Mineral Rich Challenge 11/01 2012 through 4/30 2013

My delivery was delayed my MR is still not here :( it shoild be here soon though. Im taking this time to detox and get more Aloe Vera Gel and ACV.
I spilled some of my M-R this a.m. :blush:

Lawd....I have to be more careful.:nono:

I don't even know how it happened, but I'm happy it wasn't like the whole bottle.:ohwell:
I spilled some of my M-R this a.m. :blush:

Lawd....I have to be more careful.:nono:

I don't even know how it happened, but I'm happy it wasn't like the whole bottle.:ohwell:

This just in...

Accounts of spilled MR are now starting to look like an epidemic! To insure this doesn't happen to you don't mess with your bottle of MR if you are distracted in any way, shape, or form!

In other news.... MR challengers mourn the lost of MR @IDareT'sHair has experienced. Please take a moment and give the sister a hug!

Breaking new as it happens!
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MonaRae Thanks Ms. Mona.:hug2:

So much for Early Morning Multi-Tasking.......Gurl, I was too pre-occupied this a.m.:ohwell:

On another note: Swanson's Vitamins had 10% off and the M-R (including the Aloe one) was $20 - & some change *before shipping*

I wonder if that Sale is still going on?
So today for the first time I noticed that my nails are truly growing in stronger. I had gotten gel polish in my nails which was great but I was being an idiot and picked the polish off because I was bored and damaged my nails badly. You could literally see the white ridges where I picked off the polish. That was back in Aug/ Sept I think.

I was still in the process of growing out the damage when I started MR two months ago. It was probably 3/4 of the way down my nail. As of today it's all gone and I have some decent growth on my stubborn nails that never grow past the nail bed. I'm excited to see what happens next month.
Today is the first day I've missed a dose. I do keep one at work, but it's unopened. I didn't want to open it and have two bottles opened at once. So I didn't take it today. However; I did give it to my son.
xomonaijax said:
My delivery was delayed my MR is still not here :( it shoild be here soon though. Im taking this time to detox and get more Aloe Vera Gel and ACV.

Who did you order from?
I am starting back today. I didn't have the problems I had last month. I will just stop a day or two before my period from now on.

I need to measure my growth before I henna tomorrow, but it seems like my hair is growing fast.
How did you feel after your first day?

I felt nada :look: infact, I haven't really noticed any kinda boost :sad:. I've vowed to finish this bottle and take it everyday like I'm supposed to but if I don't start noticing some energy or some hair.... I probably wont repurchase. dang shame too because I saved some $ on my amazon acct so that I could reorder before this bottle ran low... ehhh we'll see, its only been a few days so.. I'm still hopeful :yep:

My nails are awesome, for the first time EVER, I've had to cut my nails because they've gotten too long and is interfering with my typing.
I cant say I've notice any hair growth, but then again, I am trying to resolve shedding/breakage issues. So I may just not be able to notice the growth.


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Phaer said:
My nails are awesome, for the first time EVER, I've had to cut my nails because they've gotten too long and is interfering with my typing.
I cant say I've notice any hair growth, but then again, I am trying to resolve shedding/breakage issues. So I may just not be able to notice the growth.

Will you take another picture? Your nails look pretty but it is too blurry for me to see. :)
Will you take another picture? Your nails look pretty but it is too blurry for me to see. :)

I am at work and probably will be until 9 (damn Depositions !!!!!) I was trying to sneak pic in. Here is another.
Please note the brown spots are not dirt, but shadows from the design. This is after a cut and over filling on my pointer finger.


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Ok ok I got a relaxer today & I got 2 inches with a 12 week stretch & 10 weeks with MR! The end of the year is my slow growing months so I'm beyond happy. Today's my anniversary so I won't be able to take a pic for comparison until tomorrow. My hubby/photographer is snoring right now. LOL! FYI my normal growth rate is 0.5 inch/month but a little less in the winter time.
Today makes 2 weeks since I started.
Just took my M-R.
About to cowash then go to bed.
I'm neither experiencing the energy boost nor the bowel movements that people are talking about. I'm still only in the first week, so I will keep trying. Maybe I will order another bottle to leave at work so that I can take it later on in the day. My sleep has not been disturbed at all. I need the energy towards the latter part of the afternoon before my evening workouts.

Anyway, I will keep trying and be patient.
Here's my pic. My hair is slightly curled but I measured & I got 2 inches solid with a 12 week stretch & 10 weeks on MR. next update will be 14 weeks on MR aloe so I'm hoping for 3 inches then.


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My Mineral Rich is being delivered today, YAY!! I hope I get fast results and having more energy is an added bonus :-).

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Checking in. I had my annual physical last week. They checked my B12 levels and it's in the 1700's when the normal range is 300 - 900 :shocked: From what I researched that's not harmful but perhaps I can reduce my dosage. My son doesn't take it on the weekends, so perhaps I'll try that for a while.

I'm guessing that after 6 weeks of taking MR daily, it may be safe to reduce my dosage and still reap the benefits. My hair is definitely growing at a much faster rate than I ever detected. I'm close to my summer growth rate right now!!
ok so its been a few days... I can say I haven't felt the energy 'boost' per se that I was hoping for, BUT I'm also not feeling sluggish-if that makes sense. Nails are starting to look nice really fast.. not sure on the hair... I didn't even think to measure before I started... I'll have to compare some pics after this bottle before I start the next bottle :)

TMI ALERT: Ive also noticed that I'm having to drink wayyyyy more water than I normally do (and I drink A LOT of water daily) because I'm feeling constipated -ick!