Men Without Cars and Dating


Well-Known Member
I was reading through some ads on an online dating site last night and noticed that several men stated that they do not have cars. I am not talking men in their twenties. I'm referring to men in their late thirties and forties. I understand that in some of the bigger cities, cars are not a necessity because of the mass transit systems (I could be wrong on this one), but where I live I believe it would be difficult to date without a car. :nono:

Would you or have you ever dated a man without a car? If so, how did it work out? Was it an inconvenience?
Inconvenience and don't do it. Not only will they expect you to be their ride if they have bum family, you would have to be their ride too. Just avoid it.

excuse my typos i hate it as much as you.
At my age AND with the things that I've acquired in life, I view a car as a necessity; with that said, any man I date has to have a car – working and reliable!!!

When I was younger, a guy had to have a car for me to date him.
I would date a guy that did not have a car ONLY if he had not received his car shipment or he was shipping it to his next duty station. Other than that nope.
No, I cant do it. I have a car...he should have one too. AND I live in NYC, where most would say it aint even necessary. For me it is... I'm not sure I've ever dated a guy without a car...I mean once past that certain age.
Nope, there would have to be some extreme circumstances and a story behind it that I can't even imagine right now.

I did meet a guy from NYC and he said he didn't have a car. And I was giving him the benefit of the doubt. I know in the city you might not have one. But then I asked him how long he had been here. He said 7 years. I don't have an emoticon or gif to express how I felt about that statement. He then had the nerve to call me the next week so we could go out. I promptly told him we would not date because I was not going to drive around the city to pick him up for the date, take him on the date and then take him home. And he couldn't understand why not :lol:

I sure can meet some of the strangest guys.
Nope, I expect you to have the minimum. The same as me. I am in my 40's, so if you can't afford "any type of car" then you can't afford me. Just how I feel.

Now if I didn't have a car, then things would be different. I don't expect a man to have what I don't have. I think that is a bit unfair, but I know plenty women with a transit card who insist on a man having a car. Different strokes.
im not a picky person but not having a car is a deal breaker. am i suppose to drive us around all of the time? do i have to come and pick you up? can you even contribute to my gas tank? kneegro please. not being able to afford a car raises a major concern when it comes to choosing a mate. i mean can you afford food? and if you are having problems like that then the last thing that you need to be doing is trying to get a girlfriend...he doesnt need to have an audi just reliable transportation.

i dated a man once for about a month who didn't have a car and it was inconveniet to say the least.
In the city it's not a big deal because taxi's and zipcars are plentiful. Now in the south heck naw without a car, it's a dealbreaker.
Yeah Ive dated some men who didnt own a car and I had to drive....lets just say my *fenis never got hard! It was such a turn off! :lol: Wont do it again if I can help it (unless his car goes in the shop or whatever).

*female penis
Never dated a walker. That's like dating a man with no penis or eyelashes/eyebrows

I will say HS and college go by different rules. Then it's socially ok. After that, socially unacceptable.

Eta: as another poster states, acceptance may vary by locale NY or Chicago versus Nantucket or Cleveland.
I cant date a man without a car..I drive and will not be ur chauffeur....I live in the suburbs of Philly..There is alot a mass transit within the city..but I'm not traveling to make it convenient for some man..besides I hate driving, so I need him to be able to take the wheel (and not in my car)
I did this when I was younger and it wore me and my car out.. There is no way in hell I would do it now.. If I were to be approached today by a grown man with no car, it would have to be one of those times where I would be rude and dismiss him on the spot...and probably laugh as he walked away..
Car, job, own place or roomate are BASIC requirements in order to date..its like in college, you cant take one class without meeting the prerequisites..and homeboy, in order to ride this ride, having a car is a prerequisite you MUST have

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Nope. I've had a car since I was 16 years old. Wouldn't be able to do it. :nono:

ETA: Now that I think about it, I did date one of my coworkers in college and he didn't have a car. We both lived in the college town and he would walk over to my place or meet me wherever we were going. Sometimes we'd go out after work. He rented a car when he needed one.

In that particular instance it wasn't inconvenient. And many kids at my school didn't have a car because you couldn't have them on campus until you were a junior. But back home I never dated a guy without a car. As a grown person, that's definitely a deal breaker.
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Like your post said.. if he lived in a downtown area where there is transit there's no problem. I hate driving. I wouldn't drive a man around.
In college yes, after that no. Even in a city with mass transit, unless he was ok paying for cabs and rentals. I wouldn't want to have to take the train everywhere though.

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I guess I'm the only one that thinks it's not a huge deal as long as y'all are able to get everywhere and he's not expecting you to drive all the time. I know a lot of people without cars that don't have them not because they're broke, but because it makes no sense to have one. Both me and my SO have cars and we usually opt not to drive on dates because we like to drink and not worry about parking or valet. We take taxis or the CTA. He pays for it. Works fine for us. Guess it depends on where you live.
I guess I'm the only one that thinks it's not a huge deal as long as y'all are able to get everywhere and he's not expecting you to drive all the time. I know a lot of people without cars that don't have them not because they're broke, but because it makes no sense to have one. Both me and my SO have cars and we usually opt not to drive on dates because we like to drink and not worry about parking or valet. We take taxis or the CTA. He pays for it. Works fine for us. Guess it depends on where you live.

Definitely depends on where you live :lol:

Taxi, CTA, train, what is that?

In 1989 I took the taxi from my job to my house and it was $26.50 :lol: It took 3 phone calls before I could get a cab to say they would come get me. And it took 45 minutes for them to arrive.

Chicago also has sidewalks which I miss dearly. :sad:
I've done it once and won't ever do it again. If you can't drive, then that unfairly forces more effort on my part in the relationship. Plus, I'd think the person was a loser. Dependence is not an attractive trait on a man- at least not in that context. Next!
When I lived in NYC I dated someone without a car. He had a issue with it and bought a car. I was kinda pissed. I liked the novelty of jumping on the metro north and in cabs. I came from a city that you had to have a car and was stuck in traffic 24/7 so I love public transportation. No car meant more money to spend on me. LOL