Where are all my LCHFers in Training....


New Member
Where are all my LHCFers in Training....

I'm talking about the ladies that have been a member for 6 months or less. What have you learned since joining this board? Have you noticed a significant difference in your hair since you joined? Before joining I had very dry and very brittle hair that broke everywhere. I seriously would find these tiny broken pieces at my desk, on my pillow case, everywhere (even sometimes in food). Now, while I haven't found the secret to completely stop breakage (if it's even possible), I HAVE noticed a lot less breakage/shedding. I have learned:

1. Moisture is the key to success
2. Protein can be your friend
3. What works for everyone will not work for all (I can't touch my hair while it's wet, but some women can ONLY touch their hair while it's wet)
4. Sulfates are the enemy
5. The most important thing I've learned is that BW can have long beautiful hair

Now I still have a loooonnnggg way to go before I achieve the long healthy hair I want but I think I'm kind of on my way. If you have any tips or suggestions that will help out your fellow LHCFers in Training, please share. HHG!

ETA: If there's still something you're struggling with, maybe you can post the question here and our vets who venture in can help out!
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My hair needs moisture
I need to wash my hair W/SULFATES!!!
Trainee checking in here! Started my journey in Nov 08. I have learned that putting "goop" in my hair (as I used to call it) can be beneficial. I used to have dry, dull hair that broke and shed with every wash. I never made it past SL. I didn't know how to protect my ends at night. I was taking huge amounts of biotin and had no idea it was causing my horrible acne.

Now, 3 months later I am all about hair moisturizer and oil; I DC all the time; I cross-wrap at night and seal my ends religiously. I've cut out the biotin and cleared my face up 95%. My hair is chronically soft and shiny.

My journey isn't over yet. I am still fumbling through the whole moisture-protein balance thing. I still haven't found a way to use oil and not stain my sheets at night. And my hair still breaks, but less. I'm trying the ayurvedic stuff now as well.

When I came to the site I was looking to make a fundemental change in my approach to haircare, and I definitely found it.
Sulfates are not the enemy. My favorite shampoos contains sulfates.
Cones are not the enemy either. My hair loves and needs them.
Moisture is key for me, and I should do it 2x a per day.
Sealing is very important! You gotta hold in that moisture!
The Silk scarf is my friend.
Air drying is not my enemy as long as I air dry with a cold blow dryer ON LOW SPEED!
I was shampooing too much!
Trainee checking in here! Started my journey in Nov 08. I have learned that putting "goop" in my hair (as I used to call it) can be beneficial. I used to have dry, dull hair that broke and shed with every wash. I never made it past SL. I didn't know how to protect my ends at night. I was taking huge amounts of biotin and had no idea it was causing my horrible acne.

Now, 3 months later I am all about hair moisturizer and oil; I DC all the time; I cross-wrap at night and seal my ends religiously. I've cut out the biotin and cleared my face up 95%. My hair is chronically soft and shiny.

My journey isn't over yet. I am still fumbling through the whole moisture-protein balance thing. I still haven't found a way to use oil and not stain my sheets at night. And my hair still breaks, but less. I'm trying the ayurvedic stuff now as well.

When I came to the site I was looking to make a fundemental change in my approach to haircare, and I definitely found it.

I just started taking 5mg of Biotin because GNC doesnt have my Hair Skin Nails vitamin. I haven't had any problems yet but I will definitely know who the culprit is if I do...thanks

Sulfates are not the enemy. My favorite shampoos contains sulfates.
Cones are not the enemy either. My hair loves and needs them.
Moisture is key for me, and I should do it 2x a per day.
Sealing is very important! You gotta hold in that moisture!
The Silk scarf is my friend.
Air drying is not my enemy as long as I air dry with a cold blow dryer ON LOW SPEED!
I was shampooing too much!

That's what I've been doing for a few weeks now and I think it's a good technique. Didn't know that other people did this too :yawn:
I've learned so much
I've become a PJ
My hair loves cones
I should clarify monthly due to the amounts of cones
I love, love, love ORS replenishing pak
I can't stretch more than 10 weeks
A trim at every other relaxer works well for me
scalp massages are important to my scalp

The others don't do this. Probably just you and I. I just thought of this recently when I was trying to air dry but it kept making my hair dry and raggedy. I needed to lay off the heat for a while, and I love blow drying, so I figured I'll blow dry without the heat.
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I learnt everything I know about hair care on this forum. my hair is currently in protective twists. I learnt about the importance of moisture.
Consistency is key..
Moisturize and SEAL (usually 2x/day)
DC is very important
I need my protein
Stretching w/ short hair (below NL) is almost impossible
I can go w/ no heat much longer than I ever imagined
Gave up on brushing

The others don't do this. Probably just you and I. I just thought of this recently when I was trying to air dry but it kept making my hair dry and raggedy. I needed to lay off the heat for a while, and I love blow drying, so I figured I'll blow dry without the heat.

Great minds think alike then :lachen:
I learned that my hair loves moisture.
DC is important and I now do it 3x a week.
Only use a wide tooth comb.
I'm in love with megatek, aphogee products, NTM leave in and coconut oil!
I've also learned that my hair must be covered at night.
I learned pretty much that you can not do everything that everyone else do and succeed. For example: my hair never had problems with holding moisture, so therefore I didn't need as much as others do. I can easily get moisture overload.

I learned that my hair loves protein.

I learned that I don't need to trim every 6 weeks like I was doing. :look:

I learned that you must understand YOUR hair needs. Try things out, and if they don't work for you, try new things.
>I learned that my hair needs moisture
>I learned not use heat because my hair was overfried and its getting better
>I have become a PJ
>I use sulphate free shampoo and my hair loves that because it was overstriped with SLS
>I condition twice a week
>I can spray a little bit of water as a moisturizer which my hair loves:yep:
>I seal my hair with castor oil and jojoba oil I had no idea what sealing was:nono:
>I have also leant about tea rinsing which is helping with shedding
I have leant a lot of stuff on this site plus ladies here have the info and I have got my hair sister who alwayz cheer me when I am low or frustrated with my hair,shout out to my sister TOY:yep::yep:
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Im a LCHF in training..but I havent been paying as much attention to what my hair likes as I should. I still see my beautician every 2 weeks so ,I only wash my hair myself twice a month.
I figured out about keeping my ends moisturized and TRYING to incorporate protective styling.
Im creeping on over to Ayurvedic (sp?) powders but I havent actually tried it yet.
I like coconut oil.
Other than that, Im pretty much still observing. It sucks cause everyone talks about how their hair loves this and that and me and my hair havent established a intimate relationship yet.
Im a LCHF in training..but I havent been paying as much attention to what my hair likes as I should. I still see my beautician every 2 weeks so ,I only wash my hair myself twice a month.
I figured out about keeping my ends moisturized and TRYING to incorporate protective styling.
Im creeping on over to Ayurvedic (sp?) powders but I havent actually tried it yet.
I like coconut oil.
Other than that, Im pretty much still observing. It sucks cause everyone talks about how their hair loves this and that and me and my hair havent established a intimate relationship yet.

One thing you can do is start a hair journal. I just started one a little less than a month ago. Whenever I try a new product or technique I always mention the effect it has on my hair (i.e. does it cause a lot of tangles, breakage, makes it soft/hard etc.) and it's really starting to help me out. I'm gonna also start listing the ingredients the products have so that I can learn what I need to stay away from, and what I need to use more of.
Protein/Moisture balance
Protective Styling
Heat Avoidance
Big Chopping
I am now transitioning.
So many things I have learned from this forum!
... DC is very, very important, 2x per week for me
... I can stretch my relaxers at least 9 weeks, I am going for 15 with kinky twists
... my natural hair is curly, I am thinking 4b/3a
... I have to add product to my hair if I want it to stay attached to my head
... New products that will be keepers Aphogee 2min, GVP Matrix Hydrating Balm, HB Carrot Oil Moistuizer and HB Castor Oil, and SE Megasilk DC
... experimentation is key
... bantu knot set are the bomb
I have learned
1. using direct heat once a week is too much for my hair
2. I can get my hair to look anywhere from decent to nice by roller setting
3. moisturizing my ends 3-4x's per week is key
... DC is very, very important, 2x per week for me
... I can stretch my relaxers at least 9 weeks, I am going for 15 with kinky twists
... my natural hair is curly, I am thinking 4b/3a
... I have to add product to my hair if I want it to stay attached to my head
... New products that will be keepers Aphogee 2min, GVP Matrix Hydrating Balm, HB Carrot Oil Moistuizer and HB Castor Oil, and SE Megasilk DC
... experimentation is key
... bantu knot set are the bomb

I just attempted a braidout this weekend that was a HAM :lachen:, but I'm no longer afraid to try new styles (I was a strict pony-tail girl for years)
Wow, where do I start?

-Cowashing is the business
-Moisture is alot more important than protein sometimes
-Deep conditioning can only be a good thing
-Drop an egg in my DC for a week monthly
-Oils are better than spray sheen
-Learned how to read the ingredients on my products
-Heat is not my friend!

Right before I found this place, my SL hair had fell out in several different places ( I used to flat iron daily on high) and I had decided I was going to go natural. Now I know you can have healthy relaxed hair too. I'm stickin' with this natural thing for now and I'm grateful for all the info I've found here and on Fotki!
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1. I have learned not to take my hair for granted and to listen to it when it is shouting at me with its various screams of "snap, crackle, pop"

2. I have learned that my moisture/protein balance is key and all else should fall into place.

3. I have learned to take advise and learn from mistakes.

4. I have learned that there is a reason Indian ladies normally have long strong beautiful hair (Ayurveda...:drunk:)
i've been a member since January. i suppose i've learned the following:

- garlic reduces shedding. i've been taking supplements.
- my hair likes a good balance of moisture and protein.
- deep conditioning is necessary.
- roller sets are great for retaining moisture and getting a sleek style.... it just takes FOREVER for my hair to dry under the stupid bonnet!
- with that being said, i may have to bend and order a Pibbs.
- air drying doesn't work for me. my hair gets tangled.
- my hair likes heat... even though i'm trying to not use it directly!
Well, I wasn't really aware of LHCF when I decided to go natural. Most of the good hair regimens I have now are from visiting other sites dedicated to natural and curly hair, and the advice here doesn't stray much from the advice given on those types of sites for naturals. I'd tried to go natural in 2000, but didn't really know what I was doing, so I gave that up quickly. This time around when I decided to go natural I did my research. I've been natural since June 2007, so when I found this site I already had a solid routine, but I liked the topics I read here before subscribing, liked the discussions that were taking place and wanted to add my two cents here and there.

Now, LHCF didn't turn me on to henna, but I definitely DO credit it for making me step up my ayurvedic game. After reading so many topics here about other ayuvedics aside from henna, I feel like a psuedo-expert on it (as far as my hair is concerned, YMMV). And being part of a community where women of color are so focused on the health of their hair, and dedicated to fostering good hair practice among our women, makes me feel good, especially considering the hair no-no's I see everyday that leave me thinking: "My people, my people. :nono:"

BUT... if I were still relaxed, this place would be a WEALTH of knowledge because my relaxed hair was a HAM. And if I ever relax again (which I doubt, but never say never, y'know), I'll be armed with some excellent information.
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Hiya! I joined August '08. Ignore what the profile says; it's incorrect. (I need to write Beverly about that so my subscription doesn't end this year when I paid for two years...)

Anyway, I've learned so far...

  • Stop combing all the time. Fingers are great.
  • Search and destroy instead of trying to keep everything even all the time. I was killing my retention b/c I am a slow grower.
  • MegaTek is not good for JUST horses. :grin:
  • Having healthy and beautiful hair is not prideful...it actually gives glory to God and shows I care about what He has given me...this was a HUGE struggle.
  • I can wash/co-wash 1-2 times per week without messing up my entire week.
  • I can self relax without overlapping.
  • I don't need a relaxer every 6-8 weeks. I can stretch up to 24 weeks with no major issues.
  • Protein and moisture are both my friends!
  • There is a product that can stop reversion...didn't think one truly existed. SABINO MOISTURE BLOCK!
  • Kinky twists are NOT my friend! Braids are.
  • Rollersets are my favorite PS.
  • How to do my daughter's hair consistently and allow her to wear it down without puffing up. MAJOR!!!
Thanks, LHCF! I thank the Lord for you...and Beverly for starting you...

Great thread!

I've learned...
1. How to listen to my hair and not ads and product commercials on what's best for it!
2. That stretching REALLY works for my 4a/b hair (I currenly stretch anywhere from 18 to 26 weeks with no problem).
3. Protein is NOT a necessity for me (my hair tends to lean more towards the dry-side).
4. Protective styling is an ESSENTIAL part of growing hair.
5. Using natural oils and steering away from growth serums/aids/potions that may stimulate my scalp but does terrible things to my ends.
6. Trimming is only necessary for cosmetic purposes and has completely NO EFFECT on growth whatsoever.
7. I NEED vitamins and supplements. (My hair, skin, and nails thrive on them!)
8. How to read ingredient labels on products and identify culprits of dryness like mineral oil and petroleum.
Hiya! I joined August '08. Ignore what the profile says; it's incorrect. (I need to write Beverly about that so my subscription doesn't end this year when I paid for two years...)

Anyway, I've learned so far...

  • Stop combing all the time. Fingers are great.
  • Search and destroy instead of trying to keep everything even all the time. I was killing my retention b/c I am a slow grower.
  • MegaTek is not good for JUST horses. :grin:
  • Having healthy and beautiful hair is not prideful...it actually gives glory to God and shows I care about what He has given me...this was a HUGE struggle.
  • I can wash/co-wash 1-2 times per week without messing up my entire week.
  • I can self relax without overlapping.
  • I don't need a relaxer every 6-8 weeks. I can stretch up to 24 weeks with no major issues.
  • Protein and moisture are both my friends!
  • There is a product that can stop reversion...didn't think one truly existed. SABINO MOISTURE BLOCK!
  • Kinky twists are NOT my friend! Braids are.
  • Rollersets are my favorite PS.
  • How to do my daughter's hair consistently and allow her to wear it down without puffing up. MAJOR!!!
Thanks, LHCF! I thank the Lord for you...and Beverly for starting you...

Great thread!


melodies, I could 'bout hit a SHABACH up in 'ere over that one!! PRAISE THE LORD FOR HIS WISDOM!!!:amen:

But now tha last one, I'm going to need to pm you about because I have a 7 year old with a FULL head of beautiful 4a hair that would disown me if I didn't at least make the attempt to learn how to style her hair where she could wear it down.