Challenge : Waistlength by 2007


New Member
i thought i'd create a new challenge for this since the old one was started back in 2005 and some of those who joined are no longer around it seems. so, let's get this up to date. who's up for this challenge?

Update : 27 May 2007.
I've got a new pic taken yesterday. i've got a few inches to go. the bits on the side that look short is from the front of my hair which is shoulder length. i guess it gonna take a while for me to achieve BSL bangs. i'l probably have a few strands at waist by december. my hair needs a trim, but i'm gonna wait till i reach my goal. i wear sew ins constantly so nobody sees my ends anyway.


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I'm in!:)

I am at BSL right now, and it is very pesky for me. I can't seem to get to midback length. Anyways. I originally planned to be BSL December 27, 06 and I made it 3 mos early so I hope to be WSL DEcember 27, 2007.

I got about 5-6 more inches to go to reach the bottom of my waist and depending on how easy my hair is to deal with that is my terminal goal.

I plan in baggying 24/7 as always. Protective styling, no heat, and wearing my hair down only about 3 times this year!

Do we have to post pics?
Any specific stipulations for this challenge? Or do we just need to keep doing what works for us to get to waist length?
I'm in. I'm at BSL right now and I'm really hopeful I can get to waist length by Dec 2007.
I'll be bunning everyday, baggie'ing overnight, moisturizing 2x each day, and cutting out all heat ('cept for deep conditioning). Also I don't trim.
Waist Length will be a great present for Christmas 2007 won't it? :)

ETA: I'm going to be taking Biotin, MSM, and possibly GNC Ultra Nourishair. My topical growth aide will be WGO
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I would certainly like to be Waistlength by this time next year. Since I'm just starting out I am still tweaking my regimine.

Currently I'm:
NO heat-except DC
wash 2-3x per week
Sleep on satin pillowcase and tie hair up with satin scarf
I would like to learn how to baggie to help my ends along
no trim
no relaxer for 6 months
I don't plan on taking extra vitamins, I started taking Nature's Bounty Hair, Skin and Nails but I think it counteracted my Birth control pills
I'm in! I got my hair flat ironed on Saturday and It is bra strap length now. Hopefully when I get my touch up it will be 3 inches longer. I hope to be waist length by December 2007. I plan to find a very good moisturizeing conditioner and I will stop self relaxing.
Count me in the longest part of my hair is at brastap the shortest part is 2-4 inches away. I plan to bun relax every 6 months and eat really well. As well as vitamins etc
I am not certain at this time what my length is due to an upcoming touchup this week after a 6 1/2 month stretch, but I want to join this challenge. I will give my length later this week, and since I am also a part of the HYH challenge protective styling and supplements in my siggy will be my arsenal.

Good Luck Ladies!!!
I'm in too! I am a little bit below brastrap length and waistlenght is 4.5 inches away so I'm really hoping I make it there by summer but if not then by Christmas. I'll be taking Udo oil, Fo-ti, and Kelp. I will also continue to follow the Cathy House regime.
It's been such a long time since I've been able to even read anything in the forum, but now I'm finished with school and on a mission. I'm almost at brastrap currently, and I think I can reach waist length by this time in '07.

Count me in on this challenge!
esoterica said:
i think that we can update our fotki albums each quarter. March, June, August & December. That should be enough time to see decent progress. Also, we should check into this thread to update each other any progress that we have made.

what supplements are you ladies going to be taking?

here are my ideas:
Now Foods, Amino 1500, 300 Chewable Tablets

Now Foods, Biotin, 1000 mcg, 100 Capsules

Now Foods, NAC, 250 Capsules

plus the ones in my fotki.

I'm on a break right now, yeah, that's it, a break lol. But when I return on the 1st I will be taking, MSM powder (300o mcgs) B150 COmplex, Biotin, and a multivitamin.
maybe I should join.

I'm back at the top of my bra-strap, and my goal is 2" from waistlength. I think I have 5 inches to get there maybe. I haven't measured.

I will stay consistent, rollerset to keep my ends in good shape, dust for the most part.
I will take my vitamins for health, I guess.

I don't want to over-commit myself though, because maybe I don't have the strong will:(
I'm in. I was in the original challenge and my goal was for my hair to be waist length stretched by the end of December 2007, so I'll keep that goal with an eye to reaching it a bit sooner than that. I think I am at MBL/ a bit past bottom of my bra strap right now. I plan to just keep on doing what I'm doing, which is protective styles everyday (mostly buns), daily cowashing, no heat, gentle detangling, lots of moisture on my hair and 2 liters of water in the body, no trims, visualization, henna...

I would like to improve my diet significantly and get more exercise, also. I used to be much better with all of that. I take multi-vitamins, vit D, calcium, etc. But I'm not going to use MSM or biotin. Might go on silica again.

Good luck everyone!
Im so in!!!!! :D

I seriously fell off of my regimen the last few months..... but as of Jan. 1, 2007 I plan on stepping up my hair game big time!!!!

My goal is to reach WL by Dec 07 also factoring in a nice trim, which Im sure I'll need by a year from now.

Good luck ladies!!! Lets GROW!!!! :grin:
esoterica said:
welcome ladies!

anybody using topical growth aides next year?

Not me, I was thinking of MTG but I am already taking sulfu in the form of MSM so I am going to keep doing what I am doing.
esoterica said:
welcome ladies!

anybody using topical growth aides next year?

I havent broke out my bottles of MTG in ages, but i think im gonna pull them out of retirement for this challenge. It was simply laziness that had me on MTG hiatus, but im ready to go HARD again! :lol:
mtg seems to work wonders, but i have a sewin, so its out of the question. i'd never be able to wash it out. how will you mask the smell? :ohwell:
esoterica said:
mtg seems to work wonders, but i have a sewin, so its out of the question. i'd never be able to wash it out. how will you mask the smell? :ohwell:

I wanna know too, I only wash once per week, so I don't know how that will go. I honestly want to try it.
Im in as well for the last 4 months i've slacked off big time on my hair and been concentrating on my skin .Currently at brastap aiming for waistlength by the very end of next year
I was in the original challenge too. My goal is to reach WSL stretched sometime next year, maybe late summer. I basically will wear protective styles (buns, french rolls and twists), baggy 4-5 times a week and CO Wash 2-3 times a week to reach my goal. :)
esoterica said:
welcome ladies!

anybody using topical growth aides next year?
I haven't used my MTG for the past week in anticipation of my touchup tomorrow (YAY!!!), but afterwards it's on like a neckbone! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
I'm riding for the long haul on my MTG pony! :bud:

P.S. I'll also be starting my henna treatments next year (placed my order yesterday).
I was in the original challenge and at this point, am almost 100% sure I could have made waist-length this year.
However, I let two hairdressers get to it between 2005 and 2006 (a year and a half apart) and both cut my hair from below bra-strap to APL. So right now, I'm about APL and I'm not sure what miracle I can work to make waist-length. But I'll try!
Count me in.

What I'm doing: improving overall care, conditioning, being more careful, growth aids (to push for an inch or close to per month), etc.!!
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I would like to join. This is also a personal challenge I have for myself, so this would be great. I am also in the 2007 LHCF Bootcamp. I have not gotten a set regimen together yet, but I plan on baggying every night, moisturizing twice a day, and protective styling (mostly buns). I want to get back taking vitamins also. I've never used MTG or any other growth aides like that, but I've been looking into it.
how are you ladies measuring waist length? smallest part of your abdomen or belly button? im going for smallest part of abdomen.
I am definitely in. I think I am about 1 inch past BSL. I hope to be waistlength by December 07. I wont be using any topical growth aids. I may continue to use my Nioxin vitamins. I think I may go to the salon to get my relaxers. Good Luck everyone
esoterica said:
how are you ladies measuring waist length? smallest part of your abdomen or belly button? im going for smallest part of abdomen.

I am also going for the smallest part of my abdomen.
Update: When we started this challenge I was 6 inches away from WL, since then I have retained 2 inches!!
My initial goal was to be WL in December, but now I think I'm going be a little ahead of schedule. I have 4 more inches, so hopefully I'll be there by July/August.
I'm in, i would like to reach waist lengh by the end of the year. I'm almost at brastrap currently and i do the C&g method.

Count on me.