Most IMPORTANT thing you`ve learned since joining LHCF?

That less is sometimes more! The less relaxers I get, the less I manipulate my hair, and the less I use heat the more growth I retain! But...I did learn that I need to deep condition and moisturize more!
The most important thing I learned was that it is possible to over-moisturize. So, yes, protein/moisture balance was key for me. Along with paying keen attention to my own hair.

I jumped on the fast track when I first joined (already had healthy hair - just not the length I wanted). Then my hair started to shed. :nono: Now, I take things slooooowwww and don't jump at every new opportunity to test new products.
low manipulation styles do wonders for hair growth!! Also, that stretching my relaxers is one of the best things I could ever do for my hair.
You must have patience and being consistent is key.

I Bc'd last year and had about 2-3 inches of hair (6 month transition). I used to obsess about whether it was growing or not. When I finally left it alone, I became much happier. Now I have over 12" of hair.
Just because you don't have
loose curls or have a -6F hair
does not make it "bad".
At the moment, it's learning what a braid out was & how to accomplish it.

My hair that is a victim to Florida weather thanks you all! XD
The Most Important things I've learned on this Hair Journey:

1) Patience
2) Perserverance
3) Flexibility
4) Open Mindedness
5) Thinking outside of the Box
6) Having a Plan and Working the Plan
7) Acceptance
8) You're Not Alone
9) Faith
The most important thing that I learned was how to properly neutralize after a relaxer.

That tip alone is what is causing increased hair retention.

Second is the moisture/protein balance. I remember when I was 19 years old, my white, male hair stylist told me that I needed an intense reconstructor put in my hair BADLY. I looked at him like he was crazy 'cause I was using the entire Nexxus moisturizing line. Of course, I didn't listen.

Now #$@# years later, he was right and my hair is thriving for the first time.
That there is no such thing as "white girl" hair products...without this information I would have never experienced the hairgasms I do with Herbal Essences, John Freida, and Suave. :lick:
The single most important thing I've learned is the IMPORTANCE of frequent dc'ing (for some reason I overlooked this key element to growing and maintaining healthy hair:))
What I have learned since joining is:
1) Dc'ing more often
2) Moisturize, not grease.
3) co-wash, love this
4) Ayurvedic anything, where have you been all my life?:worship2:
5) How to relax my hair without overlapping
6) baggy method, Love this too
7) After a small bout with PJism, I found what works and what doesn't and KISS
8) Mostly that I can become obsessive about my hair and become more healthy along the way ( i.e. more vitamin intake thanks to advice given here)
9) I can be addicted to a message board... Glad to see and be a part of a loving and helpful group. Thanks to all :urock:
For me, clarifying was the truth...I was constantly putting product on top of more product, and I'd never heard of buildup. My hair has thrived from adding this to my other healthy hair practices
moisturize and sealing, stretching, and cowashing.. best things that ever happened to me.. and im still new to my journey, but my hair is so much happier..
That we can all grow long hair if we choose to regardless of our genetics
Retaining length
Protective styling
To encourage each other!
We're all UNIQUE, BEAUTIFUL and have many hair GOALS!
The hands down most important thing I've learned so far since lurking on LHCF was the youtube information about the: SalonCabelo instructional videos. The woman is awesome and she's so cool to share the info. All of you LHCF members are also very generous with waves of sharing and encouragement....I had no choice but to join! Thank you Ladies for all the past; present; and future posts that will bring me that much closer to understanding my hair!!
I learned that relaxed hair can be airdried and look cute. I love that my hair is so healthy and relaxed at the same time. I know a lot has to do with dcing with protein /moisture and airdrying.
The importance of moisturizing your hair.

Before LHCF I actually took care of my hair pretty well. I was almost always in protective styles, always wore something on my head at night, and I was somewhat gentle with it when it was out. But I barely retained length.

Once I got here I realized that haircare has to continue while you're in braids/weaves. And that your hair needs moisture all the time. So now I'm very diligent about using water, conditioner, and oils to help me keep my situation moisturized. I think that's made the biggest difference for me.