Mineral Rich Challenge 11/01 2012 through 4/30 2013

I forgot to take mine today. I'm going to take it now. Hopefully, it will help me get up early tomorrow. I need a head start tomorrow AM
Has anyone called the company to find out what is in their proprietary blend?

Will someone call? I would call but I am 4 hours behind everyone.
This is partially the only reason I purchased the supplement. Silica has done wonders for me this month that I've been taking it (through a bamboo supplement). And although there is 1000 mcg in MR, it's only 1 mg. Bamboo has 300 mg of silica.

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So...I'm thinking of maybe just adding a silica supplement. I'm comfy with taking my lil 2 capfuls and I've been taking EPO at night...just cause. I may add some MSM and extra silica at night too.

DominicanBrazilian82 what supplement of silica were you using; you have a link?
Maybe it's the Selenium causing the cycle changes:

Menstrual Cycle
Blood levels of selenium fluctuate during a woman’s menstrual cycle, according to a study from the Ohio State University and published in the February 2003 issue of the “Journal of the American College of Nutrition.” In the study, researchers measured the amount of estrogen and selenium in 14 women during their menstrual cycles. The women’s highest levels of blood selenium coincided with the estrogen peak, right before ovulation. Researchers found the change in selenium during the menstrual cycle significant enough to “be considered when assessing selenium status in patients.”

Took my 2 capfuls this morning...and on a empty stomach. Are yall doing that?

I have been taking mine on a nearly empty stomach before I go to work, I drink at least 8 oz of water after taking. Sometimes I have it with my protein shake or some raw almonds. I usually eat a full meal after I get to work. I haven't had any problems digestion wise, but I have an iron tummy. M I notice that most supplements recommend they should be taken with food. I would suggest that for those with sensitive tummies.
I take mine on an empty stomach too...no problems

Selenium levels peak right before ovulation...hmm i started right befor ovulation and so far, all is well :)

I have been suppressing a cold though (if that makes sense). Last Thursday and fri I felt feverish for a few hours each day. At one point,I couldn't take a deep breath without coughing. It's like I had a cold without any full out symptoms.

Yay Mineral Rich (because its the only thing I'm taking)
I always take on an empty stomach, followed by water and shortly after, breakfast. I have had no problems.

I did catch a cold from a coworker this week. I felt awful Friday. I was achy, feverish, drained and coughed often. Saturday, I took it easy but felt 50% better. Yesterday, only a lingering cough. Today, nothing. I can't say for certain but I believe that MR aided in a speedy recovery. Usually, a cold lingers for me, then it breaks and I am blowing my nose until I am better. This time, all of that was skipped!
It messed with my cycle too. It came early, then stopped then came on time. I had virtually no cramping at the start, but heavy at the end. Which is the exact opposite of what I would normally get. I was not sure if it was the MR or my quite drastic change in diet. I guess I still wont know for sure for a while.
I have been taking it since Oct 29 and I skipped Sat and Sun and I will do that for the rest of the time. I don't feel an "energy boost" but I don't feel tired when i normally would. I went to be last night and I wasn't tired but I did fall asleep pretty quickly.
According to: Maximum Living Mineral Rich is best refrigerated (after opening) for Taste, but is should be fine if properly stored in a cool, dark, place.
Still on it. Forgot to drink water after, took my two spoonfuls this morning. So selenium affects the menstrual cycle aye? Oh well I'm just glad it won't be showing up for my birthday in 15 days. I put my hair in cornrows two days ago for my wig protective styling so I'll take a pic and track from there. I have to buy two more bottles of this stuff. I want to take it at least until February to have a good assessment. And I don't get those crazy dreams.
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Me too yodie. I didn't start out like that but after cleaning up my diet it took it away. Its like my body is getting what it needs so there no need for more.
I posted the following post in the hair forum today. Since it had to do with the Mineral Rich Challenge, I thought it would help those who are in the challege. For some reason it was moved to the health forum and I don't know how many of you read that forum. It has to do with my low BP and how MR helped me with my sugar levels.

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itismehmmkay said:
So...I'm thinking of maybe just adding a silica supplement. I'm comfy with taking my lil 2 capfuls and I've been taking EPO at night...just cause. I may add some MSM and extra silica at night too.

DominicanBrazilian82 what supplement of silica were you using; you have a link?

I take Solaray... Bamboo has very limited brands (in my research)... Only my local health food store carries it (locally)... Or online of course :)
I posted the following post in the hair forum today. Since it had to do with the Mineral Rich Challenge, I thought it would help those who are in the challege. For some reason it was moved to the health forum and I don't know how many of you read that forum. It has to do with my low BP and how MR helped me with my sugar levels.


I posted the same issue upthread. My BP was also a good 10pts lower than it usually is as well. I didn't want to pin it directly on the M-R since I'm taking other things as well, but if you're noticing the same then it just might be. Ladies, make sure you're checking in with your doctors...my BP was still fine, 107/76, but everyone should know their numbers. :yep:
I posted the following post in the hair forum today. Since it had to do with the Mineral Rich Challenge, I thought it would help those who are in the challege. For some reason it was moved to the health forum and I don't know how many of you read that forum. It has to do with my low BP and how MR helped me with my sugar levels.


Coffee I saw your post in the Health forum. My condolences about your sister.... :(

I don't have a dr. No health insurance right now. Is there another way to check blood pressure? I've never really paid attention to it since I've always been relatively healthy.
Coffee I saw your post in the Health forum. My condolences about your sister.... :(

I don't have a dr. No health insurance right now. Is there another way to check blood pressure? I've never really paid attention to it since I've always been relatively healthy.

Froreal3, There are free bp monitors at Walmart, Walgreens, and even some grocery stores. They can give you an accurate enough reading to let you know if you are in the danger zone or not. I use them whenever I see one. The are usually located near the pharmacy.
So....I'm all up in this challenge lol. I just ordered 2 more bottles and some bamboo silica, MSM, and more EPO. This'll probably be my first time really taking hair growth supplements. So let's go!