MN USERS, and interested ladies support thread and recipes

MN has been an answer to prayer for me.

Started texlaxing Jan 07 and my hair has progressively gotten worse. No-lye damages my hair and lye causes my hair to break at the scalp.

My edges had broken all the way back into my hair. my nape.. was hardly ever there to begin with.

Been using MN for about a month (Family Dollar brand gives great results) and my edges are filling in.. My nape is also bushy and I have a nice amount of new growth.

I use MN straight and mixed with oil.

Just found a stylist and salon in my area that wet sets natural hair. There are no hand held blow dryers in the shop. They press the hair and curl..

Thanks to you ladies, I won't fall too far off track and I'll have that beautiful head of healthy hair.

now you almost made me cry because I know how it feels to always come to a dead end when you are trying to reach a goal .. however there is a silver lining and you sure reached it Thank God .. keep up the good work and I am so glad thqt you found a stylist that can care for your natural hair .
Several ladies have stated that heating the MN will change its properties. I have some questions about that...

First...I heated the sulfur 8 and coconut oils to melt them down, so naturally when I added the MN it got heated. Should I have let the oils cool a little?

Secondly... My mixture is rather thick and hardens over time. I stick it in the microwave for 20 seconds to loosen it up enough to apply to the scalp. Should I stop doing this?

Finally...this is just a thought...If a woman is using MN "as intended", won't it get heated once inside the body considering normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees? The cream still seems to work while heated in the body, so why would heating it otherwise change its properties? Just wondering:look:
girl I am so happy for you and you are really growing that hair girl ...
i want to see relaxer pics ok.

For sure! I can't wait to take the pics! Thanks again for all of your support. you avarage about 1 inch per month? It looks like more!:yep:
uhh... you do realize microwaving heats it to a LOT higher than 98 degrees right?

As far as it not working after heating... MSDS says that the stuff is sensitive to light, heat, and any oxidizing agents. I wouldn't heat it, and I don't really see a reason you would need to-- just warm the coconut oil in hot water, then mix it with everything else and add the MN last, no more heat needed.

Several ladies have stated that heating the MN will change its properties. I have some questions about that...

First...I heated the sulfur 8 and coconut oils to melt them down, so naturally when I added the MN it got heated. Should I have let the oils cool a little?

Secondly... My mixture is rather thick and hardens over time. I stick it in the microwave for 20 seconds to loosen it up enough to apply to the scalp. Should I stop doing this?

Finally...this is just a thought...If a woman is using MN "as intended", won't it get heated once inside the body considering normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees? The cream still seems to work while heated in the body, so why would heating it otherwise change its properties? Just wondering:look:
now you almost made me cry because I know how it feels to always come to a dead end when you are trying to reach a goal .. however there is a silver lining and you sure reached it Thank God .. keep up the good work and I am so glad thqt you found a stylist that can care for your natural hair .

Thanks. your photo and post was what made me jump on the MN bawndwagon.

Soooo,thank you!
Guys, I just made my mix (1T 2% MN, 2T BT, 1 T Almond Oil) but I have two quick questions:

1. My mix isn't really homogeneous - the MN is sorta sitting in clumps among the oil :ohwell: In my mind, I thought this would be a smooth, even mixture but I guess it isn't. Has anyone else had this problem?

I use the stick that comes in the relaxer box. It works great with mixing the MN and the oils. No clumps. And I even put sulfer 8 and coconut oil. I just mix it really good with that stick and it comes out smooth. I use that baking technique: use the stick to smash the clumps on the side of what your mixing it in. HTH
Ok, I finally have the time to post!
I started using my MN mixture on 12/17/07. I'm currently on the 1 year braids challenge. So far, I notice wave patterns over my scalp-so I'm thinking ng?:look:
Anyhoo, my MN mixture consists the following:

3 tubes 2% MN
Proclaim natural 7 oil
ORS shear butter cream
Castor oil

I mix all of these without measuring quantities- I just add till I feel it's right and I do have a light creamy mixture which I apply about 4 times a week with an applicator bottle.
I'm looking forward to all that growth and will measure when I redo my braids which will be Feb 08 by God's grace ( in about 2 months).
Great thread OP by the way, it's amazing to read through all the positive posts ladies. Keep it coming!
I just mixed up my first 2% MN (Miconazole Nitrate Cream) scalp treatment for accelerated hair growth. I'm calling this mix 1

1 & 1/2 teaspoon of 100% african shea butter
1tsp of coconut oil
1 heaping teaspoon of sulfur 8
1 tsp WGHO
1 heaping teaspon of castor oil
20 drops of peppermint EO
1 tube of 2% Safeway brand MN

The mixture is a warm creamed honey yellow. I will apply this directly to my scalp following my regular moisturizing regimen. I will apply every other day in the evening and observe results. I will take a picture with my camera phone tonight of the growth I already have 6 weeks post.

Question - although my mix is creamy and homogenous it's very oily I was hoping to have something more like the consistency of Elasta QP Mango butter only more whipped? Does anyone have a formulation closer to that or any ideas on how to get one? I just don't like all that oiliness on my scalp....:ohwell:
I just mixed up my first 2% MN (Miconazole Nitrate Cream) scalp treatment for accelerated hair growth. I'm calling this mix 1

1 & 1/2 teaspoon of 100% african shea butter
1tsp of coconut oil
1 heaping teaspoon of sulfur 8
1 tsp WGHO
1 heaping teaspon of castor oil
20 drops of peppermint EO
1 tube of 2% Safeway brand MN

The mixture is a warm creamed honey yellow. I will apply this directly to my scalp following my regular moisturizing regimen. I will apply every other day in the evening and observe results. I will take a picture with my camera phone tonight of the growth I already have 6 weeks post.

Question - although my mix is creamy and homogenous it's very oily I was hoping to have something more like the consistency of Elasta QP Mango butter only more whipped? Does anyone have a formulation closer to that or any ideas on how to get one? I just don't like all that oiliness on my scalp....:ohwell:

mine is also oily. It looked like a container of grease. But I found a solution. I added a little leave in conditioner to my mixture and put it in an applicator bottle. Instead of parting my hair and putting a stream of mixture on it, I started to make dots on my scalp (if that makes since). I would put the applicator nozzle on my scalp and squeeze--- dot here, dot there, all over my head then massage it in. This made it less greasy on my hair. HTH

my mixture:
sulfer 8 grease
carrot oil
amla oil
coconut oil
peppermint oil
Ok well I talked to my SO last night and he said what i said was correct but what i was measuring was not (somehow I did it wrong if you can imagine that, i think the braid got in my way). Basically he said that everything was a 1/2 inch shorther than I thought:sad: SO that means 1.5 inches in the back, 1 in the middle and only .5 in the front. I guess it's still growing though oh well I guess ill get those layers I like so much....naturally
Believe it not folks, when I started using my MN and sulfur 8 mix on November 11, 2007, I was 2 inches from APL. I am now about a half an inch from APL so that's 1 and a half inches in 5 weeks. I was just under 7 inches from BSL then and I am now 5 inches from BSL. I will be getting a trim when I am full APL and my goal is to get there by March 2008 and at that time I will get a tiny trim to even my hair off in the back.

I will not trim it again until I reach my next hair goal of BSL provided that there are no mishaps before then. I'll probably wear some protective styling the first half of next year, like weaves for 5 weeks at a time, rest 2 weeks and weave again, etc... I believe I will be able to stretch my full 18 weeks this time if I do this at least twice before my next relaxer. I am now 9 days post relaxer, so I have a long way to go before the next one.

I will use my MN between the tracks and make sure to get some braid spray to keep my hair underneath the weave moisturized. I will also wash in the shower once a week with diluted shampoo and conditioner in a spray bottle. I think I'll use rabiaelaine's method of weaving 101 which I saw on Macherieamour's website.

Boy am I excited about this hair journey! I mean at first I wasn't sure if the MN was working until I did some measurements. I was like WOW! My next relaxer is due in March 20th, 2008 at the earliest (14 weeks post) or April 17th, 2008 at the latest (18 weeks post). My last stretch I made it to 14 weeks but I don't know if I will be able to this time around but I had to set some type of goal though so I don't go off course.

If my growth is out of control at week 10, then guess what? I will be relaxing at week 10. But until then, I will enjoy my accelerated new growth.

Happy growing to you all.
I must say my hair is really growing and I change my mn to:
2 tubes of family dollar mn & half a jar of sulfur 8

I have called myself developing a fotki but I am new to all this uploading stuff but my daughter is helping me & she ask for a digital camera for christmas and soon as she get that bad boy open on christmas I will start showing. I need to learn how to put the pics up side by side for comparison, anyway ladies my hair ain't never been this lenght except for when I got my 1st relaxer when I was 8 just before it broke all off :blush: !! That's ok though cause thanks to LHCF & MN, I will be at my BSL goal before my birthday (July). Now if I can just lose weight!!:perplexed
I must say my hair is really growing and I change my mn to:
2 tubes of family dollar mn & half a jar of sulfur 8

I have called myself developing a fotki but I am new to all this uploading stuff but my daughter is helping me & she ask for a digital camera for christmas and soon as she get that bad boy open on christmas I will start showing. I need to learn how to put the pics up side by side for comparison, anyway ladies my hair ain't never been this lenght except for when I got my 1st relaxer when I was 8 just before it broke all off :blush: !! That's ok though cause thanks to LHCF & MN, I will be at my BSL goal before my birthday (July). Now if I can just lose weight!!:perplexed

How often do you apply it and how long does this mixture last you?
OH dear plz tell me that it's okay to heat up the MN? :perplexed

I made my MN mix :
with cocounut oil, EVOO, Natty's hair food oil, 5 drops peppermint oil, and one tube of MN Family $ 2%.
Started today. :grin: *crossing fingers* I hope to get great growth like you MN'ers
you ladies are making me so happy with al this progress ..
any way like promise here are my last pics after using MN these were taken a few weeks ago but i don't think I posted them . also I got my hair trimmed yesterday after my relaxer my ends were looking thin to me .

after 2 of corn rows

new relaxer with trim
I posted this on another of iaec's threads but I think its working. I have grey hair sproutin up and my scalp itches- which it Never does.. I heard that this is a good sign.
Gonna continue with this and Ayurveda until the end of April and then Ill straighten(lightly) for a comparison pic.

Yeah Vajayjay cream!!!!
I posted this on another of iaec's threads but I think its working. I have grey hair sproutin up and my scalp itches- which it Never does.. I heard that this is a good sign.
Gonna continue with this and Ayurveda until the end of April and then Ill straighten(lightly) for a comparison pic.

Yeah Vajayjay cream!!!!

girl i don't have time to itch i was every week now .. but keep us posted ok .
Ohhh.. darn .. I melted my oils and then mixed in the tub then to kinda blend I put it in the microwave for like 30 secs....

I hope it's okay....

anyone else:perplexed
Hey Ladies!!! I just started using MN this week!!! I hope it's not too late! :rolleyes:

I used a whole tub of MN 7
Some Peppermint oil
Coconut oil
Mango Butter

That's it! :grin:

I first applied on Monday...then again last night. As of today, my scalp has been a little sore...more so tender to the touch, but a couple of the ladies have been saying that it may be a growth spurt! :spinning: I hope so!! :spinning:

nice mix keep us updated ok
Several ladies have stated that heating the MN will change its properties. I have some questions about that...

First...I heated the sulfur 8 and coconut oils to melt them down, so naturally when I added the MN it got heated. Should I have let the oils cool a little?

Secondly... My mixture is rather thick and hardens over time. I stick it in the microwave for 20 seconds to loosen it up enough to apply to the scalp. Should I stop doing this?

Finally...this is just a thought...If a woman is using MN "as intended", won't it get heated once inside the body considering normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees? The cream still seems to work while heated in the body, so why would heating it otherwise change its properties? Just wondering:look:

girl you go miss chemist .. whatever works for you is fine and keep us updated ok
mine is also oily. It looked like a container of grease. But I found a solution. I added a little leave in conditioner to my mixture and put it in an applicator bottle. Instead of parting my hair and putting a stream of mixture on it, I started to make dots on my scalp (if that makes since). I would put the applicator nozzle on my scalp and squeeze--- dot here, dot there, all over my head then massage it in. This made it less greasy on my hair. HTH

my mixture:
sulfer 8 grease
carrot oil
amla oil
coconut oil
peppermint oil

wow leave in conditioner .. now this is good yo know .I am so glad that you all are sharing these different mixes to us all .. thanks sis
Several ladies have stated that heating the MN will change its properties. I have some questions about that...

First...I heated the sulfur 8 and coconut oils to melt them down, so naturally when I added the MN it got heated. Should I have let the oils cool a little?

Secondly... My mixture is rather thick and hardens over time. I stick it in the microwave for 20 seconds to loosen it up enough to apply to the scalp. Should I stop doing this?

Finally...this is just a thought...If a woman is using MN "as intended", won't it get heated once inside the body considering normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees? The cream still seems to work while heated in the body, so why would heating it otherwise change its properties? Just wondering:look:

hmmm. never thought about that - - good observation.