Motions is so funny...


With Love & Silk
Okay, y'all remember how we said Motions' response to London Diva (I believe) was "unprofessional"? Well, this is the response they sent me after I wrote them about having Color Return in black. I think it must be part of their company attitude or something to be "cool" with their consumers. Here it is:

When the newest member to the Motions family was released last June, we all loved it sooooo much and we all instantly wanted to add a shiny black to the colors!
We all agree and will rejoice when we get it! Meanwhile, please try the Burgundy Red on your beautiful, dark hair! It will increase the intensity of the color and shine and you won't believe the silkiness!!
Thanks for writing!! Tell all of your girlfriends - Motions said "What's Upppppp!!" <aoladp://MA0001/b_hi.gif>

Take Care!!
"The Expert"
Motions Professional
Hair Care Products
Maybe its me but I don't think that's funny at all. Their responses coupled with the comics on their site, are really offensive and unprofessional. If we were white consumers, they would not have those kind of responses, but since we are African American women we don't deserve respectful replies to our inquiries?? I have just about had it with Motions. I guess they figure that they need to speak to us in a language that we can "relate to". What BS!!

I'm just picturing a white person responding to your e-mails /images/graemlins/user.gif, thinking that's how we all talk! Meanwhile, they're cracking up! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Their customer service training probably consisted of watching old Martin reruns.
Hellloooo???? Are they crazy? Can you respond to this message? This is beyond unprofessional to downright tasteless on their part/images/graemlins/barf.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Their customer service training probably consisted of watching old Martin reruns.

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that was too funny and probably pretty accurate. it don't matter to me cuz those mofos ain't never getting another penny from the kid!! /images/graemlins/mad.gif

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
This is beyond unprofessional to downright tasteless on their part

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I agree. I can't believe they have the audacity (sp?) to think that we will find their e-mail responses acceptable and appropriate. I was going to buy a few of their products, but not anymore. There are plenty of companies that are more deserving of my money!
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
I'm just picturing a white person responding to your e-mails , thinking that's how we all talk! Meanwhile, they're cracking up!

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I was just thinking the same thing. I can't believe that those are Black people responding in that manner.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Maybe its me but I don't think that's funny at all. Their responses coupled with the comics on their site, are really offensive and unprofessional. If we were white consumers, they would not have those kind of responses, but since we are African American women we don't deserve respectful replies to our inquiries?? I have just about had it with Motions. I guess they figure that they need to speak to us in a language that we can "relate to". What BS!!

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Ok I am cool on purchasing Motions products as well. For some reason I feel that there is a caucasian responding to these as well...asssuming this is how "we" talk.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Their customer service training probably consisted of watching old Martin reruns.

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whoever is responding black or white...they are just wrong...dead wrong!

I dont plan on buying Motions ever again anyway

Black people are soooo sensitive... I can't believe you guys are about to boycott this product because of one idiotic customer service rep(who's probably an intern).

Have you guys boycotted all Texaco products because a VP likened blacks to the Black Jelly beans that no one wants and stay at the bottom of the bag?

Have you guys boycotted all of Pepsi products after they fired foul-mouthed Ludicris but hired even fouler mouthed The Osbornes?

Or how about those party stores that sell liquor on every corner in Black neighborhoods but are nowhere to be seen in White neighborhoods. Have you boycotted those?

And about the comics.... Did you guys boycott BET when they aired that awful stereotypical, Stupid CITA show?

We are NOT white people... We are BLACK AMERICANS and as much as some folks hate to admit it, we have our own language, way of communicating and interacting that differs from white people. Their way of communicting is considered professional but ours is supposed to be unprofessional because it's a little more loose and comfortable?

A white man talks the same way to his co-worker as he does his best friend... Not true in Black America... Don't front like you guys don't know what I'm talking about... We turn it off and on. Motions has just turned it off and while it may seem unprofessional, I'm not willing to say I'm not going to suppport this company while I'm still supporting MTV,Coke, Pepsi, Proctor and Gamble, Texaco, KFC, etc.

But we live in a free country... Boycotting is your right. But at least make Motions aware of the issue... maybe they don't know emails are being answered in this way.

I'm spent.
You make very valid points, but this is not the only thing making me want to boycott Motions products. If I'm not mistaken this is not the only disrespectful and stereotypical response that they've sent. This is just one of many things that they've done that I found to be extremely unprofessional and somewhat sickening(esp. the comics). Maybe we SHOULD be boycotting some of the companies you named. I'm sure some people DO. I don't shop at liquor stores that are in black neighborhoods and couldn't care less that Pepsi fired Ludacris. I don't drink Pepsi anyway and don't particularly care for Ludacris. That was not an action against blacks IMHO.

I do agree that Motions should be made aware of the situation though.

If we start boycotting companies that disrepect us in this way I think we'll get a lot more respect from them IMHO. Money talks. Period.
Gee, this seems to be the overall tone of Motions when replying to customers. I guess they figure we don't command respect since we're black; surely that's how we all talk, right? How trifling. /images/graemlins/nono.gif
I agree with you Crystal. Besides, I gotta go out and buy my Motions Oil for my touch-up next week.

I assure you that this is not just some intern mistakenly responding to emails in an ebonics manner. Look at the Motions comics, they are purposely talking down to their customers and ghetto-izing their marketing and pr to their customers.

IMO, A Texaco VP is one man albeit one who makes influential decision, but no I don't use Texaco products. Yes, I think Pepsi was wrong w/ firing Luda &amp; hiring the Osbournes, but no I haven't boycotted them for this one incidence. Yes, I did write BET about Cita and the aweful stereotype she portrays.

Although we are black Americans there is no homogenous black America and you can't and should not market products toward us using such a one dimensional and caricaturized version of "blackness".

I love Motions CPR, but I will not support them or buy there products if they don't address their issues of marketing to their customers in such an ignorant manner.
My .02
Has ANYONE here let them know how they feel about the comics and the ebonics? There is strength in numbers.

Maybe if Motions could see the link to this page, they'll change their ways and all the CPR users can continue with their product.
<font color="purple"> I'm not suggesting that anyone boycott their products, that's an individual decision, but everyone has made such valuable points on this topic perhaps we should email/call them and let them know how some of us feel on this topic and perhaps then they may change. Just a thought /images/graemlins/smile.gif</font>
I agree....I think they should be sent a link to this thread as well as the thread about the comics.
I am currently drafting an email to them about their response to emails as well as their comics I will provide them with a link to both threads. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
If it's ok w/Pebbles and the other moderators, I'd be more than happy to forward this link and the other two threads (that I know of) showing examples of "Motions behavior" to the company.

I think it would be great if several of us could do that. THERE is strength in numbers. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
You make very interesting points. We have to remember that the media is extremely powerful. But we as consumers have even more power. By choosing where we spend our dollars can make or brake a corporation and the decisions they make.

While we as black people turn it on and off I have a serious problem with people who feel the need to talk/communicate differently than they normally would b/c they feel that they can reach me on a deeper level.

For example at my job I had a former white male assistant who felt the need to apprach me and say "what's crackulating?" I would look at him like he was crazy...I dont talk like that just b/c I am black.
But b/c of things like the media (Cita, commercials etc.) and his lack of interaction with black people in the past he though thats how he had to talk to me to get on my good side. But in reality he was mocking me and yes I took offense to it.

So the Motions corporation being that they are a huge comapany with millions of dollars behind them I truely do not believe they have employees staffed there that talk in that manner on a regular basis. They feel that this is a way to reach out to a certain target audience.

While some may not take offense to it and find it funny (a few members on this board did) personally I do..I dont know call me sensitive but if I worked in retail and a guy with long blonde hair with a surfboard walked in my store I KNOW I would not approach him with "Hey dooode!! How's it hangin? catch any rad waves today?" without expecting him to be insulted.

I am not saying everyone should boycott,(we all know how hard it is to find a product that works) that is up to the individual. But if the comics and their lack of professionalism bothers you I strongly urge you to write the company and tell them that you have been buying Motions for X long and that you do not like the way they view their customers.
I'm not trying to start an argument or anything--This is just my $.02...

Have you guys boycotted all Texaco products because a VP likened blacks to the Black Jelly beans that no one wants and stay at the bottom of the bag?

I try to. I sure don't buy their gas or anything with the Texaco name on it. But I don't know what else they own...

Have you guys boycotted all of Pepsi products after they fired foul-mouthed Ludicris but hired even fouler mouthed The Osbornes?

I never liked Pepsi. And I can't stand Ludacris or the Osbournes. /images/graemlins/grin.gif I thought they fired him because they didn't want their product being associated with someone that was accused of rape? I could be wrong--I don't keep up...

Or how about those party stores that sell liquor on every corner in Black neighborhoods but are nowhere to be seen in White neighborhoods. Have you boycotted those?


Did you guys boycott BET when they aired that awful stereotypical, Stupid CITA show?

I stopped watching BET loooong before Cita... Almost every time I turned to that channel, there was a comedian telling silly jokes or some video ho' was shaking her butt at me while some blinged out guy was rapping about all of his money, jewelry, cars and designer clothes. /images/graemlins/barf.gif

A white man talks the same way to his co-worker as he does his best friend... Not true in Black America... Don't front like you guys don't know what I'm talking about... We turn it off and on.

I speak in a different manner to co-workers and strangers than I do to my close friends, but I never speak to anyone like the person in the Motions e-mails. I very rarely use slang and would be offended if someone spoke to me that way because they thought it was "on my level".
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
You make very interesting points. We have to remember that the media is extremely powerful. But we as consumers have even more power. By choosing where we spend our dollars can make or brake a corporation and the decisions they make.

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Exactly. When it boils down to it Motions is about making money. As long as we (black people in general) keep giving them our business and our money, what do they care if we're mad, offended, or whatever? When we start messing with their money then our opinions will carry some weight.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
We are NOT white people... We are BLACK AMERICANS and as much as some folks hate to admit it, we have our own language, way of communicating and interacting that differs from white people. Their way of communicting is considered professional but ours is supposed to be unprofessional because it's a little more loose and comfortable?

A white man talks the same way to his co-worker as he does his best friend... Not true in Black America... Don't front like you guys don't know what I'm talking about... We turn it off and on. Motions has just turned it off and while it may seem unprofessional, I'm not willing to say I'm not going to suppport this company while I'm still supporting MTV,Coke, Pepsi, Proctor and Gamble, Texaco, KFC, etc.

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I see what you're saying, but not all blacks communicate and interact that way. I don't, and my children don't either. I honestly feel that Motions could have found a middle ground that would have appealed to all of us. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
If it's ok w/Pebbles and the other moderators, I'd be more than happy to forward this link and the other two threads (that I know of) showing examples of "Motions behavior" to the company.

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I have no problems with that. Ms Kenesha sent them a letter that included these links. I would really like for them to see it. /images/graemlins/look.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
sassygirl wen was he accused of rape?? what happened??

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I think I have him confused with another rapper... The person I'm thinking of has braids. Sorry!
it may seem that we're being over sensitive here, but where does one draw the line? so if the ads are okay... then is it also okay for them to call us *******? after all, some of us do that with each other too.

usually when people make fun of us, they do it behind our backs. these people have the nerve to do it to our faces while trying to sell us products. it may be tolerable to some. that's their right, but it's not tolerable to me. i'm sure they couldn't care less about the email that i sent them after i saw the "cartoons." i didn't even get a response, but Motions is a corporation. and the bottom line for a corporation is money. so yeah... i'm really gonna boycott them!!

with Pepsi and the Ludacris/Osbornes thing, i give Ludacris as much support as he does to black women in some of his songs.

i can't really compare this to Texaco. the views of one VP are not made into "cartoons" on the Texaco website. and i do believe dude was fired...

nah, i don't watch BET.

anyway, i guess we all choose our battles. this one's easy... &lt;img src="/images/graemlins/ohwell.gif" alt="" /&gt;


p.s. what's a party store? &lt;img src="/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /&gt;
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
it may seem that we're being over sensitive here, but where does one draw the line? so if the ads are okay... then is it also okay for them to call us *******? after all, some of us do that with each other too.

usually when people make fun of us, they do it behind our backs. these people have the nerve to do it to our faces while trying to sell us products. it may be tolerable to some. that's their right, but it's not tolerable to me. i'm sure they couldn't care less about the email that i sent them after i saw the "cartoons." i didn't even get a response, but Motions is a corporation. and the bottom line for a corporation is money. so yeah... i'm really gonna boycott them!!

with Pepsi and the Ludacris/Osbornes thing, i give Ludacris as much support as he does to black women in some of his songs.

i can't really compare this to Texaco. the views of one VP are not made into "cartoons" on the Texaco website. and i do believe dude was fired...

nah, i don't watch BET.

anyway, i guess we all choose our battles. this one's easy... &lt;img src="/images/graemlins/ohwell.gif" alt="" /&gt;


p.s. what's a party store? &lt;img src="/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /&gt;

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Excellent!! &lt;img src="/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" /&gt;