Mineral Rich Challenge 11/01 2012 through 4/30 2013

Yes. I also posted the question on here and asked the salesperson at the vitamin store where I bought the MR. I take the following:

  • GNC Women's Ultra Mega w/o iron
  • Mega Red Krill Oil
  • Jarrow Calcium
  • B12 Chewables
  • COQ10
  • MegaFood Blood Builder

Yep !!!!!!!! :beer::guiness: gonna get me some this weekend for sure !!!!!!
TdotGirl That is great. I got good service from them as well .
I wanna join this challenge. I just took my first dose this morn I will report back.
My baby hair around my front edges is growing! I rubbed it off by wearing wig caps for an extended period of time. They are coming in nicely all of a sudden. It could be the emu oil, I started them both at same time :scratchch
Can I still join this challenge, I stumbled onto the youtube video and ordered it and have been taking mine for 3 days, then I found this challenge and had to reup my LHCF membership.
Taking mr for 12 days...sitting in the couch playing in my new growth...

Wait...I don't have a relaxer..I'm natural and got my hair blown out a week ago

Fingers to nape sacrebleu feels like 3 weeks post (memories)

*laughs deliriously to self* that would be close to half an inch NOPE my mind is playing games

But my skin is looking very bright these days..that's more real to me hmph
Almost missed it! Today is my 4 week MR anniversary. Yay! The energy & stamina I have for my morning workouts is enough for me but my skin is so much brighter & smoother (no breakouts), my hair seems thicker & my new growth more manageable. Ok I can't comment on my growth cause my new growth has a looser texture than usual. I can't really tell my new growth from my purposely slightly underprocessed relaxed hair. I'm sailing through this stretch really. Come to think of it when I took biotin pills early in my journey it had a loosening effect on my new growth but I had horrible breakouts too. So I stopped. Glad this formulation has a positive effect on my skin.

I will relax in exactly 6 weeks which will be 10 weeks of MR growth in addition to 2 weeks without. I'll get a better assessment of my growth then. I want to be precise.
Almost missed it! Today is my 4 week MR anniversary. Yay! The energy & stamina I have for my morning workouts is enough for me but my skin is so much brighter & smoother (no breakouts), my hair seems thicker & my new growth more manageable. Ok I can't comment on my growth cause my new growth has a looser texture than usual. I can't really tell my new growth from my purposely slightly underprocessed relaxed hair. I'm sailing through this stretch really. Come to think of it when I took biotin pills early in my journey it had a loosening effect on my new growth but I had horrible breakouts too. So I stopped. Glad this formulation has a positive effect on my skin.

I will relax in exactly 6 weeks which will be 10 weeks of MR growth in addition to 2 weeks without. I'll get a better assessment of my growth then. I want to be precise.

When I took the 5,000 mcg of Biotin, I broke out too. I plan to purchase the 1,000 mcg.
Here is my 1st full week update:

Still very "regular". Like once-a-day regular. This is a big deal for me because I used to be lucky to, uh, "go" once a week!

I have never been a morning person, but I am finding it progressively easier to get out of bed each morning. I feel good all day, but when it's time for bed I'm OUT! My body has been getting its 6-8 hours like clockwork. Woot!

I've always had strong healthy nails that grow fast and long, so I can't say too much has changed for them.

My skin, while it is already fairly clear, it just seems to look even *better*!

Finally, my hair. I don't want to get too excited. And I could be making it all up in my head. But I could almost swear it is the teensiest bit longer. I bun like 90% of the time, so I don't see my hair out much. But on Monday (my out day), a fellow student at my cosmo school was curious about my length. I let her stretch a piece and it was just below my shoulder blades!! But... It was just one piece so...
Been doing this since early October and my nails are busting through my fingers like Freddy Krueger. Not noticing any out of the ordinary growth spurt from my hair, but it's still growing. I've been bunning (yay, can finally bun!!), so at least my ends aren't stressed.

Still dreaming crazy. Not too long ago I was pregnant with the Prez's baby. The SS tried to ban me from the White House. :lachen:
Been doing this since early October and my nails are busting through my fingers like Freddy Krueger. Not noticing any out of the ordinary growth spurt from my hair, but it's still growing. I've been bunning (yay, can finally bun!!), so at least my ends aren't stressed.

Still dreaming crazy. Not too long ago I was pregnant with the Prez's baby. The SS tried to ban me from the White House. :lachen:

flotus would beat ur B-U-T-T
I started taking MR on Friday and Oolong Tea on Sunday. I take one tablespoon of MR in the morning and one in the afternoon around 4:30 to give me that extra boost and 3 cups of Oolong Tea daily. It is still too early to reveal any 'real' benefits. So far, I do not notice that 'burst of energy', only the ability to do more in the afternoon. I am not bursting at the seams supercharged and ready to conquer anything that comes my way. It does make me calm and mellow. At night, I am sleeping more soundly and have had a few crazy dreams but nothing major. As for the bowels moving, no I have not experienced that, just some terrible, smelly gas. :nono:
Thanks, I am in for the hair growth. I was on a good natural journey a couple years back, but then I got married and moved to Colorado, cold and dry. My hair broke immediately so I chopped it into a bob, and got relaxed :blush:,now I have been moisturizing and sealing like crazy and on Nov 1st started no heat. I am wearing my hair in a twist around my head and hopefully that will help. Now with the MR I hope it will grow back to where it was and more., currently my hair is just grazing shoulder length again.

I have more energy for sure so that is good but I do hope the gas subsides laaawd!
I forgot to take my MR this morning, rushing around. I will take it when I get home. Not skipping a day.
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For most of us taking MR we have experienced the ablility to do more. I have yet to read of anyone having the burst of energy. I like the fact that it doesn't make me feel gittery and I actually enjoy getting more done.

Glad you are having a good experience with MR. :up:
I take:
Vitamin Code RAW ONE for Women (one-a-day multi)
Vitamin Code RAW IRON (I'm anemic)
Vitamin Code RAW CALCIUM (I'm over 40)
New Chapter WHOLEMEGA (awesome fish oil!!)
Harifinity (at night)

Additionally, I workout strenuously 5days per week, so the extra vits come in handy for energy.

I have absolutely NO adverse affects whatsoever, my body properly eliminates what it doesn't need. My energy levels are great. Recently I noticed the whites of my eyes are a bit brighter....that's definitely a good thing.

This looks impressive ... I might look into this when I finish up my current stash.
Mine is coming in the mail today, I'm really excited. I looked at the ingredients online and I saw it had "sorbitol" in it, which is a laxative. That's probably why it's making some of yall go or have gas.
So I am a week away from taking MR for a month. Here are some pictures. These pics was taken on 9-26-2012. I started on MR on 10-15-2012, 18 days later. It was humid that day. My hair is not as thick as it appears. I wish.


I took these pics today. I felt like flat ironing my hair. My hair is a little more weighed down in this pic, due to me oil rinsing. My hair is fine. So if I want bouncy, becky-style hair :look: then no oils.

I had trimmed 3-4 inches back in September. I think that I may have gained about one inch of growth. No increased energy, though, that I have noticed. Maybe my laziness is a state of mind :look:

I do castor oil on my scalp 2-3 times a week. Maybe the combination of the two :thought:

Whatcha think?
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I started taking MR on Friday and Oolong Tea on Sunday. I take one tablespoon of MR in the morning and one in the afternoon around 4:30 to give me that extra boost and 3 cups of Oolong Tea daily. It is still too early to reveal any 'real' benefits. So far, I do not notice that 'burst of energy', only the ability to do more in the afternoon. I am not bursting at the seams supercharged and ready to conquer anything that comes my way. It does make me calm and mellow. At night, I am sleeping more soundly and have had a few crazy dreams but nothing major. As for the bowels moving, no I have not experienced that, just some terrible, smelly gas. :nono:

The wind comes first, then a "release" from within.
So I am a week away from taking MR for a month. Here are some pictures. These pics was taken on 9-26-2012. I started on MR on 10-15-2012, 18 days later. It was humid that day. My hair is not as thick as it appears. I wish.


I took these pics today. I felt like flat ironing my hair. My hair is a little more weighed down in this pic, due to me oil rinsing. My hair is fine. So if I want bouncy, becky-style hair :look: then no oils.

I had trimmed 3-4 inches back in September. I think that I may have gained about one inch of growth. No increased energy, though, that I have noticed. Maybe my laziness is a state of mind :look:

I do castor oil on my scalp 2-3 times a week. Maybe the combination of the two :thought:

Whatcha think?

I think you are right! Wow! How long are you going to continue taking MR? Will you keep posting monthly updates?