mischka about town.



You may have seen me in the RT and online dating threads discussing various guys I've been interested in or gone out with. I figure maybe there may be an audience for expanding into my own spin-off show, starring me :lol:

The thing that has been missing from my posts so far is background and context. Since I've already gone into a little depth about the interactions so far, I can fill in the holes in information now.

I'm 24, and I'm currently in my last quarter of grad school. I live in an unnamed not-so-mysterious large metropolitan area with several different neighborhoods conducive to meeting young, professional, hip types. I am cute, but I am not drop dead gorgeous. I have a cute figure, but I have to lose about fifteen pounds that I picked up since graduating from college. My saving grace is that from time to time I'm freaking hilarious, and I'm not especially timid around most guys.

As it turns out, as some of you may know, I am not exactly on the prowl for a husband. I have limited experience with "real" relationships, and I prefer a fun, pressure-free approach to dating. I tend to clam up and back off once there are hints of a more serious commitment, and I am a master at making up reasons why I don't like a guy. However, I want to work on that. I want to be more comfortable in relationships with a little more obligation, and I want to stop talking myself out of allowing guys to get close to me.

As far as dating, I tend to stick within my general age group (no older than 30) and I am open to dating both guys that I know or meet in real life and guys that I meet on the internet. I have a profile on okcupid, which, incidentally, is a site I would recommend. I had one on plentyoffish, but I didn't like the quality of men there and the site was just too free-for-allish for me. I am busy with school and interning during the week, so most of my dating happens on weekends.

Now that you know a bit about me let's look at the guys....
Colin Farrell, aka Farrell. Farrell and I met at a bar for my friend's twenty-sixth birthday. He was sitting nearby with a girl I knew and a guy I didn't, so I joined them. Initially, I was interested in his friend, who kept making eye contact with me from across the room, but his friend didn't really make an effort to converse with me... Farrell did. We had one of those drunken bar conversations, and I was making him laugh a lot. When they called for last call, I asked Farrell to get me another drink. While we stood near the bar, we had one of those "where are you going/where do you live?" conversations which happens at a night out when you don't want to end the night yet but you don't know this strange person that you just met.

Well, I'd had enough to drink that night where I wasn't overly suspicious of this schoolteacher who lived nearby so I decided to go back with him (which, incidentally, I don't recommend). He lived literally less than five minutes from the bar. The apartment was very nice. Huge which must have been expensive for this area, two bedroom two bathroom. I checked out his bookcase, which I tend to do at other people's houses... a lot of black studies type books, Richard Wright, James Baldwin, Howard Zinn, Tim Wise, etc. There was no tv in the living room, but there was a record player. Farrell had a couple cases of old school vinyls that I picked through as he handed me a glass of pinot grigio. Lots of jazz, Marvin Gaye, Al Green... did I mention Farrell is a practically ginger Irish kid? Whitest white boy alive, what's going on here? :lol:

We made it through maybe one song before he was sitting next to me on the loveseat, and then pulling my legs across his lap and leaning in to kiss me. We went back to his room, where I cracked up at the copy of Uncle Tom's Cabin on his bedside table. We spent the night until five am frolicking around in bed. Did I mention Farrell is a virgin? Well, he is. He's waiting for marriage, apparently. It was a good night nonetheless, filled with lots of laughs and flirting.

Farrell gave me a ride home (for some reason I didn't expect him to have a car, no one really does around here) and even walked me up to my door. I giggled to myself for a couple days at what a great night that was, but I intended to leave it there. Never to see this guy again. Well, I ended up searching for him on facebook and he popped right up. I still thought well, I don't need to friend him, I don't want him to get the wrong idea or anything. But, I went ahead and friended him anyway, and a couple days ago he facebook chatted me...

Farrell is 27, and he is a schoolteacher by trade. He teaches special ed kindegarten through fourth grade.
(I have about four more entries to write up, so you guys, can I ask for a little encouragement? Thoughts opinions or questions will be eagerly received :drunk:)
So S is a cutie from okcupid. A couple Saturdays ago, I got invited to a random birthday party (more on that later). I had gotten dressed and was having a double cranberry and vodka waiting for my ride, checking my okc profile. I stopped checking back on visitors a while ago, but this guy looked cute (and I was buzzed). I liked what I saw, so I rated him five stars. I got an automated "you both rated five stars!" message, and he messaged me afterward... but then my ride showed up so I quickly asked for his number and vacated.

Over the next week, we texted back and forth. He was on spring break because he's - surprise - another school teacher, except he's doing TFA and teaching Spanish to high school students. At first things seemed kind of lukewarm but after a good conversation one night he seemed to jump me on his list of meeting IRL. He mentioned that he wanted to meet that Saturday, which would be his first night back in town. I expected him to cancel because who wants to go out after a long flight? but to my surprise, I heard from him around nine. I wasn't in the mood for drinks (this was the day after I met Farrell) so I suggested a movie instead.

We agreed to meet downtown. I had been lazing around all day and when he said he was on his way I was like :perplexed I'm gonna be late. I had to shower and get dressed. I caught a shuttle to the subway, which, at this time of night was only running every half hour. I was still waiting for the train when S texted me that he was already there. Oh no! I felt like a jerk, and started getting really jittery. I hate to make people wait, and I didn't want him to think I was standing him up because he was really cute and I really wanted to meet.

The train eventually comes and I apologize profusely. He assures me it's ok and just wants to know what time I'll get there so he can buy the tickets. It's 10 oclock, 10:20, 10:30... I finally get there close to 11. I wasn't even really sure where the theater was, so I had to call him back. Rather than make him wait for me to walk three or four blocks (in four inch heels) I hailed a cab. There's barely any time to get nervous before we pull up, so I ask him to stop a ways before the entry way. Plus, this way I get to make a cute little entrance, clicking my heels and swaying my hips. I can see him a bit in the distance, backlit by the glass windows and doors behind him. I throw my arms up as if to say "Finally! I'm sorry!" and he pulls me into a hug. Hm. Good sign.

Oh, I didn't mention the flask in my purse. We shared the last of my Ketel One, straight. It doesn't take long before he entwines my fingers in his, resting on top of my knee. A much preferable maneuver than the arm around the shoulder bit. I didn't particularly love the movie (Source Code) but S thought it was great. We stop by the bathroom before we leave. He emerges and offers the crook of his elbow for me to slip my arm through. So cute. When we get outside we pause at the steps, wondering what to do next. He points to his cheek, and I lean in and kiss him. SO CUTE.

It's a little late for dinner and we're not sure what to do next, so we head for the train. He sits next to me and I lean on his arm, his shoulder. The conversation is easygoing enough, but he's a little quieter than I expected. He seems into me enough but it's hard to get a good read on him. He asks me things like what am I thinking, if I could be doing anything in the world right now what would it be? (I told him this worked for me and I was pretty good sticking with this :yep:) He asks what exactly it is I'm looking for. "I don't know," I say at first, and then I add, "someone I want to spend time with." He seems to mull that one over...

S is 22 and he is working on his masters while simultaneously doing TFA.
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Can't wait to hear more. It was nice for you to meet a virgin that isn't weird or dorky.

Aww your date with S sounds too cute! You seem very self-confident, which is great.

You just gave me the idea to dig out this flask that I've had for a year but have never used:lol:
Well, I have bad news. Sort of. Like you guys, I was pleased with the date with S and wanted to see what would develop. Which is why I was delighted to hear from him Sunday... and again Monday. But after that - nothing. Zippo, nilch, nada. As the week wore on, I started to feel sapped of hope here and couldn't pinpoint a reason why. I'm not normally the type to take things like this personally - if I'm not the one for you, no biggie, we don't need to waste our time - but there didn't seem to be any real indication that we were a bad match. And I was affronted at the idea of S making that decision after only one date. So I dwelled on it more and more, getting increasingly pissy and bad tempered about it.

By Friday, fueled with some liquid courage, I called. I was glad he didn't answer because I had this whole voicemail speech planned out in my head. But that wasn't enough :look: I have been known to call dudes over and over and over and over just to force their hand - you either pick up or send me to voicemail :lol: and I will take whichever hint accordingly.

So I called back a second time and got a text in response. “No talky on phone?” I asked. He invited me over to cuddle. “Can you call me?” I asked. I was very suspicious of this and was wondering what was going on over there. He called and after a drunk/stupid, circuitous conversation we decided I would catch a cab to his place. I asked him to look up the number to the cab place. I called and to my surprise the cab showed up like barely a couple minutes later. Well, no backing out now. I wasn't dressed up at all, I was wearing a collegiate hoodie with leggings but, well, here was the cab.

When I got to S's place he didn't answer the phone. I'd warned him not to fall asleep before I got there, but he was asleep. I knew the door would be open because on our first date we'd stopped by his place, and the door had been open. So I invited myself in. He was asleep. He was playing music on his iphone but I don't suppose it worked.

So I got in the bed with him, and it quickly became apparent that I wasn't going to get off as easily as I had with Farrell - no pun intended. S wasn't a virgin, and that quickly became apparent to me. I told him he was a bad example for his kids, I told him he had to practice delayed gratification, I told him we'd be skipping all the good stuff, I told him he needed to learn to wait. This conversation was punctuated with kisses. Eventually he called me a tease and let it go. So we slept.

The next morning he made me breakfast. He had to work - who works on a Saturday? I said, but he'd shown me his phone as he set the alarm the night before and there was a 3 am daily alarm, and a 7 am weekend alarm. Seemed a little elaborate to be faked, and I have a life and things to get back to anyway. He held onto my hand, gave directions, kissed me, and we parted.

.......so, I get on facebook and Farrell chats me. During the course of the conversation I mention how I may be getting to that age where people start looking at me wondering where the kids are. "Do you think we should have a kid?" Farrell asks. I told him yes, and he asked one or two. "One," I said, "and a dog. But not two." He agreed and I added, "but we should probably have dinner first."

Like a good college educated man, Farrell took that as a hint to invite himself over. When he'd dropped me off last weekend he inquired about my apartment but I told him it was too messy for visitors. I told him I was watching The Mummy 2 on cable, which I thought was a hilarious opening for his invitation. So, I said we'd watch The Mummy.

He came over bearing a case of hard lemonade and a six pack, dressed Cali casual in a plain v neck tshirt, jeans, and flip flops. I was a little awkward at first - I'd been drunk during the entirety of our previous meeting - but as we caught the breeze - and shot the breeze - things loosened up. It turns out that I'd :blah: :blah: :blah:ed a lot the other night, because I told him tons of crap I couldn't remember saying. He was surprised at how bad my memory was and I had to correct him that no, I was just really drunk. I'd had like seven drinks and most of them had been doubles.

It was a beautiful day out. We watched the Food Network while the day wound down. Eventually, he kissed me... so... that passed a couple hours. Farrell is extremely free with the compliments, by the way. He complimented the softness of my skin, the tone in my legs, the way I tasted. He seems to really like my butt, by the way, and it isn't a festi****ic thing because I don't have an abnormally large butt, I just have a shapely one from running. But he said the same thing last time too - "you have a really great butt" :lol:

I don't know who may have seen this in the RT thread, but after awhile we ordered in, and it was perfection. I think I'm a little brasher than what he's used to but once we were eating I was able to mellow out, as if we were in a restaurant, and we had a normal conversation. I asked if he wanted to share with me, and once he did, he was so irreversibly cute that I just wanted to kiss him. It was very, very good. The food too.

Shortly after that we called it a night, for which I was glad because I wanted to get online :look: I have been satisfied with male suitors for a week which should allow me to focus on other things before I start to look askance at my phone again....
more! more! more!

Your a great writer. I'm usually the type of person that skips through parts but I didn't even have to with you!
Great stories, Mischka! I can't wait to hear more. I like that you give enough detail, but not so much that I have to skip over parts. I'm a little ADD.
:lol: I probably don't go out again until the weekend and I only have a couple stories left between now and then so I gotta pace myself.
mischka: Great thread!
I have been known to call dudes over and over and over and over just to force their hand - you either pick up or send me to voicemail :lol: and I will take whichever hint accordingly.
I'll be the first to give a substantive opinion: Please don't do the bolded any more. :nono: Also, if you are looking for a serious relationship at this point, then I would also advise going on traditional dates before spending the night at a man's house or having him come over to yours.
@mischka: Great thread!
I'll be the first to give a substantive opinion: Please don't do the bolded any more. :nono: Also, if you are looking for a serious relationship at this point, then I would also advise going on traditional dates before spending the night at a man's house or having him come over to yours.

I'm not, though, so it's cool beans. I'm not opposed to them anymore, but I'm not particularly seeking one. If it happens, it happens...

eta: i would like a longer term relationship though, i think, so i do plan on toning down the familiarity a little.
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>>So I called back a second time and got a text in response. “No talky on phone?” I asked. He invited me over to cuddle. “Can you call me?” I asked. I was very suspicious of this and was wondering what was going on over there. He called and after a drunk/stupid, circuitous conversation we decided I would catch a cab to his place. I asked him to look up the number to the cab place. I called and to my surprise the cab showed up like barely a couple minutes later. Well, no backing out now. I wasn't dressed up at all, I was wearing a collegiate hoodie with leggings but, well, here was the cab. <<

This is the para that reminds me you are 24. Why would you go over to his place when he was resistant to even call you? You made yourself way too avail and could have been date raped... Plus why force someone's hand? If they aren't interested do you have to hear them say it?
I'm not even sure if I want to see him again now. I just really didn't like the idea of having the one date and then nothing - I'm satisfied now. Normally, I 100 percent would have let the situation with S go, but this time, I didn't want to, and I'm glad I chose to do something different. Anyway, I don't think it was a big deal and I'm not interested in justifying myself, though you are welcome to your opinion.

This is real life. Not a hypothetical conversation on the internet. And I don't make my decisions according to what another chick would say, what another chick would feel, or what another chick would do. I'm going to do things that plenty here are not going to agree with, and wouldn't do in their own lives, but that's the difference between me and them. And I'm not interested in living someone else's life, or using someone else's rationale to influence my decisions. Please keep that in mind as you read.
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So, that birthday party I mentioned? One day at school Landry and I had a chat. Landry thinks that I don't like him because he blew me off one weekend. We'd had plans to do speed dating - kind of as a joke - weeks in advance, and when the event approached, he backed out. But yet, I saw him that same day on facebook asking a mutual friend about a concert she was going to that night and how he wanted to try to make it. Oh, so you're a phony motherfcker, I realized - :lol: - I already feel as though Landry is uncomfortably whitewashed, and he has made a habit of asking me to do things and then flaking out one way or another.

So he asked whether I was still mad at him about that and that he wanted me to come with him to this party. Landry is ehhhh... kind of eccentric and high strung, but essentially a nice guy, and I have been wondering for two years now if he is expressing interest in me (though to be honest I have very little interest in him).

While I was picking up dudes at okcupid, Landry was making his way to my place. We went to this club which, hilariously, was an all white bar literally right across the street from an all black club. Segregated, are we? Why can't we just play together? The crowd (of the party group) was nice but since I didn't know anyone but Landry it was kind of boring. We'd passed a strip club on the way there and Landry just casually mentioned (as though this was totally nothing out of the ordinary) that one of the girls from school worked there. So of course the next item on my agenda was to hit the strip club.

This is a weird thing for a girl to admit, but I love strip clubs. Not because I get to see naked boobies, but because I think the atmosphere is hilarious. The guys have this kind of naked desperation, like this open admission of how ridiculous they are to pay money to see live breasts. And they are so entertained by it all. It's almost baffling. But the energy shift in the dynamic is one that I enjoy, and am amused by. Landry was a bit hesitant because he didn't want to seem as if he'd "brought" me to the club on a night the girl would be working, but I think eventually he just wanted to go too. I think he's trying to bone this chick, despite the fact that she's married.

Anyhoodle, after a ridiculously high cover charge we were allowed past the velvet ropes. Skinny blonde and brunette chicks walking around in cheap ball gowns trying to get a lap dance. We sat at the bar where eventually this goofy middle aged white dude came and started talking to me, practically flying spittle in my face with every other word. No shame in his game at all, lol. Homegirl actually was at work that night and she came over and chatted with us. I asked her if I could come throw dollars at her on the stage. "I only have a couple singles though, if that's ok," I told her apologetically. She excused herself to go have a 200 dollar "conversation" and shortly after that, the entertainment factor diminished, so it was time to leave there too... or maybe Landry is just a boring date.

We decided to hit a drive through and Landry is babbling. He accuses me of being attracted to the ONE other eligible black dude in the program instead of him. I'm like uhhhhh whatever? We go back to his place to eat - it's a nice place, I've been there before for parties and things - and afterward he wants to smoke weed. I don't smoke but I'm cool with those who do. In fact, the last time I tried to smoke marijuana was at Landry's birthday party and apparently I "hit it too hard" and threw up right there at the table. The smoke is making me nauseous and soon after we both pass out... it rains the next morning as he sheepishly takes me back home...
I guess that was directed at me? You are posting a thread and wanted some feedback. I gave u my thoughts. I'm not trying to tell you what to do....

Exits thread....and unsubs...
I guess that was directed at me? You are posting a thread and wanted some feedback. I gave u my thoughts. I'm not trying to tell you what to do....

Exits thread....and unsubs...

Of course it was. You gave feedback and I responded to your feedback. I don't see what there is to get huffy over.

Listen, let's all just cut to the chase here. A lot of women are going to subscribe to the school of thought where "I can't do this or this or he won't like me" and "I have to do this and not do that to make sure he thinks this about me" and "If I do this then he will respond in this way," and the unavoidable truth is this: I don't play by those rules. I have made it happily through twenty four years through life not playing by those rules. I am not interested in playing into some preconceived notion of what a woman is or is not, what a woman is allowed to do or not allowed to do, and what "society" will think of me if I choose to reject those rules. I simply do not and will not behave according to some law of demureness and passivity of what a woman "should" do in order for a man to want her.

I will also state for the third time that I am not necessarily interested in a serious relationship. I am not desperate, I am not looking for a husband, and my first reaction is NOT to demand commitment and monogamy. Those are not my goals, and that is not the behavior I am looking to elicit.

I understand that people are going to have differing points of view. All I ask is that you accept and respect that my goals may be different from yours, and that I am not a woman who is concerned with "does this man like me omg what should I do." Like, accept that because you will have an unnecessarily oppositional view if you do not. It simply IS NOT WHAT I WANT, AND IS NOT MY GOAL, and I'm not going to behave as if it were. Please accept and respect that.