Mineral Rich Challenge 11/01 2012 through 4/30 2013

I take MR in the morning. I told my teenage son that he needed to take it also. He plays basketball but does not eat well. He went to school dog tired Tuesday and stated that by his third period class he was energized. He now looks forward to taking MR with me in the morning. I asked him if he had and gas or bloating he said no. Needless to say mom is happy.
Guess ill have to research prices on a case of this liquid gold
I have been taking MR for a week and a half to two weeks. I feel this burst of energy, i have been able to sleep later and waking up earlier that usual lately.
Me and the boy are still on that MR!! I know it's helping my son because he is taking it without me reminding him.

My energy is improved, it will take some time to see what my hair is doing. It will be 30 days for me tomorrow.
Michelemybelle, MHC sells it by the case, $250 for a case of the original and $275 for a case of the aloe...12 bottles in a case which works out to $20 plus per bottle of the original and $22 plus for aloe. I imagine shipping might be high given the weight but here's the link if you're interested. http://webstore.mhclife.com/lesea/ProductInfo.aspx?productid=4
Thanks for looking out much appreciation!!!- I found a website that sells a case for $250. And the shipping is 11.50 ground shipping when added to the cart. I'm going to call them to verify this b-4 I place an order. leseapublishing.com.

I have 4 bottles right now ( caught the Swanson sale)
But may need to order the case because I have a teenage daughter and she gets
Into every thing I own!
Just checking in:grin:

My hair is growing in so thick...I don't know how to act:look:...my hair has never, ever been thick. I have fine hair, but its always been just fluffy full (if you know what I mean). My roots are growing in so strong that my ends are looking thinner than usual...crazy.:spinning:

My nails are growing nicely and are really hard. I broke 3 of them preparing for Thanksgiving ughhh....but, they are already growing back, so I'm good.

I haven't done a length check yet...lazy:lol:...but, will do so next month sometime and then will post.

Ok, must go!

:lachen::lachen: I tried not to laugh but this is sooo funny. I know what you mean I was stuck on a 4 hr flight last week :nono: needless to say what happened to the ozone when I was finally able to relieve myself :look:

Ohok cool; I was just asking if anyone split up their dosages

Just checking in:grin:

My hair is growing in so thick...I don't know how to act:look:...my hair has never, ever been thick. I have fine hair, but its always been just fluffy full (if you know what I mean). My roots are growing in so strong that my ends are looking thinner than usual...crazy.:spinning:

My nails are growing nicely and are really hard. I broke 3 of them preparing for Thanksgiving ughhh....but, they are already growing back, so I'm good.

I haven't done a length check yet...lazy:lol:...but, will do so next month sometime and then will post.

Ok, must go!

How long have you been taking MR?
I have been on Mineral Rich for a few weeks now since my my shipment came in and I have not missed one day of it.

I will say, I am growing in my edges, I have a little more energy and my nails are a little longer. Because it's only been a short period of time, I am not going to blame it on mineral rich just yet. So far so good!
I started the same time as you but I just started the 3rd bottle today! Hubby been all up in my MR. Can't have nothing for yourself these days. LOL!

When I first got it I told DH that I really wanted this for myself :look: then I felt bad and said he was welcomed to it but by that time he was not interested :lol:

I gave him a few doses and he still hasn't showed interest so I guess that's more for me! :-P
I started about the same time a few of you started and just started my 2nd bottle.:grin:

So far, so good. Haven't missed a day.

I hope Swanson's or somebody has another discount for Christmas, I might get 2 bottles if they do.

I have 1 back up.
Gave some to my sister and aunt. My sister said she feels great. She told me she drank two cups of coffee instead of taking the MR, but felt NOthing. She went to the fridge and took her shot and felt the effects in no time. I also told one of my coworkers about it and she started taking it. She was "going" in a few hours. I'll update on my aunt when I see her tomorrow.
I started the same time as you but I just started the 3rd bottle today! Hubby been all up in my MR. Can't have nothing for yourself these days. LOL!

LMAO. My DH is away right now, but when he was here, he was doggin my prenatals. I had to hide them bad boys! smh :lol:
Froreal3 said:
LMAO. My DH is away right now, but when he was here, he was doggin my prenatals. I had to hide them bad boys! smh :lol:

LOL! It would be nice if they can share in the menstrual cramps & birthing out babies!
It's still making me sleepy. It wow, definite difference in my skin! Haven't really measured the hair yet.

I stopped taking it for a few days due to my cycle (I already have awful cramps, didn't want to risk anything and was already getting cramps two weeks prior to my period, which is NORMAL....but saw no relief) and my skin looked so dull and dreary since I'd stopped lol.

Back on again! Onward march.
I am still waking up at 330am.

Come on now! I can't even get up because the dog would wake everyone up. He would start running around and grabbing toys.Ugh! All u can di is use my phone. And wait. For. Hours.

I still love the energy. Hair is filling in. I need to retain, retain, retain!
I have searched this thread and have not found the answer to my question about refrigeration. So, I'm waiting on a response from Maximum Living. Swanson responded saying they are only a wholesaler not the manufacturer so they do not know the answer. :(

I'll let you ladies know when I hear something. :)
Still taking MR daily. My body is really used to it now so I don't really feel an abundance of extra energy. However, I accidently skipped a day and noticed a drop in my energy.
fatimablush said:
i take it straight.

you can do this right?

SO decided to try it too...thank goodness he has his own bottle..

I take mine straight from a shot glass filled 3/4 full and follow with a glass of water.
I take mine straight from a shot glass filled 3/4 full and follow with a glass of water.

Yep, I have been using my souvenir Arizona shot glass. I weighed it so I know exactly where to pour too. So much more convenient than taking two tablespoons. Straight chased with water.