Mineral Rich Challenge 11/01 2012 through 4/30 2013

It's time for me to re-up. I'm down to the last of the second bottle and I have one in the pantry. The boy is not missing a day taking it, me either so I might need to on and get that case! It's right in the middle of my holiday shopping time tho :scratchch
Took my first PM MR dose about 30 minutes ago.

I hope it does not disturb my sleep tonight.
Ive been stalking this thread since it started :look: I finally decided to try a bottle to see if it'd help boost my energy.. Ive been feeling like my bodys in a 'rut' .. anywho.. my bottle is expected to arrive today.. I'll try to wait until Monday to try it out
I never officially joined this challenge but I lurk religiously and have been taking MR since mid October. I'm currently having some issues relating to my cycle (it's back after being gone for years - sorry if that's TMI) and wondered if this might be related to the extra minerals in MR since I haven't changed anything else. I called the company today and was told they had never heard of anyone having a similar issue and that they do not have nutritionists on staff (not sure why she volunteered that info). Anyway, in trying to research MR further I found the following blurb on betternutrition.com under best supplements for 2010 and thought some might be interested in it because I've seen questions on the difference between the regular and aloe versions:

TWO-TIME WINNER. Maximum Living Mineral Rich Plus Aloe. It tastes great and it supplies more than 70 trace minerals, essential minerals, and vitamin B12 and biotin. The liquid form boasts superior absorbability with the addition of aloe.
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Y'all talking about not going...I nearly ran through a red light and crashed into the dumpster at work trying to get to the restroom at work today! I barely had time to put my truck in park before jumping out. My kids, who go to school where I teach, didn't miss a beat. They sat in the truck watching Elf on a Shelf until I came back. Lord I was in a full body sweat! Horrible I tell ya! Awful!

This post ret heya had me all teared up trying not to laugh too loud!!!!! :lachen::lachen:
I never officially joined this challenge but I lurk regliously and have been taking MR since mid October. I'm currently have some issues relating to my cycle (it's back after being gone for years - sorry if that's TMI) and wondered if this might be related to the extra minerals in MR since I haven't changed anything else. I called the company today and was told they had never heard of anyone having a similar issue and that they do not have nutritionists on staff (not sure why she volunteered that info). Anyway, in trying to research MR further I found the following blurb on betternutrition.com under best supplements for 2010 and thought some might be interested in it because I've seen questions on the difference between the regular and aloe versions:

TWO-TIME WINNER. Maximum Living Mineral Rich Plus Aloe. It tastes great and it supplies more than 70 trace minerals, essential minerals, and vitamin B12 and biotin. The liquid form boasts superior absorbability with the addition of aloe.

Thanks for this info. I checked Valley Naturals and the aloe version is slightly higher in price than the regular version. It's time to reorder so now I might try the aloe version. :scratchch
Praise God I can finally officially join the challenge. I get my MR tommorow. Thank you Jesus. You ladies in America are blessed with easy access. I went to NYC and they could not deliver to me :(. It is oksy though I am saving up for the 12 bottles that way I am good for the year.

I mentioned earliee I already take aloe gel and that did wonders for my nails as did MSM. My main concern is my energy levels. My hair is growing nicely with the MSM. .

I will be trimming my natural hair then i will take pics. I have been following this thread avidly from day one and will keep you updated.
ok so I couldn't wait until Monday to start so.. :look: I started today.. plus I wanted to make sure I was close to home if I started feeling those 'bubbles' in my stomach like a few ladies mentioned :yep: I'm home today and Ive got plenty to do so come on energy boost! (I know I may not feel the boost on the first day but I'm hopeful)
Got my hair done yesterday. My hairdresser said my edges were growing. He said my hair grew a little as well. He said it was doing well. I contribute all of this to MR. My edges/nape have always been sparse. My nape grows in and splits. I did a hair analysis (there's a thread about it on this board) and told them about this. The rep said that it might be something internally and maybe I was missing some minerals or green food substance. I started taking minerals in capsule form, but I DEFINITELY see a difference with MR.

I have a long way to go to reach my hair goals, but I will continue to take this stuff as long as they sell it. I wonder how my hair and health will transform a year from now.
Looking at my hair today. I can tell it's grown.
It feels good to know that I'm strengthening my body from the inside out and my hair and nails benefit from it.
I am off MR for this week. I will start back after my cycle.

My period last time was the worst ever. The cramping was severe and extremely heavy. I stopped taking it the day before I started. So far no labor-like cramping.
Just ordered 2 bottles with aloe to begin taking after my relaxer on Tuesday so I can have a good comparison on the difference MR with and w/out aloe has on my hair growth if any.

I do have nice growth & thickness. My new growth is so manageable along with frequent cowashing, I'm seriously contemplating transitioning!
LilMissRed said:
ok so I couldn't wait until Monday to start so.. :look: I started today.. plus I wanted to make sure I was close to home if I started feeling those 'bubbles' in my stomach like a few ladies mentioned :yep: I'm home today and Ive got plenty to do so come on energy boost! (I know I may not feel the boost on the first day but I'm hopeful)

How did you feel after your first day?
I am having relaxer touch "flashbacks". For some reason, my roots are so bushy. O boy. I hope that is a sign of more growth. I am not going to flat iron until December 31st-ish. Then I am going to only try flat iron my hair every three months, for a bone straight look. But I will blow dry straight as necessary. My hair needs some heat.
Well, it's official. My hair grows slow as molasses. It's been a month since my last henna and I have less than half a half an inch of growth. What is that? 1/18th? :( I guess on the bright side, at least it's still growing. And it is getting stronger. At least I'm not bald...
Still going strong on MR!

I have a little more than 1/2 of my 2nd bottle and 1 unopened bottle.

When I re-up, I'm thinking of gettin x2 Aloe
IDareT'sHair Me too. I have about 1/3 of a bottle, and one unopened bottle. I am going to order another 3 bottles, maybe trying the aloe one. And order me some bamboo tea from bambooleaftea.net :yep: