Mineral Rich Challenge 11/01 2012 through 4/30 2013

:update: I :infatuated: Mineral Rich. It's been three weeks and I've noticed that I'm accomplishing so much more in any given day. In my book, that's beyond priceless like you're getting back lost time. My nails are strong, not just growing but strong, they typically peel or split after growing any kinda length. Not the case now. I've noticed that my hair has changed, hard to put in words but its just not as fragile. Before MR, it seemed to snap, crackle, pop at the slightest provocation, now if I catch it on something, its all good. Also, my problem spots...nape, hairline and back kitchen are finally showing some signs of life. :yep: So all in all, I'm very glad I took the chance on this product. It's delivered beyond my expectation. Let me go order another bottle.:shopping:
:update: I :infatuated: Mineral Rich. It's been three weeks and I've noticed that I'm accomplishing so much more in any given day. In my book, that's beyond priceless like you're getting back lost time. My nails are strong, not just growing but strong, they typically peel or split after growing any kinda length. Not the case now. I've noticed that my hair has changed, hard to put in words but its just not as fragile. Before MR, it seemed to snap, crackle, pop at the slightest provocation, now if I catch it on something, its all good. Also, my problem spots...nape, hairline and back kitchen are finally showing some signs of life. :yep: So all in all, I'm very glad I took the chance on this product. It's delivered beyond my expectation. Let me go order another bottle.:shopping:

Yes hurry, you don't want to have to skip any days!
reeko43 said:
I took my braids down today. I couldn't wait another day because my scalp was itching and I needed to wash. I only have approx two doses left o I didn't think it would matter if I waited.

When I started MR I measured two sections of my hair, the middle front just above my forehead and the middle of my nape. Both sections measured 9.5 in. My front measures 10.25 and my nape section measures 10.5.

I am not surprised at the difference between the sections of the amount of growth because I am experiencing thinning in that area due to PCOS. I am surprised at the amount of growth. I average .25 inches except in the summer months where I have experienced up to .5 inches of growth per month.

Will this amount of growth be sustained over the coming months? Whose to say. However, I am very pleased with my one month progress. Here is a picture from my length check today. Unfortunately, I didn't take one when I started.

Looks good! How long do you plan on taking it?
reeko43 said:
I haven't missed a day either. It is like my body craves the shot in the morning. I have never been this consistent with supplements.

Me too! I wake up in the morning, head to the restroom, brush my teeth, pick up my shot glass, head to the fridge and pour myself a shot! Ahhhhh! What a way to start the day! I'm lovin it!!!
CurlsOnFire23 said:
:lachen: I was shocked and afraid. I went in there for #1 and was stuck on that porcelain death trap for at least 40 minutes. I didn't think i'd make it outta there

Lol!!!! Been there!!!! Lol! Not funny, you are hilarious!
Two more bottles were waiting for me when I got home today! So happy! Now I have a five month supply. I ordered a total of 6 and am almost finished with one. I will take measurements next week. It will be one full month of MR. I will post pictures then.
I am still taking my MR, I've missed one or two days. I still feel happy, well rested and energized. I can't say that I've notice hair or nail growth, but for as much as my clean scalp has been itching, it has better be growing.
My scalp has been itching like crazy the approximately last two weeks. My hair better be growing. I'll compare lengths at the end of the bottle. I woukd have mentioned it before but I wanted to be sure.
Last night I took MR at bedtime and woke up at 4:30 am. Since I woke up so early and was vibrant, I was able to accomplish an energetic morning workout (TurboFire).

I usually take it in the morning, but I will take it again tonight and see if it was actually the MR or me just going to bed a little earlier (10 pm).
Still going strong here and almost finished with my first bottle. Hope to order 2 more bottles this weekend and that will last me till April 2013.
Is anyone taking Viviscal? I am looking for a good hair vitamin to round off my supplement list. I'm currently taking Futurebiotics Hair/Skin/Nails. I'm not convinced that it's working well for me. Viviscal is EXPENSIVE!


I might do better to just eat more fish than invest in this supplement :lol:
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My scalp has been itching like crazy the approximately last two weeks. My hair better be growing. I'll compare lengths at the end of the bottle. I woukd have mentioned it before but I wanted to be sure.

Mine too for the last week, but I'm thinking it's my grease mix for my scalp. I might go ahead and start 4 capfuls tomorrow.
Oh wanted to say my nails are looking solid and smooth and strong. I've always had nice nail beds, but when my nutrients aren't quite there I can tell. They usually still grow, but recently they had really been in bad shape. I must've been really bad off lol :nono: I think it's everything...the MR, the extra bamboo silica, the water, the working out.
Day 1 of the MR for me....I couldn't resist getting it from the reviews of the boosted energy levels. I am hoping for stronger nails too..hair growth will be the cherry on top.

This thread has gotten so long....:lol:...it blew up!!! It's good to see, as I haven't been on in awhile.

It's been 32 days now and I think I've gotten about some good growth:grin:. My dh said to me the other day that my skin is the most beautiful he has seen...ever, and I have great skin!!!

My hair is getting crazy thick, which is a blessing for me because I have fine hair that did not have any thickness whatsoever. I am amazed at my hair right now. It looks smooth too, but that could be from the herbal tea rinses I've been doing which is AMAZING!!!

Anyways, I have some information about this 'MineralMax' from the company for you to read...I see that there was some confusion over which product is best: (MineralRich is what we are to use ladies)
Just to let you know, it is not the same source of minerals. MineralMax has diatomaceous earth as a source of the mineral blend and MineralRich has trace minerals from crystalline salts dissolved in pure water form the Great Salt Lake which stay in suspended in solution. MineralRich is the original quality product that many have tried to duplicate, but have not been successful.

Yes, MineralMax is easier on the wallet, but unfortunately it is not comparable to MineralRich as far as the mineral source, blending process and quality. I just wanted to let you know the difference.
So ladies, don't go off track and order something different...you will get a different result!

ETA: Oh, I forgot about my nails....Hard as Nails ain't got nuthin on Mineral Rich!!!:lol:

Day 1 of the MR for me....I couldn't resist getting it from the reviews of the boosted energy levels. I am hoping for stronger nails too..hair growth will be the cherry on top.
Hey lady....I see you starting too....you are going to love this stuff!!!:grin:
So, I took the MM today............I was alert, I didn't tucker out, and I was constantly thirsty which required me to up my water intake....TRIPLE SCORE! :happydance:.
Nice & Wavy

Welcome Back Ms. Lady! Thanks again for being a Blessing to a Friend in need.:yep:

Also, thanks for being such a Great Researcher. :detective:

I always love to have a Researcher, Chemist, Herbalist, Ayurvedic Specialist in all my Threads.:lol:
@Nice & Wavy

Welcome Back Ms. Lady! Thanks again for being a Blessing to a Friend in need.:yep:

Also, thanks for being such a Great Researcher. :detective:

I always love to have a Researcher, Chemist, Herbalist, Ayurvedic Specialist in all my Threads.:lol:
Awww...thanks, sis :hug3: I'm so happy to be there for my friends...what a week, but it's certainly better, thank God!!!

You are funny...I always love to research everything. My boss, husband, son, daughter....e'rbody always come to me to find stuff:lol:.

Mineral Max
Did you read my note upthread from the company about MineralMax?