Request Mental Health Subforum?


Bent. Not Broken.
I am incredibly surprised there is not a subforum for mental health issues. We've got everything else in LHCF, from hair to finance. It's a big deal that's so hush-hush in minority communities. It would be nice to bring this topic out into the light among others that share similar backgrounds.

Am I off? I think it could be a popular subforum with lots of support from our LHCF sisters.
DarkJoy said:
I am incredibly surprised there is not a subforum for mental health issues. We've got everything else in LHCF, from hair to finance. It's a big deal that's so hush-hush in minority communities. It would be nice to bring this topic out into the light among others that share similar backgrounds.

Am I off? I think it could be a popular subforum with lots of support from our LHCF sisters.

I think it's an interesting idea. At the same time I'm a bit wary. Some people have a tendency to use what others have shared on here as a future weapon to hurt. I have shared a lot myself. No one has ever been nasty about it towards me (not yet) but even if they did I could not care less.

On the other hand mental health issues affects everyone, not just people with mental illness. Therefore, this forum could incorporate issues like positive psychology and enhancing ones mental wellbeing, dementia (which is on the increase and will be affecting a few of us in the future), procrastination, happiness, surviving abuse, eating disorders, etc etc. Okay let me stop! I really like this idea!
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This suggestion has been brought up before. Members suggested those topics fit in to the Health and Fitness forum.
melissa-bee said:
This suggestion has been brought up before. Members suggested those topics fit in to the Health and Fitness forum.

Really? I never go in there. Okay, off to start a thread in there.
Really? I never go in there. Okay, off to start a thread in there.

Well yeah. But only issues related to mental health I suppose.

On the other hand mental health issues affects everyone, not just people with mental illness. Therefore, this forum could incorporate issues like positive psychology and enhancing ones mental wellbeing, dementia (which is on the increase and will be affecting a few of us in the future), procrastination, happiness, surviving abuse, eating disorders, etc etc. Okay let me stop! I really like this idea!

I think the suggestions highlighted in blue would belong to the health and fitness forum.
The ones highlighted in purple in off-topic.

eta: just "health and fitness" sounds limited to the physical body. But I'm sure it includes the mind to some extent.
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On my phone so not going to respond directly.

This is a forum on the internet. One's identity is as anonymous as they want it to be.

For millions mental health is not purely mental. There is a physical brain and chemical make-up to it. The outward syptoms are just that. Symptoms. Just as diabetics can fall into comas from sugar intake.

Mental health issues need to be demystified in our communities. Its nothing to hide or be ashamed of, especially on the anonymous world of the interwebs. The thing about black communities is that we keep it so hush and mental health is incredibly important and not just with our minds but bodies and spirits too.

I'm sure there are ladies here that have suffered, family members, friends. Tons of people are on medications and may want advise from people who have been there. There may be people who have situational issues or a lifetime of struggle. Its all about helping.

For these reasons it should be its own subforum, not to be shared with health and fitness which DOES suggest physical as opposed to the brain/mental.

Thing is I don't really have these issues anymore but I have lots of family members who will suffer for life. They have no support in the black community. I think its dang near a crime... its all about helping those who share similarities in ways others might not get.

If it doesn't work it can go. Why not give it a shot?
And trust me, I've visited dedicated forums before and it doesn't just encompass depression but ptsd (for those of us who've seen our share of violence on the streets and for veterans), bi polar, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, schizophrenia, medication... it could quickly over run any subforum it shares