Cookbook for Hair/Skin/Nails health and growth

I haven't read any posts in this thread, but from personal experience, keeping your blood sugar down and increasing insulin sensitivity is the key to managing PCOS. I am doing this successfully and FYI, PCOS persists past menopause. Drs. don't tell you that either. A good endocrinologist is the best doctor to deal with this condition.
The link isn’t working. Is this still offered? I see vitamineral green on the site but not vitamineral earth. Is this the same thing?
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I'm not saying that her MSM isn't good quality, but I highly doubt that she would see that her nails aren't splitting in a matter of days. Like hair, your nails split on the ends. New growth happens in the nail bed. So what you ingest would need time to grow out and create new nails.

What I did notice helped with keeping your nails from splitting -- a tip I got from a nail chat on r.e.ddit -- is to oil your nails with jojoba after EVERY time you wet your hands. I'd probably try a different oil next time because I'm not a jojoba fan, but doing this helped my nails in less than a month. Topical and penetrative. Plus other things like changing my nail shape and filing any imperfections immediately (daily). I'm trying to roll that into hair care because I think I could end up with accelerated results.