Men Without Cars and Dating

In the city it's not a big deal because taxi's and zipcars are plentiful. Now in the south heck naw without a car, it's a dealbreaker.

Girl speak. A dude in Houston with no car is a no, no. Hell friends and family in Houston with no car is a no no. Transit SUCKS. Even with the most RATCHET credit and the lowest of low down payments, you can get a car.
When I dated a guy a few years ago he had a car, but he kept it away at his school (which was 5 hours away from our hometown). His car was old and couldn't make it back and forth such a long distance. During summer and school breaks, I didn't mind using my car to get us places because he lived right around the corner from me and he would drive us wherever(I hate driving). He got a new car eventually and everything was fine.


Heck no. I refuse to date a guy without a car, especially in LA. Public transit sucks and most of the guys I know without cars who try to date me live way too far anyway. In college it was ok but now? Heck no. Major turnoff and deal breaker. I'm no one's chauffeur, and gas is too expensive.

I'll never forget about a week ago a guy who's interested in me was talking to a fellow coworker and mentioned to us that the next girl he dated had to have a car with leather seats in it because he wanted to set his standards high. We both looked at he like he was crazy because he doesn't even have a car.:ohwell:
I'll never forget about a week ago a guy who's interested in me was talking to a fellow coworker and mentioned to us that the next girl he dated had to have a car with leather seats in it because he wanted to set his standards high. We both looked at he like he was crazy because he doesn't even have a car.:ohwell:

Wow! I am kinda speechless. Just wow.
I was reading through some ads on an online dating site last night and noticed that several men stated that they do not have cars. I am not talking men in their twenties. I'm referring to men in their late thirties and forties. I understand that in some of the bigger cities, cars are not a necessity because of the mass transit systems (I could be wrong on this one), but where I live I believe it would be difficult to date without a car. :nono:

Would you or have you ever dated a man without a car? If so, how did it work out? Was it an inconvenience?

One of my best friends who lives in Charlotte is having trouble dating because he has no car. He is smart, has a great job he enjoys, no kids, never been married, lives alone. He is actually looking to settle down and have a family but once women find out he has no car, they bounce.

He totaled his car a while back and never felt the need to get another since he works literally across the street from his job and he has a bike (motor).

It frustrates him though
I just learned how to drive about 3months ago and I am in my mid 20's for personal reasons. Now I understand how important it is for someone to drive...I never understood before...hahaha
So yes you have to have a vehicle!
The only place that know this can work is in Manhattan where there is ample reliable public transportation. Having a car can be expensive and unnecessary. Even though, he would have to have the funds to send me home in a taxi. I'm not getting on the subway at 1 am.

Additionally, if you live in the "outer boroughs" you really need are car. However, if the date is in Manhattan, it's best to leave the car home and cab it.

Lastly, driving your boyfriend around town is very unattractive.
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Men in their late thirties and forties who don't have a car? It sounds like these guys aren't good at saving money. Or their driver's license was suspended or revoked.
According to one of my girlfriends, ”ninjas on foot are slick.”

But I wouldn't. I go to school in Atlanta and MARTA is not that great. To drive from my school to like downtown takes maybe 10 minutes. To take MARTA its about a 40 minute commute. In comparison you could walk the same distance in 35 minutes. :perplexed: so yeah car is needed.
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What about men in NY, don't they take the subway and stuff out there where cars are not really needed? is that just TV lol?
He needs a car. No discussion. Now it doesn't have to be the latest whip sitting on 37's or anything. But it can't be a hooptie that sits in front of the house more than it is being driven.
I live in DC. I'd say out of my 7 close friends, 2 have cars, no joke. I have a car but really prefer not to drive it and the neighborhood i live in, I say I usually do only 1-2x a week. My SO has a car but NEVER drives it. He bikes to work in the summer and takes the metro in the winter. Parking here is a b#%@!, and he only has street parking so he prefers to not move his car as much as possible because there has been times he has had to park blocks away. I can't think of the last time I went somewhere like a club, lounge, nice restaurant and drove (except georgetown area), even going on dates we prefer to metro or take a taxi. The hassle of looking and paying for parking is not fun.I didn't have one last year and got by just fine and didn't mind it at all. I have been on several dates with men who have cars but we still prefered to take the metro or cab instead :-/ If I still lived in Ohio however, this would be a deal breaker for real.
Not a problem for me living in a big city. I work around college educated men and women that choose not to have cars.
I live in DC. I'd say out of my 7 close friends, 2 have cars, no joke. I have a car but really prefer not to drive it and the neighborhood i live in, I say I usually do only 1-2x a week. My SO has a car but NEVER drives it. He bikes to work in the summer and takes the metro in the winter. Parking here is a b#%@!, and he only has street parking so he prefers to not move his car as much as possible because there has been times he has had to park blocks away. I can't think of the last time I went somewhere like a club, lounge, nice restaurant and drove (except georgetown area), even going on dates we prefer to metro or take a taxi. The hassle of looking and paying for parking is not fun.I didn't have one last year and got by just fine and didn't mind it at all. I have been on several dates with men who have cars but we still prefered to take the metro or cab instead :-/ If I still lived in Ohio however, this would be a deal breaker for real.

Yep, I live in DC, you can get by without having a car. Gas, insurance, maintenance, parking, the high chance of theft or vandalism is just not worth it in the city.
I don't date guys without cars. Haven't ever done it, don't plan on doing it. And, I have never had a car. Call me a hypocrite if you want to:giggle: *shrugs*
I need you to have as much as I do OR more! A job and a car is jus the minimum...and you can't even meet that?? Next!
This was one of the first questions I asked dh after we started talking. He jad just bought his car. I met him at work so I knew he had a job.

I just realized that the majority of our relationship he's had two least.

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In S. FL you need a car, so dating a man without one would not be an option. And I don't do men with license issues either.
this is a hard one.. I am from NYC, the land with a mega transportation system, so Cars are not a necessity, even though I own one... SO I expect dudes to at the minimum had a license...

I had a dude always, I mean ALWAYS be like come scoop me, now he lived in BK, about a hour drive... Like really dude, I am good... But that was just icing on cake, guys are a mess...
Im 25 yrs old and its a deal breaker. Im not a cab and don't aspire to be one. Also, having to pick-up a man for a date is a major turn off. What's next? Maybe I should grab the tab as well? #nothanks!
Absolutely not.

Years ago I met a guy & we talked on the phone a few times. When I found out he didn't have a car it was a wrap.

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