Mineral Rich Challenge 11/01 2012 through 4/30 2013

Sorry- here's the web sight :

michelle Oh right you were posting the site. Thank you. Yes I am familiar with that site that is why i mentioned the tea and to let me know how you get on with it. I plan to order very soon i.e. when it is payday. Thanks for letting me know. :)

I am noticing my eyelashes feel different. A bit longer I guess. I will keep an eye on them.
Started with a new stylist a month and a half ago and she notice a hugh difference in my growth on my second visit (there was a month between the 2 visits). The way she reacted to my growth told me MR is doing its thang!!!!!
I've been taking every other PM doses.
Still taking a 2/3 of a shot glass.

Planning on buying a juicer this weekend and will add my MR to my daily juices.
Just had my last dose of MR. My madre finished my bottle :( I will be ordering more time. So far my nails have grown nicely, my lashes feel a bit longer and my hair is thicker at the roots. I will have to start again once I get more MR. For now I will take MSM .
I'm still taking my MR, every 2 days or so, I feel like I'm still getting the benefits, my hair and hair line looks awesome. My hair texture feels to be improving. I'm taking silica and other goodies so it could be a combo effect.

I just ordered trace minerals to add to our filtered water so that will be very good for us as well.

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Still going also. I only missed 2 days since 10/10/12. I was not home those days so other than that I'm pretty consistent. I'm thinking about getting the case. Not sure yet. Anyone has gotten the case yet? If so, what was the shipping timeframe? TIA

ETA typos
Even though I slowed down on the MR, my hair is still growing faster than usual. Its thickening up too. I see that Valley Naturals is having a sale on the MR right now. I might get a couple bottles to have on hand when I need a pick-me-up.

ETA: I just ordered 3 bottles of the Aloe since it's on sale + Free shipping at Valley Naturals.
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Still taking it daily. I did miss two days because I was out on mission but it seems to be doing its job in terms of keeping me energized. I feel like it is speeding up my hair growth but I'm not sure since I have very fine hair. I've had to go to self relaxing because the places here don't do relaxers. I think 10 weeks is far too long now. I need to work on staying closer to 7 - 8 weeks. Because my hair is so fine the new growth kindof sneaks up on me. One minute its "oh these little coils are so nice!" To "Holy ****, what am I going to do with this TWA I have holding my hair up?" :lachen:

My eyebrows and eyelashes still seem very thick/long to me. Also I did notice that the last two months moontime did arrive one day early each time. But the cramps were very light and only lasted two days, which is very unusual for me. I'm very thankful the cramps are not bad anymore! I'm thinking moontime will regulate itself and start going back to my normal 27 day cycle.

My skin also seems to be doing well but with all of the sand/dust here and the weird water it is hard to tell. However, if I were to hazard a guess I'd say that my skin would be a lot worse if it were not for the MR and Ovation multis I'm taking. My nails also seem to be growing faster as well. But once again I can not really be sure because they always seem like they grow quickly.

I do need to start drinking more water and possibly start adding coconut oil capsules to my regimine as well. My scalp and hands seem to be extraordinarily dry here. That could just be the air and water here. So we'll see what happens with an increase in water.

Anyway, I think that's it for my update. Happy growing ladies! :)

PS. I still have no idea how many days I've been taking this but I am on my second bottle and I have about a third to a quarter of a bottle of it left. Two more unopened bottles in the fridge. Getting anything in this country is a PITA.
Still taking MR.
1 spoon in the morning.
1 spoon at night.

I've been mixing my dose in about 4oz of Naked Berry Blast juice.
It taste sooo good, and no tummy noises.
I took it straight. No water and I didn't drink a glass afterward.

At least I took it!

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
I think Valley Naturals delivers over night, I got my package so fast I was surprised! Plus they threw in a freebie bottle of vitamin C. I got the aloe version this time.
please tell me its not too late to join this challenge? u all have really gotten me excited. I havent ordered it yet, but will do that tonight. I hope I get some good results.
I cannot believe my newgrowth. I am a natural and my newgrowth is so different. I know I have said it before, but woooooowwww! My hair is also getting thicker! I need to hurry and take pictures so I have some before and after shots!

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y

Nope & Welcome!:grin:

Thank u

Yay, I finally placed my order last night. Im hoping it gets here by Friday. How long did it take you ladies to start seeing results? Are there any ladies that are relaxed and seeing results witg mineral rich? Im natural now, but im so tired of seeing ssk's, so Im considering relaxing my hair. The only problem is my hair does not thrive when relaxed, I notice more growth natural.
Kb3auty said:
Thank u

Yay, I finally placed my order last night. Im hoping it gets here by Friday. How long did it take you ladies to start seeing results? Are there any ladies that are relaxed and seeing results witg mineral rich? Im natural now, but im so tired of seeing ssk's, so Im considering relaxing my hair. The only problem is my hair does not thrive when relaxed, I notice more growth natural.

Have you asked in a different thread about your ssks? You should try asking there and try their suggestions before throwing in the towel.

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y