Meagan Good And Her Publicly Exposed Body While Married To A "preacher"


se ven las caras pero nunca el corazón
I mean, she's regularly dressed to entice men to lust after her and I feel sorry she is so lost under his "leadership."

Video (1:09:00 mark where audience member questions her exposing herself on a magazine)

He defended his wife stating that she can wear whatever she wants. IMO,
they are false preachers. There is a standard that is not of this world and all the hand-clapping on foolishness isn't going to change the standard that man did not set. She does need to cover up. Foolishness (referring to the audience's reaction to the question by the lady and no discernment on this issue..blindly following). How do you let your wife show her body like that (for lust) and then go and defend etc. That lady was right. I hope they realize what they are doing "in the name of Jesus" cuz it is as fake as their preaching, imo. Modesty is a virtue and it doesn't take much to understand what that is for someone pushing religion. Celibate but pimping your wife's nekkid body. SMH. I think that the truth exposes at "inopportune" times. Rather than answer the question and explain their side, they bucked up and clapped back. How is that "leading" anybody?
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I saw something totally different in that video. My heart hurts for Meagan...even if you couldn't feel her pain through the video it's clear that she was in tears. Different people have different strongholds so I won't assume because it's easy for me to embrace modest apparel everyone should be able to do it at the drop of a dime. Her husband is aware that she is still discovering her identity and strength is Christ and is allowing her to do so at her own pace.

The audience member even acknowledged how awesome Meagan's testimony was before proceeding to embarrass her. Ironic that a woman (audience) who is not internally modest is terms of possessing quietness, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience is judging a woman who is immodest in apparel.

Meagan has a lot of scars associated with her physical appearance and rebels at direct "orders" so her hubby is leading her is a way that's effective for her.
I don't doubt they are kind people but they are misguided. And this is the danger in christianity standards in the pulpit. That's why one biblical standard is so important. He is rewriting the message to the world. Are they ready to lead others just because they waited for sex after marriage? That's the standard. What about modesty in the marriage presented to the world they preach to? I don't think they are ready to lead anybody. I also think he is misleading Meagan. Noticing this lack is not judging them unjustly, it's looking at the biblical standard and comparing that they are not ready to lead others spiritually. I'm not afraid to say it.

Thank God for balanced Christians such as Meagan Good and Devon Franklin. It's good that they are exemplary by waiting to have sex after marriage.

Jesus comes in many different shapes. Sometimes, what we are calling JESUS isn't him. It's a undercover devil dressed in robes.

The irony of that statement and the inability of this couple to comprehend that promoting lust towards his first lady of the church is very unwise and poor teaching. In the journey of life, many learn a great lesson. Those many are not all qualified to lead early in the game. The smoke of satan has infiltrated the church, from top to the bottom. Husband said to the lady's question (no matter how rude, still valid questioning regarding her exposure), "hold up, no, no, she's gonna wear what she wanna wear...we're not here for that..." It is a valid question and a valid observation....question being: Why doesn't his wife dress modestly if he's a pastor of some sort?
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If DeVon Franklin is a bonafide, ordained minister in SDA, why isn't he following their common principles? Is he plugging a book for profit or is her spreading his sect, attempting to change it? What?

"“Why would you do something to attract attention and then expect people to ignore it? [A girl’s] makeup and clothing can do the same thing. It is wishful thinking to believe that men can avoid looking at cleavage.”

One of SDA's revered prophetesses says:

Ellen white:

“I write with a distressed heart that the women in this age, both married and unmarried, too frequently do not maintain the reserve that is necessary. They act like coquettes. They encourage the attentions of single and married men, and those who are weak in moral power will be ensnared. These things, if allowed, deaden the moral senses and blind the mind so that crime does not appear sinful. Thoughts are awakened that would not have been if woman had kept her place in all modesty and sobriety. She may have had no unlawful purpose or motive herself, but she has given encouragement to men who are tempted, and who need all the help they can get from those associated with them. By being circumspect, reserved, taking no liberties, receiving no unwarrantable attentions, but preserving a high moral tone and becoming dignity, much evil might be avoided.”6
Please stop. He isn't an ordained ministor
If DeVon Franklin is a bonafide, ordained minister in SDA, why isn't he following their common principles? Is he plugging a book for profit or is her spreading his sect, attempting to change it? What?

"“Why would you do something to attract attention and then expect people to ignore it? [A girl’s] makeup and clothing can do the same thing. It is wishful thinking to believe that men can avoid looking at cleavage.”

One of SDA's revered prophetesses says:

Ellen white:

“I write with a distressed heart that the women in this age, both married and unmarried, too frequently do not maintain the reserve that is necessary. They act like coquettes. They encourage the attentions of single and married men, and those who are weak in moral power will be ensnared. These things, if allowed, deaden the moral senses and blind the mind so that crime does not appear sinful. Thoughts are awakened that would not have been if woman had kept her place in all modesty and sobriety. She may have had no unlawful purpose or motive herself, but she has given encouragement to men who are tempted, and who need all the help they can get from those associated with them. By being circumspect, reserved, taking no liberties, receiving no unwarrantable attentions, but preserving a high moral tone and becoming dignity, much evil might be avoided.”6

As been stated numerous times on this board and on the Internet, he is NOT an ordained minister in my church (SDA) or any other church. He is a member who occasionally will "preach" by sharing his testimony or a word from the Lord. Any member can do this if approved by your church's pastor to speak. I have done this myself and it doesn't make me a pastor or ordained minister. I did see him speak once and it was because my pastor invited to come share his testimony. He happened to be shooting a film in Atlanta and attended services. Our pastor invited him up and he ended up taking the entire service. His testimony is very powerful. The gist of it is how he remained true to God while in college, interning for various companies and Hollywood stars and throughout his career. Not easy for a Christian in Hollywood.
Please stop. He isn't an ordained ministor

As been stated numerous times on this board and on the Internet, he is NOT an ordained minister in my church (SDA) or any other church. He is a member who occasionally will "preach" by sharing his testimony or a word from the Lord. Any member can do this if approved by your church's pastor to speak. I h
ave done this myself and it doesn't make me a pastor or ordained minister. I did see him speak once and it was because my pastor invited to come share his testimony. He happened to be shooting a film in Atlanta and attended services. Our pastor invited him up and he ended up taking the entire service. His testimony is very powerful. The gist of it is how he remained true to God while in college, interning for various companies and Hollywood stars and throughout his career. Not easy for a Christian in Hollywood.

Stop what? Questioning motives?

It's actually news to me. I didn't know and went searching on Google and found what is purported to be his statement that he was an ordained minister. If he agrees it's not correct, I don't know why he doesn't set the record straight. Even if he's not ordained, he's rather acting as a minister to others and his comments on her being able to dress anyway she wishes is iffy. The issue is Meagan on display in the way she allows.

One example that is on more than just BET:
One of the things that drives me is that one never knows how much time we have on this earth, and what I don’t want to have happen is that I had something that I could have done that was in my power to do, and I didn’t do it. I don’t want any gas left in this tank.

From working on movies like Pursuit of Happiness, Karate Kid, Sparkle and the upcoming film Heaven Is for Real, to writing my book, Produced By Faith, to speaking to thousands across the country to hosting TV shows — my goal is to inspire, bring hope and motivate as many people as humanly possible to have the faith to live the life that is destined and available for them.

In addition to being an ordained preacher, motivational speaker and author, DeVon Franklin is the senior vice president of production for Columbia Tristar Pictures, a division of Sony Pictures Entertainment. His films include Pursuit of Happiness, Sparkleand Jumping the Broom. His book, Produced By Faith, parallels each step of the film-making process with the faith-making process of turning your life into a success.

The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of BET Networks.


So, it seems to me that the record is not set straight in the media by Franklin. That's hardly the audience's fault. I believe that if one cannot question the motives nor the actions of those in "leadership" positions and he is ministering publicly to people, then maybe there is danger in that particular place. His testimony on celibacy is one thing separate from his wife being on lustful display. The church is the family of G-d and it's not "however you wish it personally." It's truly a common observation and simple question: Why are her breasts always on display if they are living a Christ-centered life?
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I mean, she's regularly dressed to entice men to lust after her and I feel sorry she is so lost under his "leadership."

Video (1:09:00 mark where audience member questions her exposing herself on a magazine)

He defended his wife stating that she can wear whatever she wants. IMO,
they are false preachers. There is a standard that is not of this world and all the hand-clapping on foolishness isn't going to change the standard that man did not set. She does need to cover up. Foolishness (referring to the audience's reaction to the question by the lady and no discernment on this issue..blindly following). How do you let your wife show her body like that (for lust) and then go and defend etc. That lady was right. I hope they realize what they are doing "in the name of Jesus" cuz it is as fake as their preaching, imo. Modesty is a virtue and it doesn't take much to understand what that is for someone pushing religion. Celibate but pimping your wife's nekkid body. SMH. I think that the truth exposes at "inopportune" times. Rather than answer the question and explain their side, they bucked up and clapped back. How is that "leading" anybody?

Whether he is ordained or not dressing in this way is a poor example - not according to him as her husband but according to the Bible.

Apparently people really con't care much anymore about what the Bible says.... I am not trying to become cynical but it's growing increasingly more difficult. Lord help me.
When we talk about what the Bible says, we have to make sure we are doing the Bible. If we don't follow the Bible and have demonstrated a common disregard for God's Word--how can we ever talk about someone else.

Modesty is subjective. She was covered in the house of the Lord in that video. We have to hold ourselves responsible before we look to other reminds me of not trying to remove a speck in one's eye when you have a log. I'm glad most of the audience jumped to their feet in agreement. She was way out of line and place. Did she think Meagan would say: "Yeah, okay?" Devon checked the mess out of her. I would've done the same thing.
Whether he is ordained or not dressing in this way is a poor example - not according to him as her husband but according to the Bible.

Apparently people really con't care much anymore about what the Bible says.... I am not trying to become cynical but it's growing increasingly more difficult. Lord help me.

I know and I am even concerned that people who do discern a problem are called "judgy" when it's not condemnation. None of us are perfect. We ought know more about those we follow spiritually because it can be a danger to us. I dunno, @momi, we have shut our eyes to a lot of things.
When we talk about what the Bible says, we have to make sure we are doing the Bible. If we don't follow the Bible and have demonstrated a common disregard for God's Word--how can we ever talk about someone else.

Modesty is subjective. She was covered in the house of the Lord in that video. We have to hold ourselves responsible before we look to other reminds me of not trying to remove a speck in one's eye when you have a log. I'm glad most of the audience jumped to their feet in agreement. She was way out of line and place. Did she think Meagan would say: "Yeah, okay?" Devon checked the mess out of her. I would've done the same thing.

Nice Lady, can you ask yourself that first paragraph esp. in regards to harassing a fellow christian member here and attributing to them behavior they have not done? Now, on to the subject. I am not "talking" against them nor questioning if they have Christ. As reiterated several times, it is a question about their standards as spiritual leaders which they DO take on the role of.

I'm questioning their veracity as "ministers" because of how he allows his wife to present herself and also based upon the fact that they don't have an answer for it, truly. They regularly evade the question. Her nipples are visible. This is not different attire from her other days and this entices men to lust setagainst a common christian standard of ministry. When it is your salvation, you should question. If you cannot question your leaders or those who present to you, you are not safe. This has nothing to do with condemnation and logs in eyes. It has to do with them evading these questions. Why don't they have an answer other than "she's grown, she can do whatever"? That is not judging, my dear. That is asking for accountability. On the night she wore this dress, she presented a gospel award to the winner. Modesty itself is not subjective but the expression of modesty is often subject to social standards. Christians are saying that this is not the body of Christ standard they comprehend.

When we talk about what the Bible says, we have to make sure we are doing the Bible. If we don't follow the Bible and have demonstrated a common disregard for God's Word--how can we ever talk about someone else.

Modesty is subjective. She was covered in the house of the Lord in that video. We have to hold ourselves responsible before we look to other reminds me of not trying to remove a speck in one's eye when you have a log. I'm glad most of the audience jumped to their feet in agreement. She was way out of line and place. Did she think Meagan would say: "Yeah, okay?" Devon checked the mess out of her. I would've done the same thing.

Jesus said it would be better for one who causes another one to stumble to have a millstone around his/her neck and tossed into the sea.

Modesty is not subjective.

There is a clear standard.

We cannot look like the world. You can be feminine, holy and beautiful without wearing a tent.

Actually if many people are rushing to laud you on your position, you're probably on the wrong side. Jesus was clear that people don't want to hear the truth, especially in the last days.

Modesty is often a sore subject for women. Let's not pretend that women don't assault men daily with immodest dress. They will be held responsible for it.

Another minister I like but who often dresses immodestly is Heather Lindsey.
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I know and I am even concerned that people who do discern a problem are called "judgy" when it's not condemnation. None of us are perfect. We ought know more about those we follow spiritually because it can be a danger to us. I dunno, @momi, we have shut our eyes to a lot of things.

It's always called judgement instead of correction. Just like following the Word is now called bigotry and people are encouraged to be politically correct. #girlbye
Jesus said it would be better for one who causes another one to stumble to have a millstone around his/her neck and tossed into the sea.

Modesty is not subjective.

There is a clear standard.

We cannot look like the world. You can be feminine, holy and beautiful without wearing a tent.

Actually if many people are rushing to laud you on your position, you're probably on the wrong side. Jesus was clear that people don't want to hear the truth, especially in the last days.

Modesty is often a sore subject for women. Let's not pretend that women don't assault men daily with immodest dress. They will be held responsible for it.

Another minister I like but who often dresses immodestly is Heather Lindsey.
Jesus said it would be better for one who causes another one to stumble to have a millstone around his/her neck and tossed into the sea.

Modesty is not subjective.

There is a clear standard.

We cannot look like the world. You can be feminine, holy and beautiful without wearing a tent.

Actually if many people are rushing to laud you on your position, you're probably on the wrong side. Jesus was clear that people don't want to hear the truth, especially in the last days.

Modesty is often a sore subject for women. Let's not pretend that women don't assault men daily with immodest dress. They will be held responsible for it.

Another minister I like but who often dresses immodestly is Heather Lindsey.

I saw all these strong words as "judging,...harassing,..", etc. I didn't make those implications. Meagan follows the word. I'm thankful that she wasn't a teen mom and has an upstanding husband. A picture doesn't make up for Christians that steal money from employers, cheat, murder, live a double life, doesn't withstand evil, lie, and do all sorts of things in Jesus name. Where are the breast popping out because I thought I'd see nipples? How does her cleavage stop prostitutes from getting saved, sex trafficking of young children or any other evil?Anyway, I could quote Scriptures and have a book published but I'm not responding. I stand by my opinon. Have a wonderful night!
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I saw all these strong words as "judging,...harassing,..", etc. I didn't make those implications. Meagan follows the word. I'm thankful that she wasn't a teen mom and has an upstanding word. A picture doesn't make up for Christians that steal money from employers, cheat, murder, live a double life, doesn't withstand evil, lie, and do all sorts of things in Jesus name. Where are the breast popping out because I thought I'd see nipples? How does her cleavage stop prostitutes from getting saved, sex trafficking of young children or any other evil?Anyway, I could quote Scriptures and have a book published but I'm not responding. I stand by my opinon. Have a wonderful night!

Please do quote scriptures.
Stop what? Questioning motives?

It's actually news to me. I didn't know and went searching on Google and found what is purported to be his statement that he was an ordained minister. If he agrees it's not correct, I don't know why he doesn't set the record straight. Even if he's not ordained, he's rather acting as a minister to others and his comments on her being able to dress anyway she wishes is iffy. The issue is Meagan on display in the way she allows.

One example that is on more than just BET:
One of the things that drives me is that one never knows how much time we have on this earth, and what I don’t want to have happen is that I had something that I could have done that was in my power to do, and I didn’t do it. I don’t want any gas left in this tank.

From working on movies like Pursuit of Happiness, Karate Kid, Sparkle and the upcoming film Heaven Is for Real, to writing my book, Produced By Faith, to speaking to thousands across the country to hosting TV shows — my goal is to inspire, bring hope and motivate as many people as humanly possible to have the faith to live the life that is destined and available for them.

In addition to being an ordained preacher, motivational speaker and author, DeVon Franklin is the senior vice president of production for Columbia Tristar Pictures, a division of Sony Pictures Entertainment. His films include Pursuit of Happiness, Sparkleand Jumping the Broom. His book, Produced By Faith, parallels each step of the film-making process with the faith-making process of turning your life into a success.

The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of BET Networks.


So, it seems to me that the record is not set straight in the media by Franklin. That's hardly the audience's fault. I believe that if one cannot question the motives nor the actions of those in "leadership" positions and he is ministering publicly to people, then maybe there is danger in that particular place. His testimony on celibacy is one thing separate from his wife being on lustful display. The church is the family of G-d and it's not "however you wish it personally." It's truly a common observation and simple question: Why are her breasts always on display if they are living a Christ-centered life?
Stop calling him an ordained minister in the SDA church. He isn't.

You can question his motives all you want.
I don't care.

Just re-posting this photo because apparently this is considered "following the Word" and "upstanding."

I must be missing something.o_O She looks trashy here. Point blank. And if she was trying to convince me to be chaste, I'd give her a long side eye.

I also don't get why people are so fainthearted: since when does calling out bad behavior somehow negate the fact that other Christians also sin? That's a given. The two aren't mutually exclusive.
Boy with all the venom in here I'm glad that Jesus does the judging and doesn't outsource it to some of the ladies in this thread. I mostly lurk in the Christian forum and find it to be a blessing but this thread gave me pause because of the harsh tone. Megan Good did nothing to deserve this vitrol regarding her dress. She is still a new Christian no? I don't know many who go from 0 to 60 with everything. She seems to be a doer of the word and she probably struggles with this area but I mean she works in Hollywood- loops are important. God may eventually lead her to change up her look but right now she may be attracting some young women to Christ, yes even dressing not to OP's standard of modesty. She is a living example that you can be sexy-looking, balanced Christian and still love the Lord. What a compelling testimony for women who are hesitant to "give up" their beauty/sexiness to follow the Lord because of scathing judgements and unyielding stances like the ones in this thread.
God made women beautiful creatures that are pleasing to the eye. We can't even help it, even when dressing modestly. She is acting modest with her husband and that's what matters more than how she's dressed.
Again, I see nothing but vitriol to the people who are standing on the Word of God asking women to be modest and sober-minded. She is not representing Christianity well at all in that outfit no matter how many people try to defend her. Also, if she is a new Christian, she should be more open to correction, no? Her husband is not doing her any favors by defending her. A true leader should be able to correct his wife and cover her the way Christ did for us. I can't imagine Jesus saying to anyone "you just go ahead and do you boo! They just hating!" Nope. He said "your sins have been forgiven. Go and sin no more."

One more thing, this obsession with being sexy: is THAT Godly? Where on the Word are we called to entice men with our beauty or our bodies? Nothing wrong with being beautiful, as I believe that naturally draws people to you, but aiming to be sexy is aiming to appeal to the spirit of lust. We all know as Christians, or should know :look: that we shouldn't be courting the spirit of lust.

But I know this is one area women will defend to the death, defying every scripture in the bible on modesty. So sad the world's standards have crept into the church.
I mean, she's regularly dressed to entice men to lust after her and I feel sorry she is so lost under his "leadership."

Video (1:09:00 mark where audience member questions her exposing herself on a magazine)

He defended his wife stating that she can wear whatever she wants. IMO,
they are false preachers. There is a standard that is not of this world and all the hand-clapping on foolishness isn't going to change the standard that man did not set. She does need to cover up. Foolishness (referring to the audience's reaction to the question by the lady and no discernment on this issue..blindly following). How do you let your wife show her body like that (for lust) and then go and defend etc. That lady was right. I hope they realize what they are doing "in the name of Jesus" cuz it is as fake as their preaching, imo. Modesty is a virtue and it doesn't take much to understand what that is for someone pushing religion. Celibate but pimping your wife's nekkid body. SMH. I think that the truth exposes at "inopportune" times. Rather than answer the question and explain their side, they bucked up and clapped back. How is that "leading" anybody?
I do believe Jesus consorted with prostitute and thieves. If he only administered to the "good" ppl, he wouldn't have had much of an existence, would he? I do believe the DEVIL comes in many disguises included overbearing judgmental ppl.
I think you may be misinterpreting vitrol for shock and confusion, at least where I'm concerned. I'm gonna leave this thread after I post this and go back into lurking but I will say this. As Christians we're to call people to Christ. Screaming hell fire and damnation at every little correctable thing that comes along with spiritual maturity isn't going to compel most people to Jesus and can drive many away unless he opens their hearts. Which is of course the point.

I hope that everyone sitting in judgment of this couple can look inside themselves and locate a trait or behavior that others may view as not Christ like or could be corrected. If you can't find one then it's pride so look harder. I'm sure you will find something God should be working on within you, as he is working in me.
Boy with all the venom in here I'm glad that Jesus does the judging and doesn't outsource it to some of the ladies in this thread. I mostly lurk in the Christian forum and find it to be a blessing but this thread gave me pause because of the harsh tone. Megan Good did nothing to deserve this vitrol regarding her dress. She is still a new Christian no? I don't know many who go from 0 to 60 with everything. She seems to be a doer of the word and she probably struggles with this area but I mean she works in Hollywood- loops are important. God may eventually lead her to change up her look but right now she may be attracting some young women to Christ, yes even dressing not to OP's standard of modesty. She is a living example that you can be sexy-looking, balanced Christian and still love the Lord. What a compelling testimony for women who are hesitant to "give up" their beauty/sexiness to follow the Lord because of scathing judgements and unyielding stances like the ones in this thread.
God made women beautiful creatures that are pleasing to the eye. We can't even help it, even when dressing modestly. She is acting modest with her husband and that's what matters more than how she's dressed.

When a like is not enough.
I think you may be misinterpreting vitrol for shock and confusion, at least where I'm concerned. I'm gonna leave this thread after I post this and go back into lurking but I will say this. As Christians we're to call people to Christ. Screaming hell fire and damnation at every little correctable thing that comes along with spiritual maturity isn't going to compel most people to Jesus and can drive many away unless he opens their hearts. Which is of course the point.

I hope that everyone sitting in judgment of this couple can look inside themselves and locate a trait or behavior that others may view as not Christ like or could be corrected. If you can't find one then it's pride so look harder. I'm sure you will find something God should be working on within you, as he is working in me.

I have to say you are one of the extremely rare true Christians I have ever heard from.
And now we've crossed the line to the ridiculous. Telling women to dress modestly and protect the beauty God has given them is now tantamount to preaching hell fire and damnation. Ok then. The word did say in the last days people would be lovers of themselves and not open to correction. I'm ashamed that I have to defend modesty to other Christian women