Do Men Hair Grow Faster Then Woman?

Do men Hair Grow Faster Then Women?

  • Yes

    Votes: 79 42.9%
  • No

    Votes: 42 22.8%
  • The Same

    Votes: 63 34.2%

  • Total voters
nope. . . don't think so. I just think they keep clean scalp and have a low/no-manipulation policy :grin:
I think it is genetics (man or woman)

some people never wash, treat their hair like a step child, dye it, fry it, and they still have a lot of hair

my oldest son's hair grows very slow and my middle boys grows fast. the same thing is done to their hair

Then you have the people that take great care of their hair, find the right regimen, no relaxer, etc. and they are struggling to keep whatever they get.

It is always nice to see the person that has slow growing hair and they begin to take care of it and it just takes off. But they still aren't like the person that doesn't take care of their hair and gets 1 1/2 inches per month. My FIL is 72 and he gets his hair cut and it grows back to a full 3-4 inch afro in a few weeks. It is crazy!

What about those people that eat whatever they want and don't gain weight?

Genetics play a big role in my opinion
Follow up from last input, Dh grew 2 inches of hair in four months:blush::blush::blush:. I have been on this journey for almost a year(11 months) and grew about 4 inches. YES, they do!
Goodness! Does men's hair grow faster than women's? Severe grammar check homie. :nono: I can only take so much.

LMBO @ the grammar police.
There are a few threads over in OT that need a citation. :lol:
I don't think that men's hair grow faster than women's hair. Case in point, I was in Nebraska for 5 weeks with my (white) boyfriend and he trimmed his hair at one month and his hair still didn't seem like it grew all that much, maybe 1/4" at best. I didn't even really notice that he trimmed it until well into the next day (I really felt bad about that). I think that there are so many things/variables that affect a persons hair growth, like nutrition, exercise, supplementation, overall health, topical hair care, genetics, etc, just to name a few....

I think that they may be about equal. I voted no but I should have voted for "the same" instead. It just seems like men's hair grow faster because they are adamant about keeping it short or at a certain length while most women want their hair long. Remember, a watched pot never seem to boil and our problem as women is, we want to see progress everytime we look in the mirror and you know that is fairly often and unreasonable all at the same time. That's my 2 cents...:grin:.
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I agree that men and women probably grow the same genetically; however, men tend to exercise more than most women, and exercise increases blood circulation to the head, which can induce faster hair growth. Additionally, on average, men eat more protein, lean or not, than women. Women tend to eat more carbohydrates. Protein intake has also been shown to increase hair growth, as hair is 70% protein. Thus, if you have a man who exercises intensely 4 times a week and eats chicken, hamburger and steak 80% of the time, he may have faster hair growth than a woman who only moderately works out 1 time a week and eats fruits and salads 80% of the time. I agree with Aggie; there are far too many variables to make a blanket statement than men in general grow hair faster than women.
Follow up from last input, Dh grew 2 inches of hair in four months:blush::blush::blush:. I have been on this journey for almost a year(11 months) and grew about 4 inches. YES, they do!

That's normal growth rate of 1/2 inch per month. And he doesn't use excessive heat or style his hair does he? So he retained his length.
Think about it, most men dont need their hair blow dried straight, curled, put in tight ponytail or anything. They WILL leave the house looking a mess and not care, nor will their friends. So with doing little to nothing (styling) that would damage their hair it grows or retain length.
Most people that dont care about having their hair on point retain alot of lengths with low manipulation.
I think their hair does grow faster because of their testosterone - the same thing that makes them generally more hairy, period. :look:
I'm not that unhappy with my growth rate. :lachen:

I agree with that testosterone thing....and something else must make their hair grow quickly as well that I have yet to determine. But my hubby's hair grows more than 2 inches per month. He went on leave last summer and I measured his hair for fun at the start of leave and at the end.

2.1 inches. SICK!!! He's a hair bear.

I was sick of him by the end of our holiday....that negro's hair grows sooooo fast!!!

so if we all just kept it very simple, do you believe that method can work for us too? i'm serious? and i mean simple, like a man?
I agree with that testosterone thing....and something else must make their hair grow quickly as well that I have yet to determine. But my hubby's hair grows more than 2 inches per month. He went on leave last summer and I measured his hair for fun at the start of leave and at the end.

2.1 inches. SICK!!! He's a hair bear.

I was sick of him by the end of our holiday....that negro's hair grows sooooo fast!!!


i believe that too. my husband's and my son's hair hair grows faster than my daughter and i.
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Uhhh . . . no heat, very little product, washes everyday, cuts/trims weekly/biweekly, PLUS no man constantly playing in it, grabbing it, pulling it - oops I digress :grin: . . . their hair probably gets the rate of growth our hair should get :wallbash:
i don't believe that testoterone induces hair growth...nope not one bit. first off, that's one contributing factor to male pattern baldness.

Inhibition of hair growth by testosterone in the presence of dermal papilla cells from the frontal bald scalp of the postpubertal stumptailed macaque.

Regional Primate Research Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison 53715-1299, USA.

Hair-follicle regression in the bald scalps of stumptailed macaques develops after puberty, which corresponds to an elevation of serum testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. Using the cultured cells from the pre- and postpubertal macaques, we examined the role of dermal papilla cells in testosterone-induced inhibition of outer root sheath cell proliferation. Testosterone showed no effects on proliferation of either dermal papilla cells or outer root sheath cells cultured alone. Testosterone-induced inhibition of outer root sheath cell proliferation occurred only in coculture with dermal papilla cells derived from the bald scalps of adult macaques but not with dermal papilla cells from the hairy occipital scalps of adult macaques or the prebald frontal scalps of juvenile macaques. Furthermore, RU 58841, an androgen receptor blocker, antagonized this testosterone-elicited inhibition. Together our data indicate that the inhibitory effect of testosterone on proliferation of epithelial cells is age dependent, and androgen may play an essential role in hair growth either by inducing repressor(s) from dermal papilla cells, which may then inhibit the growth of epithelial cells of the hair follicle, or by inducing growth factor(s) from dermal papilla cells, which, in turn, may trigger the induction of some repressors in epithelial cells, thereby inhibiting the epithelial cell growth. Our animal studies also showed that RU 58841 has a dramatic effect on hair regrowth in the bald frontal scalp of the stumptailed macaque, which may further support our in vitro culture studies showing that antiandrogens can antagonize testosterone-elicited hair growth. In summary, our studies may provide a model for further isolation of androgen-regulated repressor(s)/growth factors, which may help control hair growth and baldness
No they don't. In addition to the reasons given for why they retain more hair if they choose to grow it long, there's another reason it may SEEM they grow faster...constant cutting. Most men tend to shave and keep their hair short. The frequnency w/ which they do it might make it seem they have more/faster growth, but nope they don't.
I don't think so, if so not that much. Only thing that is an obvious difference is that they bald more then female more :lachen:
Nope. Think about what most brotha's do with their hair if they grow it out, they dont put chemicals, they dont put heat, they dont over manipulate they simply CONSTANTLY keep it in cornrows straight to the back (protective style) and typically tie with a du-rag (satin) to maintain the style. The most heat they'd expose their hair to is the occasional light blowout.

IMAGINE how much length you'd retain if they ONLY thing you ever did was wear your hair in cornrows straight to the back and have them redone every 2 weeks or so. I've seen a lady who had a wig regimen where she'd do this underneath except she'd cowash the cornrows often and only redo them every 3 weeks and she was well beyond MBL....her hair is THRIVING. Because theres almost no manipulation of her hair whatsoever. This is why our hair thrives so much when we put in braid or twist extensions....its a similar concept.

Men are the perfect example of the long lengths that result from constant protective styling and minimal manipulation. Also, black men tend to be more active then black women due to myths about washing our hair frequently and our pre-occupation with "maintaining the style" and this will result in healthier stronger hair growth as well.
I really don't know. My sis says my son's hair grows twice as fast as my niece's. She doesn't have a relaxer or use any heat on her hair and my sister DC's, moisturizes, etc. and her hair still seems to grow really slow, while my son has to have a hair cut every week, or he'll have an afro within a month.
I think we probably grow hair at the same rate unless there are some medical profs/ scientist here who can verify that hormonal diffs also account for diffs in growth.

BUT (and this is the biggie) Men probably retain more (when not cutting/ barbing it off) quite simply because THEY LEAVE IT ALONE; By this I mean;

- They are less likely to relax/ texlax/ texturize/ colour/ bkt it
- They do not braid/ weave or put it under stress
- They do not use heat
- Don't have to take birth control or other hormones that might affect its growth
- Dont have babies so don't get post partum shedding etc etc

Basically they don't do half the crap us women do to our hair so it happiloy grows at its own natural pace. Kinda reminds me of a post by Sonce where she said when she left her hair to its own devices and gave it the proper care an attention it took off.
Nope. Think about what most brotha's do with their hair if they grow it out, they dont put chemicals, they dont put heat, they dont over manipulate they simply CONSTANTLY keep it in cornrows straight to the back (protective style) and typically tie with a du-rag (satin) to maintain the style. The most heat they'd expose their hair to is the occasional light blowout.

IMAGINE how much length you'd retain if they ONLY thing you ever did was wear your hair in cornrows straight to the back and have them redone every 2 weeks or so. I've seen a lady who had a wig regimen where she'd do this underneath except she'd cowash the cornrows often and only redo them every 3 weeks and she was well beyond MBL....her hair is THRIVING. Because theres almost no manipulation of her hair whatsoever. This is why our hair thrives so much when we put in braid or twist extensions....its a similar concept.

Men are the perfect example of the long lengths that result from constant protective styling and minimal manipulation. Also, black men tend to be more active then black women due to myths about washing our hair frequently and our pre-occupation with "maintaining the style" and this will result in healthier stronger hair growth as well.


But, this doesn't explain little black girls who do not process or use heat on their hair. Many mothers use protective styling exclusively (plaits, etc.) and their daughters still do not grow their hair or retain it as quickly as their sons.

As I wrote in my post above, I see this with my son and niece.

As far as low manipulation, men DO manipulate their hair. My ex-bf washed his hair with SULFATE shampoo daily, never conditioned or moisturized, and THOROUGHLY brushed his hair every single day and his hair still retains length. He also used BLUE GREASE for shine (full of mineral oil, petroleum) with no problems. He only used a doo rag for like 10 minutes before going out in order to "define" his waves. He never slept with one.

I have plenty of other stories about the men in my life, especially the ones who actually WERE trying to grow their hair out....guys with dreads that grew insanely quickly, and my own dad who told me it took him about six months to grow a huge fro in the 70's.


No so simple. My hair does NOT thrive from low manipulation/twists/extensions. It ends up being tangled and gets very dry. If braids, twists, and extensions grew hair, then most black women would have long hair because many of us have spent YEARS (over a lifetime) in braids and extensions.

Also, men never (almost never) use any type of weave for protective styling. They generally don't cover their hair; it's constantly exposed to the elements, and still thrives.


I agree that SOME men are more active than women, but fears about hair is NOT the main reason many women don't work out. I'm sorry, but I get so sick of hearing this. Most women have more RESPONSIBILTIES than men. If I want to go to the gym, I have to arrange or pay for child care for my son. Married men just leave the kids at home and go to the gym without worrying about the kids, and unmarried men don't usually have custody of their children.

Lastly, there are just as many fat-belly, lazy men as there are women. Many men are active in their teens and twenties and then fall off, just like women.

Now that I've written out this long post, I've pretty much conviced myself that the answer is YES, men do seem to grow their hair faster and retain length better.
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