My Letter to Motions


New Member
<font color="red">Here is the email that I sent to Motions I am waiting on their reply.</font>

Dear Motions,

I am in an online hair club for women of color,, and lately our topic of discussion has been the unprofessional manner in which emails regarding your products have been answered as well as the offensiveness of your “comics”. Many members have emailed your company with questions about products and the responses received were very unprofessional and laced with Ebonics. My question is why are emails answered in this manner? Does Motions believe that this is a way to “relate” to the consumer, if so I would like to inform you that black people are not a monolithic group. For this reason all blacks do not speak in or like to be spoken to in the manner that you have responded in your emails. As a professional company I believe that your responses to questions and comments should be professional as well. Here is a link to the discussion of your response to emails:;Board=Women&amp;Number=48781&amp;page=0&amp;view=collapsed&amp;sb=5&amp;o=&amp;fpart=1&amp;vc=1

The second issue I’d like to address is your offensive and stereotypical comic strips. I’m not sure who the marketing “geniuses” are that came up with the concepts of these comics, but they are appalling. In the comics to refer to someone’s hair as “booty” and to insinuate that getting a relaxer is synonymous with becoming a woman is ridiculous and furthers negative stereotypes about black women and natural hair. The link to the discussion of these comics is:;Board=Women&amp;Number=43262&amp;page=0&amp;view=collapsed&amp;sb=5&amp;o=&amp;fpart=1&amp;vc=1

I suggest that your company change the way it deals with and markets to its customers or lose a vast number of them. The hair club I belong to has seven hundred and twenty-five members, one hundred and forty-three that have joined in the last month, and you are risking alienating and losing these customers as well as countless more through word of mouth.

Thanks in advance,

Kenesha Robinson
Ms kenesha, I applaud you for taking a stand and confronting this company! I'm very interested in their response to your letter, I know you'll post it as soons as you get it /images/graemlins/smile.gif
It was very well put and direct, you addressed their extreme unprofessionalism and I hope that your letter causes them to shape up.
/images/graemlins/clap.gif Thank You!! They really needed to hear that. I wrote to them also and have yet to receive a response. /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif
/images/graemlins/clap.gif /images/graemlins/clap.gif

I sent my letter out to them, and I love your letter!! Very clear and to the point!!

Let's keep those letters coming people.


Edited to add that although I have already sent my letter, your letter I'm sums up the opinions of several ladies on tihs board. Therefore I am adding my "name" to this post and if we have enough replies, perhaps the founders could e-mail all 770+ responses to THIS post to show them that we are serious.

Tara who agrees with everything that the above letter stated, and further more refuses to purchase another Motions product until they are able to respect their main consumer. Namely, the African American market!
Dang Kenesha!
You're good! I need to have you write all of my complaint letters for me./images/graemlins/orders.gif

I also sent Motions an e-mail; waiting for a reply.

Ms Kenesha,

That was well written and I can't wait for their response.

That's all that was needed (pointing out their flaws and the attached link) and I'm sure it will "wake up" a few people there.
Ms. Kenesha,

Your letter is excellent. I commend you and the other board members who have written to Motions. The company needs to realize that consumers' needs and concerns should be a high priority of theirs. The fact that LHCF has over 700 members and many lurkers who visit the site will show the company that we are a serious about our hair and the products that we chose to use. I hope that the people at Motions read the links and realize how much power the consumer has in making a product a success. All they need to do is read about how products are honesly discussed here and how if one product continually gets good reviews, more members try it and use it. Hopefully, Motions will use these recent emails of concern as a wake up call for how they view and treat their targeted consumer market.


Edited to say- I went to the PleasantImage web page tonight. I read the Testomonials page where they quote some happy customers (hi Allandra /images/graemlins/wink.gif) and Ms Pleasant thanks those customers from longhairecareforum and naturallycurly who after reading about the product from the forum have ordered the product. So forums such as this can have a positive effect on the popularity of products and companies need to understand that.
I think the letter writing is an excellent idea. I would also encourage ladies to hit them in their pocketbook: encourage your family members and friends to not buy Motions products, because they are bigoted and racial-profiling.
great letter! I am happy that you are taking a stand to represent us! /images/graemlins/wink.gif thank you.
Very well written. Thanks! /images/graemlins/smile.gif I couldn't have said any other way. Hopefully now they will increase their vocabulary and step out of their ebonics phase.
Excellent Letter!! I'm sooo happy that so many of you have stepped up to share your feelings with Motions. Wonderful!!

...just wondering if anyone knew what Motions normal turnaround time is for replying to e-mails? Just curious as to when I should look for a response from them. /images/graemlins/bookworm.gif

You are really on it! Listen here--I know you weren't one of the Mizani Moisturefuse Research Crew, but um maybe you could compose a letter to them too! We'll pay you /images/graemlins/pinocchio.gif Okay!

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />

You are really on it! Listen here--I know you weren't one of the Mizani Moisturefuse Research Crew, but um maybe you could compose a letter to them too! We'll pay you Okay!

[/ QUOTE ]

RMAO!! /images/graemlins/rofl.gif
Re: My Letter to Motions (Mizani)

I'll draft an email to Mizani by Friday for you Mizani users! /images/graemlins/smile.gif Companies can't try and get one over on my fellow LHCF-ers; we are up on our hair products!!!

What's the email addy for Mizani?
Excellent letter, Kenesha! Way to go. Thanks for representing LCHF so well! I can't wait for their reply. Don't be surprised if it takes a while for them to respond; I'm sure they're gonna send your email up the chain of command.
Outstanding letter, Kenesha! Very direct and to the point /images/graemlins/smile.gif I am so glad to be a part of a group that is focus on the same goals and consist of very intelligent ladies! /images/graemlins/weird.gif
i just wanted to let those who are interested know that i got another email from someone at Motions asking me to call him. i did a voice conference with him and tara. he told me that they've distributed about 3,000,000 comic books in six years, and they've received only eight complaints (one last summer and seven yesterday via email. lol!)

he said he asked me to call him because he basically wanted to know what i found so offensive about the comics. we talked at great length. i don't have time right now to post everything that was said, but i'm hoping tara will chime in and elaborate.

i do want to say that he was very receptive and appreciated the input. he assured me that Motions would never do another comic book, but that they were coming out with another marketing campaign soon called the "Disney Plan."

if this man is representative of who Motions is, i have to say that i'm not as mad at them anymore... /images/graemlins/smile.gif

anyway, just an FYI...

Yeah, it seemed like he FINALLY got the point. At first he was trying to justify the comics because in his words, Motions is "100% black employees".

However, I pointed out to him that this does not make it okay. To insult the consumer is not alright. In fact I asked him how old he was and he told me 56 years old.

Also Adrienne made some VERY good points, and one of the things she said was "Sell your product based on what it does, not based on the insecurities of black women" or something to that effect. He was QUIET!!

So I said "I'm sure you remember the old "comics" then that used to be in the back of Ebony type mags about skin lightening. Beth could not go out because her skin was SO dark, until her friend said 'Hey Beth try _________ skin lightening creme' and then the comic would go on to say 'Beth was so happy to not be so dark, and with her new light and bright complexion she went to the party and found mister right' I said "There is a REASON those comics are no longer around"

So I said "Well Ronn, then you should be able to understand why this type of marketing is even MORE disrepectful when it is coming from us. Why are you not letting people know that you have a vested interest in our COMMUNITIES."

<font color="red">It really saddens me that there is profitable, publicly owned African American company, and black people know NOTHING about that fact </font> . Black people that can really benefit from purchasing stock in the company. We get positions of power, and <font color="blue"> /images/graemlins/confused.gif </font> For goodness sakes, even McDONALD's has information on their Website for INVESTOR RELATIONS and how to invest even though the Big Mac is not good for people.
Meanwhile, Motions wants to have a link to an offensive comic, but <font color="blue">no links </font> on how their company can better our community.

Crickets you guys.....but then he said "It has really registered. And your points are very, very well taken" he sounded more sincere the second time around, probably cuz he didn't want us calling back again. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

But seriously he sounded genuine the second time around and so we'll see is all I can say.

Anyway, the <font color="green">good thing </font> that has come out of this is I know that there were a lot of ladies that wanted to invest, and while some of us here don't know about technology, or gene therepy .....

Many of us know hair products, and USE hair products, so I'm serious about investigating the other publicly owned companies and purchasing stock so that I can:

1. Make a profit off an industry that so willingly makes a profit off me

2. Have a SAY in how they market to me

I have stock in technology companies that as of now are in the dumper, lol! But I believe even in a tough economy hair products will sell because as sad as it is, people will still spend money on getting their hair done.

<font color="blue">This reminds of what someone said about Operah amassing her billions. She said that "I watched what people were using and used that as a guide to invest. When everyone was running out buying Rebock (sp) shoes, I ran out and bought their stock"

There may be a way for our (meaning ALL AA) economic advancement yet.

I'm also going to look into the clothing companies that do tons of "urban" marketing and see if they are publicly owned. It's a chance to have a SAY and get money from companies that make money FROM us!!

I am in the process of starting my own business, and I am interested in the financial betterment of myself and other minorities, so this could be a way to do it!

I am always on the look out for ways to improve my life so I guess in addition to Detective, I can be called "Tara aka Charli Hustle" /images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Adrienne, Tara, and Ms Kenesha,
You guys are awesome. Thank you for representing this forum so well and getting some heads spinning! /images/graemlins/drunk.gif
You guys are awesome...

How fortunate we are to be part of a group with so much intelligence and who can represent our position so well....

I am very proud of all of you. Black women are the dopest..... /images/graemlins/grin.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Tracy said:
You guys are awesome...

How fortunate we are to be part of a group with so much intelligence and who can represent our position so well....

I am very proud of all of you. Black women are the dopest..... /images/graemlins/grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

I CONCUR! /images/graemlins/smile.gif /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Thanks to you Ms_kenesha, Adrienne, Tara, and the many others who have brought our attention to the way Motions deals with and targets us as consumers. I am anxiously awating their reply.
I posted this on the OT board, but thought I would post it here since we did talk about investing on this thread as well....


Hi Ladies,

I'm just compiling a list of hair, cosmetic, food, and fashion companies that are public for those that are interested in investing.


<font color="blue">Stock Symbol is:</font> UNLV (they are under Unilever products) (I don't know if they have the investor info on their site...customer service said they did)

Motions Owned by Alberto Culber
Alberto Culver's Direct Line is: 708-450-3032 they will call me back with the Stock Symbol

I'm still waiting for their call but the <font color="blue"> Alberto Culver symbol is: ACV</font>

The Body Shop

<font color="blue">Stock Symbol BDSPY.PK </font>

not only do they have products I like, but I like what they stand for as well!

Estee Lauder They make Clinique, Aramis, Prescriptives, Origins, M.A.C, Bobbi Brown, La Mer, jane, Aveda, Stila, Jo Malone and Bumble and Bumble. Estee Lauder Co. is also the global licensee for fragrances and cosmetics sold under the Tommy Hilfiger, Donna Karan and Kate Spade brands. TO Name a FEW!!

<font color="blue">The stock symbol is: EL </font>

You can do more research on the above companies here

This is exciting because already I'm seeing companies that we frequent and products that are mentioned regularly on this board.

I'll continue to compile info for you guys so that if you are able and interested in investing in the companies that you spend money with, you can have the info at your finger tips.

HTH someone!

Tara Rockford

May we all come up!!


The Following companies according to their customer service reps are privatly held with no opportunity to purchase stock:

Man n' Tail- Straigt Arrow Products

Biolage - Matrix


Black n' Sassy -Spartanbrands

What happened when you guys told him about the way customer service was responding to the emails?
girl, we forgot to even mention that! i'm gonna have tara call him back. he's REALLY gonna regret giving me his phone number!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
adrienne0914 said:
girl, we forgot to even mention that! i'm gonna have tara call him back. he's REALLY gonna regret giving me his phone number!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

WHAT!!!! How could ya'll forget that part? I can see ya'll now on the phone... just going for some, scaring that poor man. Tell Detective T. I'm taking back a piece of her crown for forgetting that one.

Collect the emails and email them to hiim, so he can see for himself. That poor guy is probably traumatized now.
/images/graemlins/confused.gifWhat is this Motions thing all about? I am new to the board. Will someone please direct me to the source of this Motions crazy talk.