Mineral Rich Challenge 11/01 2012 through 4/30 2013

Funny you bumped this. I just started retaking it on Monday! I like the energy and the affect it has on my cycles.
Funny you bumped this. I just started retaking it on Monday! I like the energy and the affect it has on my cycles.

I'm going to order some today from Amazon, it has a lot of good reviews. I read it give some people a lot of gas :blush: I hope I don't have that problem
I'm going to order some today from Amazon, it has a lot of good reviews. I read it give some people a lot of gas :blush: I hope I don't have that problem

Prosperity711 You may get gas the first few days, then it goes away. The benefits far outweigh that though. Make sure you follow your two tablespoons with 8oz of water or mix it in the water.
I have been taking this for about 6 months. No problems at all. I can tell the difference in energy when I don't take it. Good luck.
I still take this daily. It has really helped my hair to become fuller and stronger. I haven't seen a lot of length. My mother uses it as well. Her hair was initially very thin. It's so full and lush now. She told a few of her friends about it. This is good stuff.
I've been taking a shot glass full in 12oz of water daily during my cycle.
I noticed it helps with cramps & overall PMS symptoms.
I still had over a 1/2 Bottle left, so tonight I added it to my Nutri-Bullet. I will use it this way until I finish it up.

I hope someone will start a Challenge for 2014. Especially since so many of you Ladies have continued on with M/R.

I'll keep you all posted on how it is adding it daily to my Nutri-Bullet Blends.

@Froreal3 @Rozlewis @yaya24 One of You Ladies should start one for next year.

I'm proud of you all for sticking with it. I may hop back on it with my Nutri-Bullet if it doesn't interfere with my Cycle.
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@IDareT'sHair!! Thanks boo!
I totally would, but I am not consistent with taking MR to start a challenge.
I honestly only use it during that time of the month.

I will continue to order. 1 bottle lasts me a long time.
I take it a few times a week and my hair is thicker and longer. I don't know how much though. I didn't take pictures.
I still take this daily. It has really helped my hair to become fuller and stronger. I haven't seen a lot of length. My mother uses it as well. Her hair was initially very thin. It's so full and lush now. She told a few of her friends about it. This is good stuff.

Isn't it awesome! Thicker hair. Finger detangliing takes forever now!
IDareT'sHair, if no one else wants to do it I can start it. I am still taking it daily. Looks like this challenge was from 11/1/12 to 4/30/13. If that's true I can start another one unless Froreal3 wants to do it.
Rozlewis Thanks Ms. Roz.:kiss:

I'll let you and Froreal3 work that out.:yep:

I'm not sure if I'll repurchase after I finish up the bottle I dug out the back of the Fridge to try in my N/Bullet.

If I decide to continue, I'll join your 2014 Challenge.

Thanks, I just felt really bad to see it keep getting 'bumped' and it hadn't been updated or maintained.:sad:
I just hope they don't change the formula like so many companies do. I might need to order another 6 month supply. That will get me through a year. It doesn't expire until 2014 so I should be ok with stock piling it!

I really hope they haven't changed the formula. When I purchased my first bottle my nails were EXTRA hard and long, I was sleeping better and my newgrowth was growing at a suprising rate.

Now that I've ordered my second and third bottle (together), I no longer have hard nails (they are growing but NO where near where they were in the beginning), my hair has slowed down and skin not as bright. I still see some difference but not like it was!

I wonder if they modified the formula because they were bombarded with requests for their product all at once.

I hope they haven't modified it but my results are no where near like they were before and I will not be repurchasing.

Has anyone else noticed this or is it me?
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I have been to busy to pay attention. I did notice that it doesn't taste as STRONG (T . T)

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
I really hope they haven't changed the formula. When I purchased my first bottle my nails were EXTRA hard and long, I was sleeping better and my newgrowth was growing at a suprising rate.

Now that I've ordered my second and third bottle (together), I no longer have hard nails (they are growing but NO where near where they were in the beginning), my hair has slowed down and skin not as bright. I still see some difference but not like it was!

I wonder if they modified the formula because they were bombarded with requests for their product all at once.

I hope they haven't modified it but my results are no where near like they were before and I will not be repurchasing.

Has anyone else noticed this or is it me?

MEEKA.......WHERE DID YOU PURCHASE YOUR FROM ???!!!!....... :perplexed
Is anyone still taking this? Is there a new challenge? :look:

I just restarted today with the regular formula. I accidently ordered it instead of the aloe. Atleast I didn't accidently order two which is my normal ordering plan. I've been feeling really run down this last month. So I decided to start taking it again. I miss the energy I used to have. However, I'm hopeful that it will return shortly. :grin:
belleama, I am still taking the Mineral Rich daily. I did not renew the thread because most people were not posting or had stopped taking it. I have it auto-shipped to me so I have been taking it faithfully.

It will be interesting to see if your energy level improves once you start retaking the Mineral Rich. Let me know.
I started taking Mineral Rich the end of December so I'm almost done with my second bottle. I take it in the am before my workout and it gives me a nice boost and my hair is getting thicker. :-)
I took it today and I have a major headache
I wonder if it's from that or lack of sleep

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I love Mineral Rich. I've turned a few people onto it. My mom's hair has done a complete turnaround. Bald spots have filled in nicely. Works great to thicken hair.
I just restarted this today. I have half a bottle left. I will finish it and repurchase later. My hair was really thick and strong last time after 2 consistent bottles. I plan to take it for 6 months.
I just purchased 3 bottles to for starting on June 1st. I was taking HairFinity, but got sick of "swallowing" every morning. Now I'll just be taking it in liquid form. I remember trying Mineral Rich a few years ago, with good results. I think this will be my go-to for hair growth vitamins, and all the other mineral nutrients I need.
I ordered this back when but wasn't consistent in taking it. I do remember having a bit more energy for only the first couple of days taking it. I think I'm going to give it another try, I need some thickness!