Mineral Rich Challenge 11/01 2012 through 4/30 2013

For those that are getting 2-3 inches of growth are you taking any other supplements with MR? I would love to try the vita sprouts it sounds promising

I just started taking the vita sprout so no reviews besides it makes me more alert
Interesting vid. She says that it's not about the hair growth but then starts combing her hair. Lol. I can't.

Anywho, I may try the one without aloe next. I want to see if it will make me feel differently.
Interesting vid. She says that it's not about the hair growth but then starts combing her hair. Lol. I can't.

Anywho, I may try the one without aloe next. I want to see if it will make me feel differently.

I thought I was the only one who peeped that plus she posted its about sharing and love uhm huh she was talking in the first video that it was for overall health but the added benefits is hair growth and great skin...I thought she was a traveling praise dancer
I've bent back a nail or two..at least twice over the past few days OUCH! no tears, no rips, no breaks :)

usually, the nail would split at the side or break right off
Someone mention up thread that it's the sorbitol and she is right! Me and sorbitol just don't get along!
I must not get along with Sorbitol either. I need to check out the ingredients/results for Mineral Max and switch to that IF it doesn't have sorbitol. The gas is yuck.
From Wikipedia

Sorbitol, also known as glucitol, is a sugar alcohol, which the human body metabolizes slowly. It can be obtained by reduction of glucose, changing the aldehyde group to a hydroxyl group. Sorbitol is found in apples, pears, peaches, and prunes.[1] It is synthesized by sorbitol-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and converted to fructose by succinate dehydrogenase and sorbitol dehydrogenase.[1] Succinate dehydrogenase is an enzyme complex that participates in the citric acid cycle.[1]

Sorbitol is a sugar substitute. It may be listed under the inactive ingredients listed for some foods and products. Sorbitol is referred to as a nutritive sweetener because it provides dietary energy: 2.6 kilocalories (11 kilojoules) per gram versus the average 4 kilocalories (17 kilojoules) for carbohydrates. It is often used in diet foods (including diet drinks and ice cream), mints, cough syrups, and sugar-free chewing gum.[citation needed]
It also occurs naturally in many stone fruits and berries from trees of the genus Sorbus.[2]

Sorbitol can be used as a non-stimulant laxative via an oral suspension or enema. As with other sugar alcohols, gastrointestinal distress may result when food products that contain sorbitol are consumed. Sorbitol exerts its laxative effect by drawing water into the large intestine, thereby stimulating bowel movements.[3] Sorbitol has been determined safe for use by the elderly, although it is not recommended without consultation with a clinician.[4] Sorbitol is found in some dried fruits and may contribute to the laxative effects of prunes.[5]

Medical applications
Sorbitol is used in bacterial culture media to distinguish the pathogenic Escherichia coli O157:H7 from most other strains of E. coli, as it is usually incapable of fermenting sorbitol, but 93% of known E. coli strains are capable of doing so.[6]
Sorbitol, combined with kayexalate, helps the body rid itself of excess potassium ions in a hyperkalaemic state.[7] The kayexalate exchanges sodium ions for potassium ions in the bowel, while sorbitol helps to eliminate it. The FDA has discouraged this combination when in 2010 it issued a warning of increased risk for GI necrosis.[8]

Health care, food, and cosmetic uses
Sorbitol often is used in modern cosmetics as a humectant and thickener.[citation needed] Sorbitol often is used in mouthwash and toothpaste. Some transparent gels can be made only with sorbitol, as it has a refractive index sufficiently high for transparent formulations. It is also used frequently in almost all "sugar free" chewing gum.
Sorbitol is used as a cryoprotectant additive (mixed with sucrose and sodium polyphosphates) in the manufacture of surimi, a highly refined fish paste most commonly produced from Alaska pollock (Theragra chalcogramma).[citation needed] It is also used as a humectant in some cigarettes.[9]

Sorbitol sometimes is used as a sweetener and humectant in cookies and other foods that are not identified as "dietary" items.

Miscellaneous uses
A mixture of sorbitol and potassium nitrate has found some success as an amateur solid rocket fuel.[10]
Sorbitol is identified as a potential key chemical intermediate[11] from biomass resources. Complete reduction of sorbitol opens the way to alkanes, such as hexane, which can be used as a biofuel. Sorbitol itself provides much of the hydrogen required for the transformation.
19 C6H14O6 → 13 C6H14 + 36 CO2 + 42 H2O
The above chemical reaction is exothermic; 1.5 moles of sorbitol generate approximately 1 mole of hexane. When hydrogen is co-fed, no carbon dioxide is produced.

Medical importance
Aldose reductase is the first enzyme in the sorbitol-aldose reductase pathway[12] responsible for the reduction of glucose to sorbitol, as well as the reduction of galactose to galactitol. Too much sorbitol trapped in retinal cells, the cells of the lens, and the Schwann cells that myelinate peripheral nerves can damage these cells, leading to retinopathy, cataracts and peripheral neuropathy, respectively. Aldose reductase inhibitors, which are substances that prevent or slow the action of aldose reductase, are currently being investigated as a way to prevent or delay these complications, which frequently occur in the setting of long-term hyperglycemia that accompanies poorly-controlled diabetes. It is thought that these agents may help to prevent the accumulation of intracellular sorbitol that leads to cellular damage in diabetics.[13]

Adverse medical effects
Sorbitol also may aggravate irritable bowel syndrome,[14] and similar gastrointestinal conditions, resulting in severe abdominal pain for those affected, even from small amounts ingested.
It has been noted that the sorbitol added to SPS (Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate, used in the treatment of hyperkalemia) can cause complications in the GI tract, including bleeding, perforated colonic ulcers, ischemic colitis and colonic necrosis, particularly in patients with uremia. The authors of the paper in question cite a study on rats (both non-uremic and uremic) in which all uremic rats died on a sorbitol enema regimen, whilst uremic rats on non-sorbitol regimens - even with SPS included - showed no signs of colonic damage. In humans, it is suggested that the risk factors for sorbitol-induced damage include "... immunosuppression, hypovolemia, postoperative setting, hypotension after hemodialysis, and peripheral vascular disease." They conclude that SPS-sorbitol should be used with caution, and that "Physicians need to be aware of SPS-sorbitol GI side effects while managing hyperkalemia." [15]

Overdose effects
Ingesting large amounts of sorbitol can lead to abdominal pain, flatulence, and mild to severe diarrhea.[16] Sorbitol ingestion of 20 grams (0.7 oz) per day as sugar-free gum has led to severe diarrhea leading to unintended weight loss of 11 kilograms (24 lb) in eight months, in a woman originally weighing 52 kilograms (110 lb); another patient required hospitalization after habitually consuming 30 grams (1 oz) per day.[17]
Mineral rich doesn't have sorbitol. What product are we talking about? Mine has naturally sourced pure fructose.
HanaKuroi said:
Mineral rich doesn't have sorbitol. What product are we talking about? Mine has naturally sourced pure fructose.

That's a good point. I need to read my bottle. Someone up thread said MR contained sorbitol. I am not having digestive problems so I haven't checked the ingredients closely.

Sent from my iPhone 6S
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I took my dose late yesterday and workout afterward and I tell you the band played on!!!!! :lachen: So glad I was alone at the time!
Mineral Max is the one with Sorbitol, not the Mineral Rich. I just checked, that worries me a bit, but from what AtlantaJJ posted it has its up and downs like any other ingredient. We Shall see :yep:. I'm still pumped though. I need ALLLLLL the energy I can get.
Some of you ladies should stop being so negative. Honesty is not starving for hair length.. She did not have to share her hair success with anyone. I have been drinking mineral rich before this challenge even started and have experienced a lot of growth. We need to stop putting each other down.
This really curbs your hunger...

OMGEEEE!!!! I 'm lurking on this challenge but let me tell you...I only had breakfast and dinner today. I have a very diminished appetite now and I've been taking MR for the past three days. I guess I'm going to have to monitor my meals.
I'm breezing through intermittent fasting. It has to be the MR! I do fasted cardio too but I take MR first. I have loads of energy to get through spinning & Zumba & sometimes both back to back all during fasting. Oh yea & my skin has not experienced any breakouts! That's amazing.

My new growth is really thick. Can't wait til I relax next month to see my progress.

Y'all looking really good ladies!
I have to cut my nails down. I do not have a problem growing them, but they had gotten long and hard pretty quick. I kept scratching myself. They are now at a manageable length.

I think I picked you up from that other Thread. *cough* You should come join us!:yep:

@AtlantaJJ Cute story about DS. I'm glad it's keeping him on Point.:lol:

@cutenss Great Progress. Thank you so much for Sharing.:grin:

@Lita I agree. It has definitely been an appetite suppressant.:look:

Where is @Nice & Wavy ?:sad:
Hey lady....I'm so sorry I haven't been posting...I am away with some friends who are going through a tragedy right now, so I haven't been on. I will be off for a little while.

I haven't taken it in a little while because I've been away and I know I couldn't take it with me. Once I get home, back on it I go!

Miss you ladies and will talk to you soon...gotta go!

Hey lady....I'm so sorry I haven't been posting...I am away with some friends who are going through a tragedy right now, so I haven't been on. I will be off for a little while.

I haven't taken it in a little while because I've been away and I know I couldn't take it with me. Once I get home, back on it I go!

Miss you ladies and will talk to you soon...gotta go!


We miss you. 2 Thessalonians 3:16 :bighug:
So far I can tell that my nails are growing very fast, I'm able to wake up early and get out of bed whereas before I constantly hit the snooze button. I have that terrible gas and bloating. I hope this is some type of detox phase. I haven't straightened my hair, so I don't know what it's doing for my hair. I don't plan to flat iron until Dec. 13th. That should be enough time to see something.
itismehmmkay said:
Damn forgot to take this morning. I'm buying some bamboo silica today though

I'm not in this challenge but I'd like to add that after researching silica I decided to buy the form derived from bamboo extract. The most amazing thing has happened since I started taking 1 a day at 200mg! I have this amazing amount of energy since I started taking it on Saturday. I know that it is a superior form rather than the horsetail and I'm loving it!
yodie said:
This stuff really takes my appetite away/makes me full, not want to eat. I over ate anyway today and my stomach is giving me grief. No more over eating. I feel miserable. I'm also not craving sweets and junk like I normally do.

The human body is amazing it tells us what it needs in the form of cravings. The MR is giving your body what it needs so your cravings have disappeared! It's a shame you feel miserable but on the plus side your health is improving!