Mineral Rich Challenge 11/01 2012 through 4/30 2013

cutenss, I see the growth!
Good job.

Thanks yodie :yep:

cutenss Your hair grew to the bottom of that cut off shirt methinks! Nice.

Thank you Froreal3 :yep:

I think you are right! Wow! How long are you going to continue taking MR? Will you keep posting monthly updates?

phyl73 I bought a 90 day supply (3 bottles). I will continue to take it as long as I am able. I like the taste :lick: I will continue to post updates. My plan is to trim again at the end of the year, in order to keep my ends clean and blunt. Next month should show if this is a fluke, or true help to aid in hair growth :yep:
Thanks yodie :yep:

Thank you Froreal3 :yep:

phyl73 I bought a 90 day supply (3 bottles). I will continue to take it as long as I am able. I like the taste :lick: I will continue to post updates. My plan is to trim again at the end of the year, in order to keep my ends clean and blunt. Next month should show if this is a fluke, or true help to aid in hair growth :yep:

cutenss Keep growing I can't wait to see continued up-dates..Your hair is very pretty & very healthy.

Happy Hair Growing!
So I am a week away from taking MR for a month. Here are some pictures. These pics was taken on 9-26-2012. I started on MR on 10-15-2012, 18 days later. It was humid that day. My hair is not as thick as it appears. I wish.


I took these pics today. I felt like flat ironing my hair. My hair is a little more weighed down in this pic, due to me oil rinsing. My hair is fine. So if I want bouncy, becky-style hair :look: then no oils.

I had trimmed 3-4 inches back in September. I think that I may have gained about one inch of growth. No increased energy, though, that I have noticed. Maybe my laziness is a state of mind :look:

I do castor oil on my scalp 2-3 times a week. Maybe the combination of the two :thought:
Whatcha think?
Excellent growth. Looks like you got at least 1.5 to 2 inches of growth.
So I am a week away from taking MR for a month. Here are some pictures. These pics was taken on 9-26-2012. I started on MR on 10-15-2012, 18 days later. It was humid that day. My hair is not as thick as it appears. I wish.


I took these pics today. I felt like flat ironing my hair. My hair is a little more weighed down in this pic, due to me oil rinsing. My hair is fine. So if I want bouncy, becky-style hair :look: then no oils.

I had trimmed 3-4 inches back in September. I think that I may have gained about one inch of growth. No increased energy, though, that I have noticed. Maybe my laziness is a state of mind :look:

I do castor oil on my scalp 2-3 times a week. Maybe the combination of the two :thought:

Whatcha think?

Great progress! Gives me hope. I should have taken starting pics :ohwell:
Ok an additional update: umm--I'm now verrry regular :look:, that's not a complaint because--well--it's just not. I think I prefer taking liquid vits over pills too. Still hoping for the decrease in appetite :yep:.

Ok, mini update--no longer regular but still enjoying the extra energy. I sometimes take mine at night so I can stay up a little longer. I know I was deficient in iron and some other trace minerals so I am upping my intake of msm and continuing with the viviscal. Since my hair is in nappy mode (straw set) I'm gonna have to start the length comparisons next month because I'm not straightening my hair anytime soon. But so far so good. :yep:
Well done cutenss I see your progress!

Thanks :yep:

cutenss Keep growing I can't wait to see continued up-dates..Your hair is very pretty & very healthy.

Happy Hair Growing!

I will continue to update. And thank you. Your hair is AWESOME! :yep:

Excellent growth. Looks like you got at least 1.5 to 2 inches of growth.

Thanks. I am excited about my growth. I hope it continues :yep:

Great progress! Gives me hope. I should have taken starting pics :ohwell:

Thanks. And yes do take pics. They give the real story. And it gives others an idea of the progress that they may get. I would have never tried it had it not been for the seeing video, and this thread.
I will start back today. I stopped during my tom. I had stabbing, labor like pain. I never had that before. It might have been the cold weather. I have no idea, but all this talk about false starts and early starts made me wonder.
cutenss Thanks for sharing your photos. *sigh* Now I'm going to have to read from the beginning and lawd knows I don't need to buy anything else! :lol:

IDareT'sHair You know I love your threads; why didn't I get a tag?! :cry2: Just kidding. Off to read.
I took my MR dose last night before bed. I'll try not to do that again because I had some crazy dreams!!!

I gave my 15 year old son his first dose today. He's in the IB magnet program in his school, and he has a serious work load. He sent me the following text this morning"
Mom! The MR must be working, I'm wide awake and remembering everything! LOL I can use this stuff to up my test scores...it will be like cheating LOL
I need to have a word with him about that cheating comment. :lol:

I have new baby hair furs all over my hair line! This is my 9th day. I believe it's the MR and not the Emu oil. I've used Emu oil before, don't remember gaining growth this fast.
IDareT'sHair I'm super full & didn't eat much..I fill like a stuffed something..lol

OMG, I ate my 6" subway tuna yesterday, which usually leaves me wanting more. Yesterday it made me feel like I ate a brick. I'm still not really hungry. OMG! I need to roll with this feeling! :lol:
Hair and Nails shot :grin: though I've been taking this for almost 2 weeks..here is my starting pic:spinning:


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I was just coming to report my nails!!

I don't wear polish or anything. I just keep them trimmed pretty short but my nails are starting to come in soooo pretty I'm thinking of growing them out. :-)
cutenss I see ALOT of growth here. How cool that you had that dress on w/ the line to really see your progress. BTW...are you using the plain or aloe version? And did your cycle come early?
cutenss I see ALOT of growth here. How cool that you had that dress on w/ the line to really see your progress. BTW...are you using the plain or aloe version? And did your cycle come early?

My "housecoat" is my new measuring gauge. My back is too large for the bra measurements :look: I use the regular MR. I take it straight, then I drink water after. I like the flat, tart cherry taste :lick: As far as cycles, I am not not capable of any, so I cannot judge that.

cutenss Great Progress. Thank you so much for Sharing.:grin:

Thanks :yep:

BTW: I have not missed one day. I take it every morning. I even took my MR with my measuring spoon on a weekend college recruiting trip for DSS. I kept it in the mini frig at the hotel. And since I have two more bottles, I will be able to measure a full 90 days.
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I took my MR dose last night before bed. I'll try not to do that again because I had some crazy dreams!!!

I gave my 15 year old son his first dose today. He's in the IB magnet program in his school, and he has a serious work load. He sent me the following text this morning"

I need to have a word with him about that cheating comment. :lol:

I have new baby hair furs all over my hair line! This is my 9th day. I believe it's the MR and not the Emu oil. I've used Emu oil before, don't remember gaining growth this fast.

AtlantaJJ Hi,I'm so full..lol..Not even craving sweets like I use too..
The dreams,yes I get them too/Strange..Very strange...lol..I dreamed Aretha Franklin was poking me in my arm & yelling..I don't know what she was talking about...lol

Happy Hair Growing!
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Honesty addresses this already in the comment section during her first YouTube video. She says this is not her.
Thanks @yodie :yep:

Thank you @Froreal3 :yep:

@phyl73 I bought a 90 day supply (3 bottles). I will continue to take it as long as I am able. I like the taste :lick: I will continue to post updates. My plan is to trim again at the end of the year, in order to keep my ends clean and blunt. Next month should show if this is a fluke, or true help to aid in hair growth :yep:

I hope it's not a fluke either. I'm so excited to see your next update! I ordered more bottles and will order 2 more so that I have a 6 month supply. I want to do a true study of this product. I wish we could conduct some type of controlled study to see how it affects those of us taking additional supplements or just taking the MR. :yep:
So I've been MR for 17 days. For the past week, I have been going to sleep each night very early. Before 9. I am wondering if it's just my mind refusing to accept the time change or if it the MR. I am still able to make it through the day without being tired and going to Zumba 3 times a week, but I am in the bed early nightly. I get up pretty early too. I tried to sleep in this morning, but my cats woke me up at 5:30 wanting to be fed and I've not been able to go back to sleep. Oh well.

Last night I had a dream that I went to get my hair straightened and my long time beautician cut my bsl hair into a bob. I could not stop crying. My husband kept saying it would grow back. I was sobbing. I told him I didn't want to wait another 4 years. Anyway I woke up distraught! Checked my hair and it's still here. I'm going to get up in a few and deep condition and wait for Zumba to start.
My nails are growing like crazy
Oh and my vita sprout came yesterday I took it and I felt alive :grin::grin::grin: they are on sale for 1/2 which is $9 at valley naturals plus I have a discount so I will be ordering 5 months worth of vitamins later .....granted I need to finish all the other vitamins I have in my stash
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