Mineral Rich Challenge 11/01 2012 through 4/30 2013

So I've been MR for 17 days. For the past week, I have been going to sleep each night very early. Before 9. I am wondering if it's just my mind refusing to accept the time change or if it the MR. I am still able to make it through the day without being tired and going to Zumba 3 times a week, but I am in the bed early nightly. I get up pretty early too. I tried to sleep in this morning, but my cats woke me up at 5:30 wanting to be fed and I've not been able to go back to sleep. Oh well.

Last night I had a dream that I went to get my hair straightened and my long time beautician cut my bsl hair into a bob. I could not stop crying. My husband kept saying it would grow back. I was sobbing. I told him I didn't want to wait another 4 years. Anyway I woke up distraught! Checked my hair and it's still here. I'm going to get up in a few and deep condition and wait for Zumba to start.

I'm the same way. Up early, sustained energy and in bed early.
Yep.:yep: I've had a combo of all the posts.

Still lovin' MR.:lick: Feel totally refreshed in the a.m. and not totally worn out in the p.m.

Keeping my eye on the Price point tho'. I don't want it to super inflate.:ohwell:

I need to keep picking up a bottle here & there, so I can have my Stash set.

Anyway, I am still using Viviscal too, for a little extra boost in the Hurr Department. So far, so good.:grin:
Got mine, just took 3 capfuls. Can't wait to see some results, especially energy. I want to order some more before It goes up or out of stock.
I just hope they don't change the formula like so many companies do. I might need to order another 6 month supply. That will get me through a year. It doesn't expire until 2014 so I should be ok with stock piling it!

Anyone else....?:blush:

I take a herbal laxative b/c this is a major problem for me but I think I'm going to stop taking it b/c mixing it with MR is what causes my LOUD stomach noise! I can't take it anymore! Sounds like I"m passing gas all day long and I'm not! So embarassing!
Someone may have already posted this but Swanson's has a product with similar if not exact ingredients called Mineral Max. I trust their quality and will be ordering it tonight. I know I'm using the "bootleg":lol: so I can't actively participate, but I will come back and tell you guys my results :yep:

Mineral Max Ingredients:

Mineral Rich Ingredients:

I hope this helps another EL Cheapo like myself :grin:
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I just hope they don't change the formula like so many companies do. I might need to order another 6 month supply. That will get me through a year. It doesn't expire until 2014 so I should be ok with stock piling it!

6 months? O__o You are not playin' huh?

Girl, please.

You are welcome to come up in here with your Mineral Max and let us know how it is working for you.:look:....:lol:

I like open challenges. I can't roll with alot of Rules & Regulations.:nono:

So, by all means, please keep us posted on Mineral Max.:grin:
Ok, I want to join this challenge if it's not too late. I received mine on Friday and started taking it yesterday morning. Yesterday, I felt very energetic. I'm closely monitoring myself as something else has come up. (I will def be sharing that in another thread if confirmed). But I am enjoying the taste. This added to my new hair care regimen which will be even lower manipulation. Yeah things look good.

It looks promising. Especially when you look at the side by side comparison.:yep:

I wish you would stay in, and give us another perspective with Mineral Max.

Hmp.:rolleyes: Chile....When money looking funny, at least we know there are other Options and that's a Plus.:look:

So, thanks for that.:grin:
So, I'm almost finished with my 1st bottle! I gotta re-order next week to make sure there's no lapse. I gotta say, I love M-R! I don't even care what it does for my hair at this point...I feel so much better since taking it. My Mom's been telling me how my complexion has lightened up considerably, and I'm not looking as dark. My mood, and energy level are also 110% better. :yep:

I ordered a bottle last night and it should be here next week. Swanson's shipping is and has always been on point. OH! and I'm definitely in. All you had to say was yes lol. I'm really excited too. I'm apart of the Hair Growth and Weight Loss Challenge I think this is the perfect supplement to use. Energy from the B vitamins and growth from the Silica, plus the hair vitamins that I will be taking. I'M PUMPED! And yeah the ingredients are severely similar, even the concentrations match. When I seen it I was like "OH YEAH, CHEAPY CHEAPY DUPEY TIME! :yay:

...........*Puts RedBull back in the Fridge :look:. *Shrugs Can't blame a sista for trying :lachen:!
Ladies, I'm going on week 4. On November 14, it will be officially 4 weeks that I 've been on MR. So far, I love the fact that I have more energy and that I'm more alert. Hair wise, I noticed I had to wax more often... I did get some hair growth, I have done my roots yet so I cannot confirm how much more it has gown. I will keep you all posted.

Hey Exit...Nah I'd be giving somebody the serious "Side-Eye" if they ran up in here with a Can of Red Bull or something talmbout they in the challenge.:lol:

I ordered a bottle last night and it should be here next week. Swanson's shipping is and has always been on point. OH! and I'm definitely in. All you had to say was yes lol. I'm really excited too. I'm apart of the Hair Growth and Weight Loss Challenge I think this is the perfect supplement to use. Energy from the B vitamins and growth from the Silica, plus the hair vitamins that I will be taking. I'M PUMPED! And yeah the ingredients are severely similar, even the concentrations match. When I seen it I was like "OH YEAH, CHEAPY CHEAPY DUPEY TIME! :yay:

...........*Puts RedBull back in the Fridge :look:. *Shrugs Can't blame a sista for trying :lachen:!

Why, why, I'm :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

I've been taking MR for a little over 3 weeks now. I don't notice anything different in my body other than slight gas when I take it. I just ordered another bottle. I will prob go through 3 bottles and then know if I should continue. I'm hoping to see healthier nails. I haven't noticed increased energy or anything of the sort.
Since DS, thinks he might benefit from the MR, I will likely place another order and try the Vita-Sprout as well.
I used it on and off so I can give feedback
I somewhat noticed more energy
I did notice the vivid dreams... a product can do that

Also notice I needed to drink more water..
I was in NY over the weekend and made sure to pack my MR and take it with me. It got its own 3 oz travel bottle. I'm exactly a month in... No 3 inches of growth, but there is some growth there.