MidBack Length 2007-Let's Get It!!!


New Member
Hey Ladies,
I know some of you are all "challenged out" but I don't think there is a challenge for this one. I know there are BSL and WL challenges for 07/08 but what about a Midback Challenge for 2007 ( I couldn't search because the search engine is down)...

This challenge is for anyone who wants to be MidBack (1-5 inches under the bra-strap, any longer would be waist length). You set your own month for this challege. For example: I want to be MBL by December, 27, 2007. Anyone else want to join?!

What other challenges are you in? I don't know about ya'll but if you need motivation check out the heads on these sistas-Sistaslick, DahomeyAmosey, Anky, Macherieamour, Babygyrl, SouthernGirl, SimplyCee, Isis, Sylver2, and loooots more. On you mark...Get set...Grow! it! Let's get it! (I'm so wack :lol: )

I set my date to be December 27, 2006

I am in WSL 2008, BSL 2006, No trimming, Deep conditioning 06 (ETA) and GILW challenges.

I plan to moisturize, moisturize, moisturize, protein, etc to make this happen! Also no heat but every 1 1/2 mos-2 mos! I'm ready!!:D
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I'm w/ you Mami!!! My hair has been growing pretty fast over the last couple of months. I guess I never noticed how fast it grew until I started my journal last month. I believe I can be midback my December 31st, 2007 :lol: Count me in. This will will fall in line with my no cut challenge (which I've already lost twice...LOL).
Count me in too! I am in the BSL Challenge 2006 also. I am currently 1inch past APL. I hope to be at BSL by January (September the lastest). I think I can probably make mid-back by January 07, but I have my hair in layers and want to see if I can get the shortest points (barely apl) to be at mid-back by Dec 07. My hair currently grows about 2 inches a month. What are y'all regimens?

Mine is:
I wash once a week with Nexxus Therappe and Humctress
I deep condition with my cholesterol, conditioner & oil mix.
Rollerset and airdry or sit under the dryer for 1 hour.
Then I wrap it up at night, and put in a protective style in the morning (generally a phony-pony wrapped around into a bun)
Count me in. I'm at shoulders now, but I think I can get to mid-back in 2007. Mid-back is actually about bsl (a smidge below bsl) on me since I wear my bras lower than most of the ladies here....anyway, this is my first challenge. wish me luck.
Im in. Hopefully ill be at midback by May 07...im currently transitioning, but will not be chopping but trimming my ends....

i am following the C&G regimen with box braids
Im in! Current length is my avatar pic. I would like to be midback by any time in December 2007! Happy growing ladies:)
I'm in. I'm actually hoping for waist length by December 2007, so I'll try for Midback by May 2007.

I plan to continue the following:

Cowash daily
apply leave-in conditioner and/or moisturizer
put hair up loosely
shampoo occasionally
no brushing or combing when dry
detangle with wide tooth comb when cowashing

pineapple hair at night, sleep on satin or silk pillowcases

no cones, no parabens, no stylists, limited use of hair products with protein

supplement with: flax oil, multi-vitamin, carrot juice, MSM and vitamin C, protein bars

HHG everyone!
COUNT ME IN!!!! :yay:
I'm getting a trim this coming wednesday and I HOPE I will still be either RIGHT BELOW brastrap or 1" below. I considered that midback, BUT I'd like to set a new goal for the "in-between" but in the meantime i want super healthy, blunt ends.. not walking around in buns all the time anymore.

I want to reach my goal but goodness i'm only 17, turning 18 soon, and i'm tired of looking matronly everyfreakinwhere! So I will grow hair half-way between BSL and waistlength while still getting to wear it out when i want to, and still protecting it when I should:)

I dont know if I should decide on a month yet... I guess I need about 3" to midback, so it's either December 2006 or January 2007
YAAAAY! I'm so happy others are with me! I can't wait to meet you ladies at the MBL lol.

Oh, My regimen is:

Shampoo once per week and co wash once per week
DC every wash, pre-poo on shampoo days
no heat but 1 1/2-mos, only to check progress
no combing except to detangle
I'm in and I love a challenge, especially a hair challenge.

I believe I am APL now but my next TU will tell the story, which should be within the next couple of weeks.

The Plan
Wash 1 - 2 times a week with AO products
Pre-Poo with Castro Oil once a week
No comb -GHLW Challenge
Relax every 3 - 4 months
Protective Styling!

On thing I have learned on my hair journey is to keep it simple. I started out simple and then got hit with PJ'ism :ohwell: and now everything old is new again.

Going all the way!
I want to join this challenge too. :) Im currently in the Bra Strap by 2006 Challenge.... so i will aim for Mid-Back Length by December 2007.

Moisturizing and protective styles are the name of my game. :D Lets GROW girls.
I''m with you Mizani! My hair is growing really fast right now...and hopefully I can reach mid-back at the end of summertime. I am definantly going to capitalize on the warm weather growth spurt, vitamins, and exercise to boost my hair!
I'm in! I think I might make mid back before 2007 since I'm brastrap now, but I'll set my goal for April 28,2007.
I'm in! I'm in, it is my ultimate goal, actually I'm between armpit and bra strap!:grin:
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I'm in too! This is my first challenge, so hopefully I accomplish the goal!
I'm aiming to be mid-back by May 2007...around the same time I'll be at a year of transitioning....

Good luck everyone!
I'd like to join! Mid-back is my ultimate goal, too. I'm almost at APL, and plan to be at BSL by the end of the year.

I am currently washing my hair every 5-6 days, but may go back to CW once a week since the weather is warming up and I'll be stretching my relaxer this summer.

I only comb my hair after I've washed it, and I have been using my flat iron every other week since my perm is still "new." My protective styles are psuedo buns (it's more like a loop than a circle) and braidouts.

I'm currently taking prenatal vitamins and hope to take advantage of growth spurts during my pregnancy. After I had my daughter, my hair grew to my shoulders, but I wacked it off above my ears and had a fade. Won't be doing that this time!! :lol:
I'm in! My hair.... I would say the tail end of it- is at brastrap right now. My final goal is Midback length. I wanna put my expected date to be midback length at April 28,2007 along with Naptrl. (this date is also my birthday!)
I thought I had already joined this challenge...:ohwell: ...anyway, I'm joining now. I'm already on the 2006 BSL challenge and the 2008 WSL challenge so this would fit right in the middle. I want to be at 3 inches below BSL (MBL) by 12-31-07.

Wish me luck!:D
I had originally stated mid-back length by December 2007..... but I wanna change it to November 2007. I have my ten year high school reunion then, and I so wanna be swinging my mid-back length tresses around then. :lol:

I will continue to: wash/deep condition once a week, take my vitamin supplements, moisturize daily, use a protein treatment every 8 weeks, mtg 4x per week, wear protective styles 6x per week, and minimize combing.

This is exciting.... I really think I can do it. :) I can't wait to make Bra Strap by Dec (*prayerfully*) so that I can officially be on my way to mid-back length. :grin:
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I wanna join this one. I've been very lazy lately, but I need to get motivated about growing my hair again.

Here are my June 2006 starting pictures:
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I'm in, if i stay doing the C&G for two years i can get to midback in 2007
that's when the C&G end for me.
I think i want to end the same day as you Mizani
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I'm in for midback by December 2007, my hair is getting over post partum shedding and finally full and thick again, it's now starting to grow out.
Ill set my challenge end date to February 14, 2007. I plan on doing something special for my fiance and I know he loves it when my hair is down...plus he hasnt seen it down since Dec 05. This will be my grand showing of my hair...so protective styles until then.
I'm in the APL challenge and giving myself until Dec. '06 for that goal.

Count me in this challenge as well and I'm hoping for midback by Dec. '07.
Count me in. Midback is my ultimate lenght too. I will give myself up to December 2007 to get there.
I think I will be APL, again, with my next relaxer (in 3 days) and BSL by december or beginning 2007.
Hopefully, my shedding will stop and my hair will look decent by then.

Just checking in ladies! Ive decided that I am setting my goal of Mid-Back Length to April 2007. I really think I can do it by then!!!! :grin: Well, let's hope anyway!!! :lol: