Meagan Good And Her Publicly Exposed Body While Married To A "preacher"

I think you may be misinterpreting vitrol for shock and confusion, at least where I'm concerned. I'm gonna leave this thread after I post this and go back into lurking but I will say this. As Christians we're to call people to Christ. Screaming hell fire and damnation at every little correctable thing that comes along with spiritual maturity isn't going to compel most people to Jesus and can drive many away unless he opens their hearts. Which is of course the point.

I hope that everyone sitting in judgment of this couple can look inside themselves and locate a trait or behavior that others may view as not Christ like or could be corrected. If you can't find one then it's pride so look harder. I'm sure you will find something God should be working on within you, as he is working in me.

There needs to be a little more critical thinking and reading in this thread and less emotionalism. I'm catholic, ma'am. We don't scream hell-fire and damnation and I have not done such. I question the validity of their "ministry" and wonder if it isn't false preaching. Where is the vitriol? Sitting in judgment means condemnation, which you mentioned about screaming hell-fire and damnation and which Jesus opposes - that has not occurred here. I am no one to doubt whether these people love Christ. It's obvious they do love Him. There's also something else obvious...that of immodest dress.

Anyone could be loving and kind...I know some...but be a "false teacher..." I know some of those. They mean well. Their message is antithetical to the gospel and yet, they are loving and kind individuals who desire to help others. I don't believe the Franklins are entirely antithetical but I do have to wonder about their proclaimed "expertise" when celibacy/purity is the standard prescribed by scripture. It's been the standard from before Moses. And far too often, people who just found their truths are running to claim expertise months in. They are 3 years in. Their calling is not mine...but if we cannot question WHY, then that is nothing I'm interested in following. Being able to question is a basic religious right, or should be.

As far as traits...I have traits that are not Christ-like and it's open record here (colourful language at times) so there's no hiding. The issue is, still, a minister's wife put on sexual display for the lustful eyes of other men and I still ask, validly, are they ready for ministry when they either evade the question or respond angrily or flippantly such as, "we're all different...she can wear whatever...?" Just as I wouldn't expect a nun to don a tight/or mini skirt and low-cut cleavage and stripper heels, I wouldn't expect a minister's wife to do so either. We are certain to abide by the decorum and etiquette of the establishments of our work places but we can develop amnesia when it comes to the most important work we'll ever do in this life. And just to note, I believe the lady's question was correct - not necessarily the delivery - although, when darkness comes to light, it's rarely done in a opportune time according to the offender.
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Just re-posting this photo because apparently this is considered "following the Word" and "upstanding."

I must be missing something.o_O She looks trashy here. Point blank. And if she was trying to convince me to be chaste, I'd give her a long side eye.

I also don't get why people are so fainthearted: since when does calling out bad behavior somehow negate the fact that other Christians also sin? That's a given. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

On "sexiness," I'm convinced we've got it all wrong. There are people in marriage who think sex is dirty...and people outside marriage who think fornication isn't sin. We just don't have sex nor sexiness right.
Women exude a certain amount of natural sexiness and so do men in their own way. It's natural and human and meant that way. If we didn't have the strong sexual drive, how would we multiply and be plentiful? LOL. Sex feels good. Being or looking sexy attracts the opposite sex in a natural way for the formation of families to bring life into the world and G-d's purpose for that is to create the human family and individuals to follow Him. BUT...we have largely crossed the line into LUST as that natural sexiness and there is a huge difference.

If I were to compare that blue dress to someone in the Kalahari with breasts exposed, I wouldn't assume the Kalaharian were immodest and neither would be an Amazonian Indigenous with nothing on but a waist cinch or string covering the groin. I wouldn't say that American women breast-feeding in public are immodest unless they had it in mind to go against the social standards just to shock and scandalize. We know when we're immodest according to our cultures, either in dress or behavior. We know. But to a simple question...."why are they doing that if it's not the common ministerial standard" and it brings charges of condemnation. Well, that might point to something deeper than this surface discussion for which I'm neither guilty nor can alleviate. It's not like I didn't and still don't have a myriad of questions for the catholic faith...starting with Mary or the Eucharist lol.
Stop calling him an ordained minister in the SDA church. He isn't.

You can question his motives all you want.
I don't care.

It was my bad and I stopped after your post...I only went by the media which makes mention of his being ordained and I don't see where he corrected that. I am not SDA and am not protestant. We've heard from the SDA reps in the thread. Hopefully, you comprehend why many arrived at that conclusion...the media record, which is why I gave the explanation. Thank you for the information.

I agree that Meagan presenting a gospel award in this dress was in poor taste and I think, that in retrospect, she and Devon realize it was a mistake. However, I think its sad that there is so much emphasis on this one dress that it is overshadowing their overall message when it is so sorely needed in a world where sexuality and promiscuity is often promoted. We must remember that these are young people. Young people that are both still growing in Christ and have offered up themselves as conduits of Christ's message. God is not through with Devon and Meagan and Im sure that he is dealing with them dutifully and mercifully. I think that we forget that it takes a lot of courage to be in the public eye and open up about one's personal life and religion. It saddens me that more Christians arent being more compassionate with these young people. Devon and Meagan are in my age group, so their message speaks directly to my own personal struggles. There is a delicate balance between judgement and correction within the body of Christ and it is the responsibility of Meagan and Devon's spiritual teachers to correct them with love.

I believe God can use the least of us and the best teachers will not always be the most perfect. A message from an imperfect messenger should not be rendered void. As Christians, we have to forgive Meagan for her misstep and cover them both in prayer and love, so that they can continue/begin to deliver His message in a way that is conducive to His word. I believe Devon's response was in defense of his wife and as a good husband he should be her protector. Neither of them were prepared to answer the question regarding Megan's attire, so he was naturally defensive. Devon should be given a pass and the opportunity for both of them to prepare a statement regarding her attire. We can not harden our hearts toward these young people at a time when the enemy will most come against them.
I don't think it's one dress but most of her formal attire..very low cleavage and breasts on display (this was, by far of what I've seen as the worst lol). There is a habit, though. As for those who follow their message and religion, no, I don't think people should harden their hearts if that is a ministry they are being edified in. I'm not a protestant so I'm from the outside looking in and I have no contact with these people at all. That said, well, what is being said in a lot of places is that there is a standard already in place and that the source is G-d, not man. But I can certainly agree that they shouldn't be thrown out with the bathwater although my question and observation are very valid and not at all unique. Being that they are Hollywood, we've all seen their version of the "gospel" trampled upon right and left with people misleading others. I've read some of the articles and this very issue comes up in the comment section. Well, I don't throw out all my priests either because a few of them, compared to the thousands of faithful and righteous, have abused children and women. As far as them being "young," they are 34 and 37, not exactly "young." 38 is middle-aged. They probably appeal to actual young people in their teens and 20's.

I appreciate your gracious entry here :)) @Chocoluxe and those of several others. Forgive my matter-of-factness and straight-to-it style. I dig in and just say what's on my mind. I do not hate Meagan, I just do not believe her husband is protecting her as he should.

ETA: Wasn't too sure where to place or there...but

She had an augmentation and they look very natural and nice. Still, though. Maybe it's the insecurity of keeping relevant in the biz to keep work so that the roles she's normally plugged into will be available to her and that they don't write her off as "the pastor's wife."
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Her 'sexiness' should be reserved for her husband alone and not for all to see, she has always been a provocative dresser and has continued her style of dress even more so since marriage, however, when she is in the house of God she is suitably covered up so she is aware on what is proper and what is not.

Blue dress aside she is consistent and he obviously enjoys seeing her that way, both of them have the ability to influence masses of people, what a job to undo the damage that has already been done.

and btw, in every interview I have heard him give, he was introduced as a Pastor, if he is not, it would be right for him to correct whoever refers to him as such.
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I don't think it's one dress but most of her formal attire..very low cleavage and breasts on display (this was, by far of what I've seen as the worst lol). There is a habit, though. As for those who follow their message and religion, no, I don't think people should harden their hearts if that is a ministry they are being edified in. I'm not a protestant so I'm from the outside looking in and I have no contact with these people at all. That said, well, what is being said in a lot of places is that there is a standard already in place and that the source is G-d, not man. But I can certainly agree that they shouldn't be thrown out with the bathwater although my question and observation are very valid and not at all unique. Being that they are Hollywood, we've all seen their version of the "gospel" trampled upon right and left with people misleading others. I've read some of the articles and this very issue comes up in the comment section. Well, I don't throw out all my priests either because a few of them, compared to the thousands of faithful and righteous, have abused children and women. As far as them being "young," they are 34 and 37, not exactly "young." 38 is middle-aged. They probably appeal to actual young people in their teens and 20's.

I appreciate your gracious entry here :)) @Chocoluxe and those of several others. Forgive my matter-of-factness and straight-to-it style. I dig in and just say what's on my mind. I do not hate Meagan, I just do not believe her husband is protecting her as he should.

ETA: Wasn't too sure where to place or there...but

She had an augmentation and they look very natural and nice. Still, though. Maybe it's the insecurity of keeping relevant in the biz to keep work so that the roles she's normally plugged into will be available to her and that they don't write her off as "the pastor's wife."

wow she sure went from flat to fluffy (as is her right)...what I've found with some people who have implants their boobs are always on display.
This is a side note, but I believe if we are to have discussions like this scripture should be used when necessary to support the response. If not, we all just sound like we're bickering back and forth. It's difficult to argue scripture. If we believe God's Word is the truth, then no further discussion is needed. We're not the only people on this forum.

Regarding the OP, it's difficult for me personally to receive their ministry because the fruit doesn't line up with the tree in some areas. God's Word specifically says to beware of false prophets in sheep's clothing. We have the right to take heed of this warning. That isn't judging. That is using discernment. I don't feel comfortable taking counsel from any person in ministry who doesn't fully follow the standards God has put into place. Eternity is on the line, so I can't just be listening to everybody.

What I will say is that I know their hearts are in the right place. I don't think they're bad people. But if you've taken on the responsibility of leading God's children, you need to lead by example. Even if Megan didn't go into this marriage wanting to be an example to other Christian women, she still reflects DeVon. They are one flesh. It's his responsibility to wash her with the Word and teach her.
Her 'sexiness' should be reserved for her husband alone and not for all to see, she has always been a provocative dresser and has continued her style of dress even more so since marriage, however, when she is in the house of God she is suitably covered up so she is aware on what is proper and what is not.

Blue dress aside she is consistent and he obviously enjoys seeing her that way, both of them have the ability to influence masses of people, what a job to undo the damage that has already been done.

and btw, in every interview I have heard him give, he was introduced as a Pastor, if he is not, it would be right for him to correct whoever refers to him as such.

The bolded...This is what God intended. Your post is totally on point.

The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife.

I Corinthians 7:4

Abstain from all appearance of evil.

I Thessolanians 5:22

I'm just getting started. Bottomline, Meagan Goode is not presenting a 'Good' example of a modest Christian woman. She's not and this isn't being judgmental. It's a clear, obvious fact.

We can't 'validate' nor justify her immodesty with 'she's a babe in Christ...Umm.. no. That won't cut it. She is flat out in rebellion doing what 'she'...Meagan wants to do.

Her career is not an excuse either, for the Word of God says,

"What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?"

Mark 8:36

Wrong is wrong... no judgment. Their choices judge themselves...period.

I get that people think Megan's attire at times is not modest. However, haven't you all ever heard the saying, people don't care about how much you know, until they know how much you care. You can't just come at someone any old kind of way and expect them to hear what you're saying. That lady was wrong and any husband would defend his wife. If I am visiting my mom, sometimes she'll say, don't wear those skinny jeans to her church. I respect that because its my mom but you can't be a stranger, talking bout the Holy Spirit told you this and that but you're not coming at me in the right manner.
Jesus said it would be better for one who causes another one to stumble to have a millstone around his/her neck and tossed into the sea.

Modesty is not subjective.

There is a clear standard.

We cannot look like the world. You can be feminine, holy and beautiful without wearing a tent.

Actually if many people are rushing to laud you on your position, you're probably on the wrong side. Jesus was clear that people don't want to hear the truth, especially in the last days.

Modesty is often a sore subject for women. Let's not pretend that women don't assault men daily with immodest dress. They will be held responsible for it.

Another minister I like but who often dresses immodestly is Heather Lindsey.

Modesty is subjective. A modest Orthodox Jewish woman's attire, a modest Muslim woman's attire, and a modest Christian woman's attire are different. That being said Megan dresses a little too sexy for my taste but that is between her and God. There are plenty of covered women having sex outside of marriage who are proud and boastful which negates any outward modesty they may project to the world. Outward modesty is only one part of the equation. I also don't buy into the idea that woman can make a man lust. The bible states that lust is conceived in the heart not brought on by a short hem line.
Modesty is subjective. A modest Orthodox Jewish woman's attire, a modest Muslim woman's attire, and a modest Christian woman's attire are different. That being said Megan dresses a little too sexy for my taste but that is between her and God. There are plenty of covered women having sex outside of marriage who are proud and boastful which negates any outward modesty they may project to the world. Outward modesty is only one part of the equation. I also don't buy into the idea that woman can make a man lust. The bible states that lust is conceived in the heart not brought on by a short hem line.

While modesty is subjective, Megan's attire could never be called modest. Again, pointing out immodest behavior does not imply that Christians don't also sin. A sinner can identify sinful behavior in another dinner. That's not judgement. If you really don't believe that a scantily clad women can plant the seed of lust in a man's heart you are being intentionally naive...God made men visual and highly sensitive and reactive to our bodies. Let's not pretend that women don't affect men.
The bolded...This is what God intended. Your post is totally on point.

The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife.

I Corinthians 7:4

Abstain from all appearance of evil.

I Thessolanians 5:22

I'm just getting started. Bottomline, Meagan Goode is not presenting a 'Good' example of a modest Christian woman. She's not and this isn't being judgmental. It's a clear, obvious fact.

We can't 'validate' nor justify her immodesty with 'she's a babe in Christ...Umm.. no. That won't cut it. She is flat out in rebellion doing what 'she'...Meagan wants to do.

Her career is not an excuse either, for the Word of God says,

"What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?"

Mark 8:36

Wrong is wrong... no judgment. Their choices judge themselves...period.

I'm not trying to miss heaven for a few fleeting moments of being perceived as sexy on earth. No ma'am. Not worth it. If the world at large is applauding what you are doing chances are you are on the wrong side...
While modesty is subjective, Megan's attire could never be called modest. Again, pointing out immodest behavior does not imply that Christians don't also sin. A sinner can identify sinful behavior in another dinner. That's not judgement. If you really don't believe that a scantily clad women can plant the seed of lust in a man's heart you are being intentionally naive...God made men visual and highly sensitive and reactive to our bodies. Let's not pretend that women don't affect men.

Men seeing a woman who they find sexually attractive isn't lust. Lust comes from dwelling on and fostering impure thoughts from that attraction. The bible teaches us that men not women are responsible for their lustful spirit. However over the years the church has rationalized this responsibility away from men. And while covering may help to some degree unless you are advocating a burka there will always be something exposed a man could lust after.

Personally I think outward modesty has merit but seeing how little the bible addresses modesty I wonder why it's such a hot button topic among Christians. I can't help but think it has a lot to do with looking right rather than living right.
Men seeing a woman who they find sexually attractive isn't lust. Lust comes from dwelling on and fostering impure thoughts from that attraction. The bible teaches us that men not women are responsible for their lustful spirit. However over the years the church has rationalized this responsibility away from men. And while covering may help to some degree unless you are advocating a burka there will always be something exposed a man could lust after.

Personally I think outward modesty has merit but seeing how little the bible addresses modesty I wonder why it's such a hot button topic among Christians. I can't help but think it has a lot to do with looking right rather than living right.

I'd say the bible addresses the subject of modesty more than "a little."

There is a wide gulf between a burka and hot pants. I'm not advocating either extreme, and I suspect you already know that...a woman can be beautiful, modest and classy and yes, a man may still lust after her. But a woman who intentionally dresses in a seductive way to entice men is liable to judgement. I didn't say it--Our Lord did. But again, this is one area where people will defend to the death, no matter wat the Word says. Sad.
I'd say the bible addresses the subject of modesty more than "a little."

There is a wide gulf between a burka and hot pants. I'm not advocating either extreme, and I suspect you already know that...a woman can be beautiful, modest and classy and yes, a man may still lust after her. But a woman who intentionally dresses in a seductive way to entice men is liable to judgement. I didn't say it--Our Lord did. But again, this is one area where people will defend to the death, no matter wat the Word says. Sad.

I actually looked up the word modesty in a bible concordance and there were only a handful of references. Even Paul's declaration of a modest Christian woman had everything to do with her attitude and behaviors. He did not mention dress at all. There are no biblical references about dress except the wearing of jewelry and covering ones head. I did a study last year on modesty letting go of what I had been taught and actually reading what the word said. I'm not ignoring the bible at all. The bible focuses on internal modesty. Christianity has linked causing our brothers to stumble with covering women. Jesus himself said if a man looks at a woman to lust upon her the man is guilty.

I do believe that a woman who sets out to cause someone to fall is guilty. However I don't believe we are capable of judging someone's intentions. One person may wear an outfit to entice where another person may wear the same outfit because they finally lost 80 lbs. One person's intentions were wrong while the second person is blameless.

I reject the whole dressing to cause men to lust line because you can't do that. There are men who like feet and toes-should I not wear sandles this summer. Does not causing them to lust become irrelevant because they are not the typical boobs or butt men. If we as women are going to dress to not entice men we can't pic and choose who we cover for.
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@NICOLETHENUMBERONE I'm sure we all think that lady was kinda rude but she verbalized what many of us think...and a lot of people. I've seen comments all over the net.

That woman did not display the fruit of the spirit.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." Galatians 5:22-23.
She was manipulative and ambushed them by complimenting her beauty and then went on talk about her breasts being out. And when you thought it was over, she tried to choke hold Megan and her husband into agreement by saying, "we gone cover up right?" I believe God looks at where you are and sees if you are trying, then based on that he'll work all the other things out but it's a process and doesn't happen overnight. I do believe Megan is genuine in her faith though. I honestly only saw her in one revealinv vneck dress and that was years ago but people are still talking about it.

That woman did not display the fruit of the spirit.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." Galatians 5:22-23.
She was manipulative and ambushed them by complimenting her beauty and then went on talk about her breasts being out. And when you thought it was over, she tried to choke hold Megan and her husband into agreement by saying, "we gone cover up right?" I believe God looks at where you are and sees if you are trying, then based on that he'll work all the other things out but it's a process and doesn't happen overnight. I do believe Megan is genuine in her faith though. I honestly only saw her in one revealinv vneck dress and that was years ago but people are still talking about it.

More like a year and a half ago. I'm not all that focused on the lady, though. She only verbalized what many others actually witness continually. Surely, she was rude...but the bigger issue here is Meagan's immodest dress. I have to agree with @Shimmie and several others in that we don't get a pass because we didn't read the manual when the task is already known to include following the manual when leading others. It doesn't take rocket science to see that a lot of her formal attire (not the one she wore during the interview) is inappropriate, preacher's wife or not. I think we often forget that the call to modesty is older than christianity. Here's some Jewish wisdom on the subject:

Modesty (Tz’ni’ut)
Discretion in appearance and speech is designed to protect our souls from assault by a coarse world.
By Rabbi Maurice Lamm

Reprinted with permission from The Jewish Way in Love and Marriage (Jonathan David).

Modesty is the foundation of Jewish values and is one of the fundamental underpinnings of the Jewish family. It is popularly thought to apply primarily to women, but it is a desirable quality in men as well. Although the term is generally used for relations between men and women, it is meant to apply to people in all situations.

Tz’ni’ut means modesty, simplicity, a touch of bashfulness, and reserve. But perhaps above these, it signifies privacy. It is the hallmark of Jewish marriage, and the rabbis refer to it as the specific quality to look for in the ideal mate.

The classical symbol of tz’ni’ut is the veil. It bespeaks privacy, a person apart; Isaiah (3:18) calls it tif’eret (“glory”). The Assyrians ruled that a harlot may not wear a veil, to imply that she is on public exhibit (Code of Hammurabi). The veil was instinctively donned by Rebecca as soon as she observed her future husband in the distance (Genesis 24:65). That is one reason why the ceremony immediately prior to the wedding celebration is the bedeken, or the veiling of the bride by the groom, who blesses the bride with the ancient words spoken to Rebecca.

The principle of tz’ni’ut rejects all nudity, not only in public, but also before family members at home. (Thus one must not pray or recite the Sh’ma prayer while one is naked or standing in the presence of a naked person.) The rejection of nudity recalls Adam and Eve who, after committing the first sin, realized they were naked and instinctively felt ashamed and hid (Genesis 2:25). The same attitude reappears when Noah curses Ham, who saw his father exposed (Genesis 9:21-27).

Tz’ni’ut also implies modesty in dress. Traditionally covered parts of the body should not be exposed, although one can dress stylishly. This attitude issues from a very highly refined sense of shame, an emotion often denigrated today in the name of freedom. Not only did the Bible prohibit removing all clothing, it did not permit wearing any garments belonging to the opposite sex (Deuteronomy 22:5), as this might lead to unnatural lusts, lascivious thoughts, and a freer intermingling between the sexes.

Modesty is About More than What One Wears
Tz’ni’ut means discreet habits, quiet speech, and affections privately expressed, and infers the avoidance of grossness, boisterous laughter, raucous behavior, even “loud” ornaments. This is not merely a series of behavioral niceties, a sort of Bible’s guide to etiquette, but a philosophy of life.

This concept of modesty does not imply a rejection of the body. On the contrary, the Jewish people are taught to respect the body. Hillel [an early rabbinic sage] did not bathe solely for hygienic reasons, but to care for the body–the most magnificent creation of God (Leviticus Rabba 34:3). Rabban Gamaliel [a second century sage], on seeing a beautiful person, praised God (Jerusalem Talmud, Berakhot 9:1). One consequence of this concept is the emphasis on the need for marriage and on healthy sexual relations between husband and wife.

Tz’ni’ut was intended to preserve the sanctity of the inner human being from assault by the coarseness of daily life. The Bible (Psalm 45:14) says kol k’vudah bat melekh p’nimah (“the whole glory of the daughter of the king is within”–some translate it playfully as “the whole glory of the daughter is the royalty within”). Dignity comes not from exposure and indecent exhibition, but from discretion and the assurance that the human being will be considered a private, sensitive being, not merely a body.

Modesty’s Opposite
The antonym of tz’ni’ut is hefkerut, abandon, looseness, the absence of restraint and inhibition. In its extreme, it is gross immorality, gilui arayot (the uncovering of nakedness). Tz’ni’ut is covering, vulgarity is uncovering. Vulgarity that is repeated ceases to astonish us or to shock our moral sensibilities. Thus the canons of taste have degenerated as immorality has increased. Those who would rather be clothed than exposed are considered square and puritanical, victims of the centuries-old repression of healthy instincts.

Privacy, in contemporary parlance, refers primarily to property. Sarah Handelman observed that “privacy refers to ‘property,’ not to ‘person.’ Our homes are our inviolate castles: ‘Private Property-No Trespassing.’ Our gems, stocks and bonds are hidden away in vaults. But our bodies, and the precious inner jewels of our personalities, are open to all comers. Nothing is inviolable there. God forbid that someone should know your bank balance, but a casual meeting with a stranger at a bar is warrant for immediate sexual intimacy” (Sheina Sarah Handelman, “The Paradoxes of Privacy,” Sh’ma, November 10, 1978).

The [Babylonian] Talmud (Bava Batra 57b) has an interesting comment on privacy as it relates to persons and property: Privacy was required for women who did their laundering in a brook, because they had to uncover their legs. The Talmud ruled that private property rights had to be violated to protect the privacy of persons, “because Jewish women cannot be expected to humiliate themselves at the laundering brook.” Because of such legal decisions, moral principles are still relevant to Jews. It is said (in BT Yevamot 107a) that ein b’not yisrael hefker, (the daughters of Israel are not in a state of abandonment, available for every public use). The vulgarities of society can be symbolized by the biblical phrase nezem zahav b’af hazir (“a gold ring in the swine’s snout”). That which is pure gold, the God-given ability to reproduce, is so often used for wading through the public mud.

“A man should always be watchful of the possibility of moral abandonment … for it will cause all he owns to go to waste … as a worm in a sesame plant who eats everything within, without anyone noticing it, and all that is left is the shell” (BT Sotah 3b). The gradual abandonment of tz’ni’ut has proceeded virtually unobstructed and undetected, until all that remains is only an outer shell of morality.
Here are some more recent pics...there is a theme:


There are many more on a simple Google search and these pics are not at all "old." I mean, I guess he doesn't mind sharing with other men. Shrugs. BTW, he won't correct the media on his being a "pastor" nor "ordained minister" and allows this imagery to continue. So, just imagine those in the mainstream wondering why she gets away with it and not to mention this fiasco of leaked nude photos meant for her husband but sent over the same network with failed privacy controls. Where is the common sense? He's pushing 40 and she's mid 30's. That's why I question their readiness to lead others. Some things are just plain common sense to most people, esp. to those who don't want bad images of themselves while they are spiritually leading others.
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Jesus said it would be better for one who causes another one to stumble to have a millstone around his/her neck and tossed into the sea.

Modesty is not subjective.

There is a clear standard.

We cannot look like the world. You can be feminine, holy and beautiful without wearing a tent.

Actually if many people are rushing to laud you on your position, you're probably on the wrong side. Jesus was clear that people don't want to hear the truth, especially in the last days.

Modesty is often a sore subject for women. Let's not pretend that women don't assault men daily with immodest dress. They will be held responsible for it.

Another minister I like but who often dresses immodestly is Heather Lindsey.

I follow Heather!!! What don't you like about her dressing. I personally think she brags about the brand of clothings she wears (burberry,etc.), but she dropped a few gems that I needed..
I follow Heather!!! What don't you like about her dressing. I personally think she brags about the brand of clothings she wears (burberry,etc.), but she dropped a few gems that I needed..

IMO She had worn some inappropriate clothing. She dresses feminine and modest at times, but at other times she has worn backless, strapless and other items that I don't believe are appropriate for a Christian let alone a minister. I also agree about the label dropping.
I actually looked up the word modesty in a bible concordance and there were only a handful of references. Even Paul's declaration of a modest Christian woman had everything to do with her attitude and behaviors. He did not mention dress at all. There are no biblical references about dress except the wearing of jewelry and covering ones head. I did a study last year on modesty letting go of what I had been taught and actually reading what the word said. I'm not ignoring the bible at all. The bible focuses on internal modesty. Christianity has linked causing our brothers to stumble with covering women. Jesus himself said if a man looks at a woman to lust upon her the man is guilty.

I do believe that a woman who sets out to cause someone to fall is guilty. However I don't believe we are capable of judging someone's intentions. One person may wear an outfit to entice where another person may wear the same outfit because they finally lost 80 lbs. One person's intentions were wrong while the second person is blameless.

I reject the whole dressing to cause men to lust line because you can't do that. There are men who like feet and toes-should I not wear sandles this summer. Does not causing them to lust become irrelevant because they are not the typical boobs or butt men. If we as women are going to dress to not entice men we can't pic and choose who we cover for.

Of course Paul didn't need to mention clothing in that scripture. Women at that time were clothed, right? They weren't wearing cut offs and midriff baring tops. If you are trying to get around the fact that there are clothing choices that are inappropriate and offensive to God then I recommend that you pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit--He will guide us in all righteousness. If God was standing before you, would be comfortable wearing your breasts or backside out?

Ladies, sacred things are hidden and veiled. Even our bodies are designed that way. I'm tired of this circular argument because I know that what I believe is backed by the Word and thousands of years of history. Only recently is it widely acceptable to walk around naked. I pray the God will form our consciences to include humility and respect for others. Blessings to all.
Of course Paul didn't need to mention clothing in that scripture. Women at that time were clothed, right? They weren't wearing cut offs and midriff baring tops. If you are trying to get around the fact that there are clothing choices that are inappropriate and offensive to God then I recommend that you pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit--He will guide us in all righteousness. If God was standing before you, would be comfortable wearing your breasts or backside out?

Ladies, sacred things are hidden and veiled. Even our bodies are designed that way. I'm tired of this circular argument because I know that what I believe is backed by the Word and thousands of years of history. Only recently is it widely acceptable to walk around naked. I pray the God will form our consciences to include humility and respect for others. Blessings to all.

If you want to go on how women dressed modestly in biblical times or even the last century most Christian women today are immodest. Do you show your ankles? Are your arms covered to the wrist?

I have my own personal standard of modesty which is probably in line with the average Christian. What I refuse to do is pretend that I know my Christian sisters intentions and put the blame of men's lust on her.

I understand that every generation has its norms for modesty. When women first started showing their ankles there was an uproar in the church over the nakedness of the women and how it incited men to lust. There was a time that short sleeves were deemed unchristian and immodest. And while I do agree that we should give some consideration to modern interpretations on modesty they are not an absolute.
Aren't there cultures in which the women are not covered? Why isn't inciting lustfulness a problem for them? Or is that they aren't Christian? If they become Christian, is that when their bodies become a problem for God and men?

This was already addressed in post #32. Even in some Indigenous cultures where clothing is very limited, there are still standards of modesty. For example, in some cultures, men must wear a palm sheath on their penises. In others, women must wear a string around their waists or one between the folds of their labia, from front to back. Yet others, a woman must wear a neck plate above her breasts. Without it, they are immodest. There are always standards of modesty in all cultures.
The breasts are sex organs. What purpose do we have if we are showing our breasts, nipples to others? Why are these glances not available for the husband only? The word does say that the Husband is to be ravished by a wife's breasts. Let's not make excuses about why we want to be viewed as looking good by showing more of our person than is necessary. That does not mean that a woman cannot wear a street length dress. We should not wear bedroom looking attire out of the house, not to church and certainly not to minister to others.
The breasts are sex organs. What purpose do we have if we are showing our breasts, nipples to others? Why are these glances not available for the husband only? The word does say that the Husband is to be ravished by a wife's breasts. Let's not make excuses about why we want to be viewed as looking good by showing more of our person than is necessary. That does not mean that a woman cannot wear a street length dress. We should not wear bedroom looking attire out of the house, not to church and certainly not to minister to others.
No they are not.
At some point last year, didn’t she release a movie where she was prominently featured naked in some sex scenes (didn’t watch, but read some of the thread comments)?

There is no way to mistake a sex scene in a movie for what it isn’t. Megan ain’t broke. She could earn money in other ways or through other projects.

So, that “baby believer” is growing, learning and being transformed by the Holy Spirit or.....:look:

ETA: General comment— I feel black people are so used to being marginalized and criticized by whites that *we* ensure some people deserving of criticism among ourselves never receive it. I’m talking amongs ourselves, not in mixed races company.

Look at our churches where people will stick with “leaders” like that Jamal dude, Mr. Coat, and Megan Goode’s husband (yes, his choice of wife and her career choices indicate what he really values). Some of us would rather die than say those men shouldn’t be in their positions.

Outside of church, R Kelly, the lousy men in our own families, etc...

Sometimes you have to admit that some of your own people are messed up. Otherwise, how do you redress the situation?!
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