Mineral Rich Challenge 11/01 2012 through 4/30 2013

I am just glad that I have "ammo" to fight DH with :look: I plan to order 3 more bottles this month. This will take me into early spring. I have not missed a day yet :up:
So took mine this morning. I think b/c I moved my supplements back to where they were in the kitchen lol. I also had a lil raw oatmeal and honey and some milk with everything.
I recently had a setback a few weeks ago. I had neglected my nape and was letting wool rub on my struggling hair. I was also recovering from an allergic reaction to my scalp.

The damage was done so quickly from the wool coats since my hair was so thin and weak. :cry:

My hair is coming back quickly. I was depressed about it. I wouldn't even look at my hair in the back.

I looked at it last night and was so happy. It is filling in and growing fast.

I have been in the edges and nape challenge fir months. I have had faster growth since starting this challenge than I have had in the nape challenge.

I don't have pictures because it was so upsetting . I will take pictures today though to document the growth.

My second bottle should be on its way.
Checking in! Still on bottle number 1 and I've been taking it for a month ( at the end I this week). I ordered two more bottles and hopefully they'll be here tomorrow. I haven't really be enable to document my growth bc I'm in braids, but I can say that my braids are starting to look a little wooly.....

I'm kind of upset bc I've only had them in for about a month. I usually and keep them in for about a month and a half or two. Anyway, I'll be taking them out next weekend and wigging it. I'll take pictures. *keeping fingers crosses that there's some good growth going on*

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I've started giving it to my two boys. I only give them one tablespoon though. I'm hoping it will help with the upcoming stomach/flu/ick that comes through the schools about this time of year.

I'm continuing to take mine as well. I take the full dosage. I just love the energy and no crash.
Bottle one has a few servings left. I've been taking it since October 23rd. I will reorder when my cash flow opens up later this week (darn blk friday). lol
I recently had a setback a few weeks ago. I had neglected my nape and was letting wool rub on my struggling hair. I was also recovering from an allergic reaction to my scalp.

The damage was done so quickly from the wool coats since my hair was so thin and weak. :cry:

My hair is coming back quickly. I was depressed about it. I wouldn't even look at my hair in the back.

I looked at it last night and was so happy. It is filling in and growing fast.

I have been in the edges and nape challenge fir months. I have had faster growth since starting this challenge than I have had in the nape challenge.

I don't have pictures because it was so upsetting . I will take pictures today though to document the growth.

My second bottle should be on its way.

I'm so sorry this happen to you. I had the same thing happen to me before I joined LHCF. I didn't know anything about damage being done to ends by rubbing against clothing. I also use to tie my scarf in that area and think that contributed to the loss as well. MR should have you back on track in no time. Keep us updated!
I would like to join!!

I purchased a bottle of MR, I plan on starting once it arrives.
Hopefully by December 1st.

I'll be taking 2TBS in the morning.
Still going on strong on my MR. I move actually been double dosing due to long days and long nights working. I think I see a difference in my skin and nails. I dont think the energy is the same as when I first started out though. I'm taking 2 tsps in the morning and 2 tsps at night.
I am not sure about the double dosing.

Vitamin b12 can be dangerous if you take too much. You have to be careful with vitamins just like medicine. You need to do some research and make sure you aren't getting too much.

If you need energy, there are other ways. Ask the ladies here for suggestions. You should start a new thread. :) We have a great board here. yynot
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Still going on strong on my MR. I move actually been double dosing due to long days and long nights working. I think I see a difference in my skin and nails. I dont think the energy is the same as when I first started out though. I'm taking 2 tsps in the morning and 2 tsps at night.

Do you mean tsps as in teaspoons or tablespoons? If teaspoons, you are not getting the full dose - one ounce = 2 tablespoons = 6 teaspoons. I have split the dosing into two 0.5-oz parts to keep the "bubbling gut" thing away.
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Two tablespoons equals one ounce not three.

It is si easy to get confused.

Three teaspoons are in one tablespoons.

So six teaspoons would equal two tablespoons.

3 tsps = 1 tbs
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For the ladies that don't have measuring spoons.

4 capfulls = 2 tablespoons = 1 fluid ounce =30ml

Take 4 capfulls to equal the recommended dosage.
3 tablespoons isn't one ounce.

2 tablespoons are in 1 ounce.

3 TEASPOONS are in one tablespoon.

Sharpened you said 3 tbs was one ounce. It us 2tbs in one ounce.

You were correct about 3 tsp = 1 Tbs, we are in no disagreement there, only how many tablespoons are in one ounce. :)
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Froreal3;17340259... Are you eating clean and/or working out? I don't think not eating is a healthy way to lose weight anyway said:
You are right Froreal, No I need to work on eating better and I work out sometimes but not consistantly. I need to turn over a new leaf and start. I have gained about 25lbs since I got married a little over a year and a half ago. Thanks for the encouragement.
Do you mean tsps as in teaspoons or tablespoons? If teaspoons, you are not getting the full dose - one ounce = 2 tablespoons = 6 teaspoons. I have split the dosing into two 0.5-oz parts to keep the "bubbling gut" thing away.

Ohok cool; I was just asking if anyone split up their dosages
mine came today...

my hair is hits the back of my neck.

i tex-laxed and my sis dusted my ends.

just took my first does. i am splitting it in half since some folks have mentioned the stomach disturbances...

looking forward to finally have some nails that don't break easily, nice skin and most of all more energy.
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I take MR in the morning. I told my teenage son that he needed to take it also. He plays basketball but does not eat well. He went to school dog tired Tuesday and stated that by his third period class he was energized. He now looks forward to taking MR with me in the morning. I asked him if he had and gas or bloating he said no. Needless to say mom is happy.