MTG controversy

Whats with MTG? Please vote and post!

  • I use MTG and have great results!

    Votes: 221 34.6%
  • I've used MTG, disliked/hated the results

    Votes: 55 8.6%
  • Have not used MTG/Other

    Votes: 362 56.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I know I should research this question before posting but for whatever reasons I am having a difficult time searching info. How do you apply MTG and how often do you use this stuff.
I know I should research this question before posting but for whatever reasons I am having a difficult time searching info. How do you apply MTG and how often do you use this stuff.

most people use it straight from the bottle with the applicator tip and other use their finger and mix with eo like peppermint oil, tea tree oil, jojabo (spelling), and many others. some people use it every nite (smell is gone by morning) and others a couple days out the week.

hope this helped you a lil :yep:
I'm using it on my scalp every night. I use my MN mix during the day. I'm wearing Kinky Twists right now and I'm getting good growth. I can't wait to see the results when I remove them.
WHAT IS MTM AND MSM? :blush: I can't keep up with all the acronyms being used in here. Is there a glossary around here somewhere?:wallbash:
WHAT IS MTM AND MSM? :blush: I can't keep up with all the acronyms being used in here. Is there a glossary around here somewhere?:wallbash:

MSM stands for Methylsulfonylmethane (Sulfur). It's taken in powder or pill form. It's good for building cartilage in the body and helps with hair growth. MTG stands for "Mane, Tail, and Groom". It's a horse grooming porduct but many of us are using it as a growth aid.
I will Get some MTG because School is about to be out and i dont want others keeping a distance from me because my hair smells:blush: that would be funny though.....:lachen:
I will try adding EO
but doesn't the site say that it is for human use? Personally i couldn't shell out that much money for a growth aid, especially one that was not sold in a hair store. I use Mane & Tail a lot but that's sold in hair stores and is for human use. The only thing that turned me off from so many of the growth aids was because i had never heard about anyone using them for like over a year or a few months..and so many people had varied results. I'm not saying that people are going overboard to get long hair but it just might be getting there, because my question is how did someone even find out that stuff like Monistat gives you extra hair growth? I just don't think you should be willing to do ANYTHING for hair growth.
I voted I have never tried it. I never heard of it nor knew what it was until I read part of this thread.
I have used it alittle over a year. It took me sometime 2 find out how 2 use it 4 me. I use it when my hair is wet and wrap a towel around my head after I put it on.(wash day) I do not part my hair I use a bottle with a tip and just blot all over my head and rub in. I use infusium and I don't have that smell. My hair is not greasy, smelly, or gunky. I still use Keracare 1st lather on my wash day to make sure my hair is clean and I use the hydrating shampoo. I still have swing in my hair and I like it. I do also get good growth.

I like it. Just don't get it on ur skin, jewelry and wash hands after use.
I have used it successfully. MTG was created for humans, but was unpopular, horse groomers began using it with great success. Sulu Max Gro, the redone human version is not really all that different and you get the same results. So maybe the nay sayers are complaining because you can only buy MTG at a tack shop, don't know why that matters. Fortunately, I live in VA, the land of horses, the stuff is plentiful around here! Cowboy Magic too! Yeah for the HORSES! A satisfied consumer ;0)
I started this thread 4 years ago under the OP username aformentioned. Now as I look back I realize even more how important it is to never go by opo (other ppls opionions) about hair products. you have to just try it for yourself. I'm still using MTG but with a concocted mix of other ingredients. Its not helping hair grow faster, but allowing me to create a better growing environment by 'de-fungusing' (is that a word?) my scalp. My hair is a lot thicker at the roots, but I think that came from the Henna treatment. *shrug* I'll keep buying MTG as long as I can tollerate it.