Mother's Day gift for your SO's mother?


formerly qtslim83
Just wanted to see what your thoughts were on this...

Would you get her a gift?
Would it be rude not to?
How long would you have to be with your SO before you felt compelled to get her a gift (...if at all :look:)?
I would get her a gift l love mama Piper! If you have a nice relationship with her getmthe gift no matter how long you have been together.
I would. She's such a sweetie, can't help but to get her something. Depending on the type of relationship you have, I don't think it'd be rude not to. I would think SO and I would have been together for a minute in order for me to get his mom a gift.
Ummmm I not getting her anything. Mostly b/c he was raised by a single father and has a no relationship with his mother. should I get his father something?
I didn't feel compelled to get a gift until we got married, before then she was her son's mother, not mine.... that sounds kinda harsh but we weren't close.

If you have a good relationship with her, I don't see what would be the problem in giving her one -especially if you want to. I don't think it would be rude not to if you chose not to buy her one either.
I don't think it would be rude if you didn't, she ain't your mama :look:. But I can't say I've ever felt compelled to get an SO's mother a gift, and I've gotten along great with all of them. I'd probably just wish her Happy Mother's Day (directly, not say to SO "hey, tell your mama I said Happy Mother's Day") and that's it.
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I would think a card would be enough if you two aren't married. Every year I get dh's mom something.

Usually I just get something and it's from both of us, and the kids make her a gift from them. Dh makes sure to call her that day.

That reminds me, I better go look for something for her before I forget and it's late.
A verbal Happy Mother's Day is enough. As a wife I tell her happy mother's day and either dh or I get her a gift and card that comes from both of us. Sometimes the gift comes from the kids too, or we get a separate card/gift from them. I think a gift and card to a bf or SO's mom is a bit much unless you too are really close and she treats you like a daughter and makes you feel special.
I get my SO's mom a gift. I have since we've been dating because she treats me like a daughter and has invited me into her home several times. Nothing big, it was some chocolates and a card last year, but enough to say i love and appreciate her.
It depends on how close you are to her. I had an ex whose mother loved me from jump street. I was part of their family. She cooked for me, sent me food, always welcomed me in her house and still does to this day. Early on, I got her a Mothers day gift and a Christmas present. Again, this is only b/c we both genuinely like each other. If she and I didn't have a relationship, a verbal "Happy Mothers Day" would have sufficed. Shoot, I just ate some bkfst she sent for me this morning :lachen:. I def have to call and tell her Happy Mother's Day next Sunday.
Every since we met she's given me little gifts she gave me a little bracelet for valentines day and said they are pulling for me ( going through some thangs). I always pick out her gifts and we sign the cards with both of our names.
If I have met my SO's mother before, I bake a cake & bring it over on Mother's Day :yep: I bake cakes for my mom, grandma & aunties every Mother's Day :)
It depends on your relationship with her and him.

If I go over to her house next Sunday, I will take a card and some flowers or a plant. I would love to taker her candy but she is a diabetic.