Mineral Rich Challenge 11/01 2012 through 4/30 2013

Back from my holiday break. I did miss taking MR for the first time yesterday because I had an unplanned overnighter with the inlaws. Don't know if it was a mind thing or what but I felt my body missed the extra boost. I am back on the wagon today.
So am at myself for missing a few days of MR, just got busy for the holiday. Back on the wagon tmw. Even though it makes me highly flammable, if you know what I mean, I like the extra energy. Will def be ordering more.
So my period came today, like clockwork (I use the My Days ap) with not one bit of cramps. Usually there is an ever so slight twinge to let me know she's there. Not even that. I've been taking MR faithfully, haven't skipped a day.

Yup, I can live with no cramps and 3/4" of hair growth every month! Need to reorder!

Sent from my SGH-T959 using LHCF
I really love MR, but I also have not lost weight and Im not less hungry. I wish I would lose the desire to eat as much.

Kimdionneca I think it affects ppl differently. I never lost my appetite, which is actually a good thing because i need my calories for working out.

Are you eating clean and/or working out? I don't think not eating is a healthy way to lose weight anyway, so don't even worry!

Sent from my SGH-T959 using LHCF
I ordered mine a few weeks ago and should be getting it in the next week or two due to being stationed overseas now. But I'll be very excited to try this. Thanks for the heads up on the possible side effects everyone!

I do have one question though. Has anyone confirmed with the company that not refrigerating MR has no effect on the potency/effectiveness? I'm asking because there will be times when I am away from my home station for several days at a time. I'd like to take it along with me but can't guarantee that I'll be able to refrigerate it the whole time. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance and happy growing ladies!!!

PS. I have ordered the new Ovation hair, skin, and nails as my multivitamin. According to the site a regular multi is not required. So, between that, my fem probotic and MR I think I will be all set in the vitamin dept.
@belleama I contacted them about refrigeration because some folks experienced Power outtages after Hurricane Sandy.

The response from MR is captive some where up thread. Not sure where. But, I would contact Maximum Living in the Contact Us area and get an answer.

If memory serves me right, she may have said a week. I'm so sorry I don't remember the exact answer I received from them.
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So my period came today, like clockwork (I use the My Days ap) with not one bit of cramps. Usually there is an ever so slight twinge to let me know she's there. Not even that. I've been taking MR faithfully, haven't skipped a day.

Yup, I can live with no cramps and 3/4" of hair growth every month! Need to reorder!

Sent from my SGH-T959 using LHCF

Lucky you! My cramps were so bad I thought I was giving birth!
1 month MR anniversary, whoo hoooo! I still have sustained, increased energy. My hair is very thick right now and I will be getting a relaxer in 2 weeks, so we'll see just how much NG I have. I'm in dire need of a trim, but think I will do it myself instead of going to the salon. Pics will be coming soon :yep:.
Haven't taken any in like 3 days but I will be back on it later. I ordered some organic wheat grass fusion so lets see what happens with the help of that with my hair. On another note my nails are fabulous
just came back from out of town... took about 5 days off MR and didn't notice a change in my energy level!!! :-)

I'm back on the wagon... took 2 tbs today
A friend asked me today if I had on mascara. I hardly ever wear make up. When I told her I didn't she couldn't get over it. When I got home I looked in the mirror and noticed that my lashes are growing and look a little thicker. I usually don't pay attention to lashes but I think I will start!
reeko43 said:
A friend asked me today if I had on mascara. I hardly ever wear make up. When I told her I didn't she couldn't get over it. When I got home I looked in the mirror and noticed that my lashes are growing and look a little thicker. I usually don't pay attention to lashes but I think I will start!

Mine too!!!! I wasn't sure the cause. Between Mineral Rich, other supplements and SAA in my mascara, I finally have lashes :)
@belleama I contacted them about refrigeration because some folks experienced Power outtages after Hurricane Sandy.

The response from MR is captive some where up thread. Not sure where. But, I would contact Maximum Living in the Contact Us area and get an answer.

If memory serves me right, she may have said a week. I'm so sorry I don't remember the exact answer I received from them.

I will try that. Thanks!!!
I couldn't figure out how I escaped the awful respiratory illness that my family had. My son was sick for only 2 days, DH and DD for a full week.

It was the MR. It contains zinc! My son had one dose prior to getting sick. He was up and exercising the dog by the second day.

I had one day of feeling like I was going to be sick. I went to bed at 4:30 p.m. and felt better the next day.

DD and DH were sick with coughing, vomiting, and sore throats. They had lots of congestion and we went through boxes of Kleenex.

I never fell down and ill. I was expecting to. I was worn out taking care if everyone else.

I have been trying to figure out why I didn't et sick. I looked at the ingredients and saw that MR contains a zinc complex. Ding! Ding! Ding!

Another reason to take your MR ladies!
Day seven. Although I haven't gotten an energy boost I do feel a sense of well being. Today I felt as if I were walking on a cloud.
I'll take that!!!
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LOL dang I forgot it again! I'm still scared to take it at night. I'll do it first thing when I wake up tomorrow. The thing is, I've started making breakfast in the morning so just a lil sidetracked. You know what too??? I moved my vitamins to a different area in the kitchen. I really think that's why. I'll move them back.
Today makes a month! I just realized that I've been taking slightly less than 2 tbs :( and I have at least a week's worth left

Nails ......great
Hair...looks like 1/4inch a week :wow:
Energy...definitely better than what it was

I probably won't straighten again until christmastime (I play with it too much). I've also started going to the gym (one of the trainers noted how skinny I was after not seeing me in about 6 weeks; now my head all big lol). Ends make inches so I'll be babying them.

Muahz ladies! See you in a month
Hey: Does anyone divide it up? 2 capfuls in the morning, 2 capfuls at night? THinking of doing that and if so, will do 2 capfuls tonight.
Things that I have noticed so far after taking MR since Nov 15th and I haven't been really faithful doing it everyday but at least 4 or 5 days a week.

Energy level does seem a bit increased.

Appetite seems to have decreased. I fixed my normal plate that I usually have for Thanksgiving and felt full about a little over halfway through.

Nails aren't breaking as often but still a little brittle.

Don't know about the hair because I didn't measure it before I started taking it. I know how long my hair was at the beginning of October so if I get alot of growth between now and the next time I measure it, I may can contribute it to the MR.

I am getting a few more pimples than normal but that could be because I eats sweets too much hahaha
For the last week I have contributed to depleting the ozone layer
In the Northern Hemisphere!!! so I'm off to the local pharmacy to
purchase some Beano- or something.....

"I can't" ...... in my Wendy Williams voice!
For the last week I have contributed to depleting the ozone layer
In the Northern Hemisphere!!! so I'm off to the local pharmacy to
purchase some Beano- or something.....

"I can't" ...... in my Wendy Williams voice!

:lachen::lachen: I tried not to laugh but this is sooo funny. I know what you mean I was stuck on a 4 hr flight last week :nono: needless to say what happened to the ozone when I was finally able to relieve myself :look:
imagine taking MR with MSM pills like I am. Can't wait to get home.l most days, and there have been sneak attacks.
I stumbled upon a youtube vid of HoneyLove (i think) and of course I came here to see if you guys have heard of the product. Just ordered a bottle of the aloe version. Will join the challenge once I get my bottle.