Where are all my LCHFers in Training....

I've learned that...
it's okay to stretch without feeling bad about 'my poofy' hair.
i have to keep my ends moisturized.
i have to keep my 'do tied up at night to avoid damaging my sides.
One thing you can do is start a hair journal.

Oh goodness yes!! This is an absolute must. Write everything down that you do to your hair. And I do mean everything--products you use, techniques you tried, and observations about your hair. When I am under the dryer (on wash day) I pass the time by updating my journal. But I also do it every night because I record what I moisturize and seal with.
melodies, I could 'bout hit a SHABACH up in 'ere over that one!! PRAISE THE LORD FOR HIS WISDOM!!!:amen:

But now tha last one, I'm going to need to pm you about because I have a 7 year old with a FULL head of beautiful 4a hair that would disown me if I didn't at least make the attempt to learn how to style her hair where she could wear it down.

Girl, when I did the first braidout on DD, I DID a shabach all over the house. My husband didn't know what my problem was and could not understand why I was so happy. I was happier than DD...until she got home from school. She was absolutely GLOWING with joy. For the first time in 11 years, she could wear her hair down with no puffing. I wrote you back BTW.

I have learned a lot of things from here in such a short time...and I know there's a lot more to learn!:grin:

-never knew about moisturizing and sealing
-I hardly ever used a leave in
-I didn't pay much attention to what I wrapped my hair in at night...
-never knew about co-washing...and this has really worked well for me!:grin:
-conditioner was just conditioner to me... I never knew about moisturizing or protein conditioners and how there needs to be a balance
-never knew about hair types
-never used a heat protectant...which I think is one of the main reasons why my hair is in such bad condition.
-you have to have patience and realize not everything works for everyone!
-I can't jump on EVERY bandwagon, though I do have to try out new products to see what works for my hair. I'm becoming a PJ:blush:
-it's also important what you put inside of your body, not just what you put on your hair. Vitamins and supplements can be very helpful.
yes, LHCF is zee best! This may sound weird but since joining here I don't mind new growth like I used to. I was relaxing every 5 weeks, but now I'm an 8 weeker (until June). Once my hair gets a little longer I'll be a 12 weeker.
Checking in....

There's just sooooooooo much I've learned. I guess the main ones are:

1) Treat your hair & body right and they will respond in kind
2) Be proactive, don't wait until your hair is destroyed and then try to do CPR on it
3) If your hair needs CPR, learn from your mistakes and don't make the same ones twice
4) Take the time to learn your hair- what it likes and doesn't like and give it plenty of TLC
5)Hair growth/retention requires daily maintenance. You gotta do something to get something.

I'm looking to learning as much as possible. There should also be a product of the month thread so I can just buy "one" since joining here I've doubled the amount of hair products I own!!!
Sulfates are not the enemy. My favorite shampoos contains sulfates.
Cones are not the enemy either. My hair loves and needs them.
Moisture is key for me, and I should do it 2x a per day.
Sealing is very important! You gotta hold in that moisture!
The Silk scarf is my friend.
Air drying is not my enemy as long as I air dry with a cold blow dryer ON LOW SPEED!
I was shampooing too much!

I do this all the time. My ends are now butter soft!