MBL and WL check in


Active Member
I measured my hair yesterday and I only need 12 inches of hair to be WL. Because I am only 4'11 my torso is short and BSL is almost MBL for me. I need only three or four more inches for that goal. I would be there if I didn't have two trim setbacks. So I need more inspriation. I know some of you are at MBL and WL but I don't know everyone. So this is your chance to represent.
Bump. Oh where are you ladies hiding? I know you're not shy....

MBL checking in here.

Have a few nape hairs that are WL already but it'll take about 3-4 inches for the rest to catch up.

Barring unforseen circumstances, I'm thinking Summer '09 would give me plenty of time to get to where I want to be.

I've never actually trimmed my hair (SSK or split removal only) since my BC so I might take a 1/2" off for GP, maybe not - just depends.

Take good care of your ends, be gentle with your hair and don't overdue heat and you'll definitely reach your goals!!
My hair is mblish:long layered at the middle of my back, past the bottom of my bra strap, shoulderblades, or whatever the criterion du jour is. My goal is waistlength with my long layers.
MBL'er in the house!!! I'm gonna be postin progress pics in my fotki next month or february....hopefully by March i'll be waistlength.....where MY waist is.
Checking in! :grin:

I've been growing out my layers for a minute... they're almost gone now! :grin: my shortest is now well below APL (probably BSL) and my longest is MBL. I was gonna do one more trim to BSL to get my hair completely even, but I'm holding out until the end of the year (maybe :look: ).

Pics in my Fotki! (too lazy to link right now :rolleyes: :blush: :lol: )
MBL checking in... well my longest layer is MBL... shortest layer is SL... I'm on a 6 month stretch and won't be posting pics until I update in Dec... my siggy is when I relaxed in June
I love this thread, so much to aspire too!! Maybe I can post in a couple of years. Congrats ladies and beautiful hair!!! More pics please!! ;)
Waist length Checking in!!!!!!!


just kidding. felt like bumping.

*slowly backs out of thread*
WL here! :grin: I'm natural and wear my hair curly. So this is a pic with Cassia/Henna in my hair to see most of the length since I don't straighten!

WSL checking in, some hairs are creeping towards hip but that's not official. :lol: link to pics in my siggy
Waist length checking in. I would like to get to tailbone but if I don't that's okay. I think I'm near my terminal length. Anyway, I'm happy with what I've got.
