still respect each other's choices. I also belong to BHM but i dont post there often.... because i find that folks arent as polite, tolerant, and respectful. Ive seen things get hella ugly there on more than one occasion (i mean, ugly like the original miconazale nitrate thread got last year... but over there i see that kind of behavior on a regular basis).

Anyhoo.... to answer ure question (before i digress too far), i love MTG, have had great results, and plan to continue using it until i reach my ultimate hair goal.

MY EXACT SENTIMENTS, btw i find that with consistent use of MTG it relaxes my NG and makes my hair shiny and softer
MTG works. U can say wat u want about it but it does wat it says it is going to do that is good enough for me. I just had my hair cornrolled, I use mtg daily, I actually pour some of the cade oill out so it is more concentrated.:grin:. I will get my hair rebraided every 1 1/2 - 2 wks and sleep in a shower cap so the oil stays on the scalp. The last time I did this I got soooo much growth. I am so excited to see wat happenes this time around especially when I will b taking viviscal along with it. MBL in 2008!!!!:lick:
I have seen the MTG debate on almost every hair board I belong to.

For me the debate about MTG/Monistat/Monkey Ball Sweat/Chicken Grease/BBQ Sauce/Old English 800/ETC. as a hair growth aid is clear:

Use it if you want to.
Don't use it if you don't want to.

These are the two choices - pick one and STFU (not directed to anyone here just in general).

All of this "YOU are stupid/silly/desperate for doing something I wouldn't do" just reeks of things better left unmentioned.

giggles:lachen:. i hear ya talikin jcoily. i hear ya talkin.
i'm basically just co-signing to what everyone else says. . .(for the MOST part) lhcf seems to have the most amount of open-minded try anything/let you try anything folks. . . i mean really even if you don't agree, don't use it. just let her go bald and/or blind, get a limp, etc all in the pursuit of a ponytail. :lachen: but I seriously had to start taking what people use with a grain of salt because i KNOW for a FACT I can't use everything/anything that others might. Some people have CON ANYTHING as a staple, love it, best thing to ever happen to their hair. . . however it broke out my entire neck & face, resulting in 2 trips to the emergency room and a lot of steroids to get down the swelling and heal my skin. I actually cringe now when I see a bottle of creme of nature shampoo/conditioner. :lachen:but I've just really learned to let people do whatever they please with their hair. shoot, i know YA'LL didn't try to stop me when I was spliting my ends with that curling iron, and fryin my hair with that creamy crack, and smothering it with that *&^$*&@*&)( pink oil moisturizer. they can learn the hard way like I did. I might use MTG if I don't get the growth I want from this surge. . . unless of course I hear about someone growing hooves & a tail from it
Well I have been using it for about 2 weeks and call it early but I have not seen that much results. Like someone else said, it does smell and mess up your pillow case :spinning: but baby I'm on a mission and I will do what I can for now. I know my hair and it needs a growth agent to boost it into productivity LOL.
i heard alot of good things about mtg so i bought me and my sister a bottle. i plan on using this soon as i get it. i also heard sulfur 8 is good i am using this while i am waiting for my mtg. when i start using this i will update.:bouncy:
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i use it. i use mtg and mn and mix it together in an old wgo bottle. i use some oils to knock out the smell.

oh hair is growing wonderfully.
Some of ya'll may be registered with the BHM forum. I was doing a search regarding MTG because as yall know I just put in my order yesterday for a bottle of it and I wanted to know more info. Well as i did the MTG search on the BHM forum there was a thread that someone started saying that we should stop using MTG and stop making the shapley's company richer because that product is not being sold for humans but for animals and that we are being "silly" to stoop that low just to get some growth. I'm tellin you this girl was uuuupset. Now that thread had tons and tons of people who vented on there about "how dare you sit up here and judge us, if it works for us we're gonna keep using it" and some were more passive in there responses.
Im not trying to start nothin but I'm just curious to what ya'll think about that. Me personally, I think that if you have negative results you shouldn't use that stuff. But dont pass judgement onto others just because you have bad results. What works for some may not work for others.

I tried to find the link for that thread again but I'm not having much luck.

I agree with: I think that if you have negative results you shouldn't use that stuff. But dont pass judgement onto others just because you have bad results. What works for some may not work for others.
PJ strikes again! :grin:I bought some of this today. I'm hoping to get great growth, especially on my nape.:yep: How often are you all using it? Would using it daliy be too much? Are you putting it just on your scalp or hair only.
PJ strikes again! :grin:I bought some of this today. I'm hoping to get great growth, especially on my nape.:yep: How often are you all using it? Would using it daliy be too much? Are you putting it just on your scalp or hair only.

I put it on about 2 times a week, maybe three and gave me about an inch of new growth in one month. I usually get 1/2 an inch a month so I was thrilled.

I also only used it on my scalp, although some people used it on their air, claiming it sealed in moisture and made their hair softer. The smell can be masked, you just have to test it with different oils.
Okay, thanks. Another question, I'm still using an MN mix. Is anyone using MN and MTG or do you think that's a problem?
my sister and i have been using mtg for about a month( couple days out of the week) and my sisters hair as grown noticeably long from it. we both got our hair braided in micros and were using the mtg. she just took hers out and i can tell her hair has grown. so i will continue to use this as well. i know my hair has grown because of the NG i have. (more than i usually had) cant wait to really see when i take my braids out in may.