Is It Just Me... Or Does BSL Seem

I dont have anything useful to add to this discussion but just **sigh** at the ladies that are already at BSL.

I guess in a way when I hit SL...I didn't think my hair was long. It was just long-er than it had even been in life...but after a few weeks of playing around in it, I was um.....

But you ladies at BSL and longer, I tip my hat to you...
I'm MBL and i STILL don't think my hair is long. But everytime someone says something about how long my hair is i'm always like....thanx....?(nodding and smiling)
LOL you have a very creative imagination girl!!

Yes, sometimes to my detriment, like hair anorexia!! :look:

OMG! :lachen::lachen::lachen:

What?!!? as she sings blame it on the shrin, shrin, sh, sh shrinkaaage!

bsl seems short to me, too. esp. since i'm layered and super shrinky natural. maybe when it's full bsl it will feel different?
I am sorry to say my young Jedi, you may see it as short especially with the warp shrinkage factor takes hold like a bad star treck scene!

Your dry BSL length hair it will hang somewhere around your neck or shoulders and you will say, I swear it is longer than this, some will believe you and some will look at you and think that chile needs a good dose of reality because she is crazy if she is going to tell me all that hair on her head is down her back. She is truly delusional. :perplexed:spinning::yep: They will only half way believe you when they or you take a piece from the back and pull it down the back of you and see that it really is BSL.
Ahh the joys of having a cottony mass of wonderfulness!!!!!:yep:
Ah, Hair Anorexia.... I know it well. :ohwell: My shortest layer is APL, the rest is BSL. I feel like it's a TWA sometimes. I refuse to wear it out because I feel it's too short. It just feels so short to me. My goal length is Classic Length Unstretched.

DH and I are committed to green living, with the one glaring exception being my extensive arsenal of synthetic wigs, weaves and braiding hair. I feel bad for killing the planet, but I MUST have them, my hair is too short to wear exposed!!!

I'm currently on a self-imposed Bootcamp Challenge to make WL (in back) by mid-June :armyhat: and I had told DH I would wear my own hair when I reached WL. Well, I had to tell him this weekend that is just not going down! :drunk: I said I'll wear my hair out once it's Hip Length, I promise! :crossfingers: Unless I feel like it's still too short.... :look:
bsl seems short to me, too. esp. since i'm layered and super shrinky natural. maybe when it's full bsl it will feel different?

Full BSL feels short to me too lol... In a way it's all good but sometimes depending on my mood I guess - I am like :nono:.

Yes, sometimes to my detriment, like hair anorexia!! :look:

What?!!? as she sings blame it on the shrin, shrin, sh, sh shrinkaaage!

I am sorry to say my young Jedi, you may see it as short especially with the warp shrinkage factor takes hold like a bad star treck scene!

Your dry BSL length hair it will hang somewhere around your neck or shoulders and you will say, I swear it is longer than this, some will believe you and some will look at you and think that chile needs a good dose of reality because she is crazy if she is going to tell me all that hair on her head is down her back. She is truly delusional. :perplexed:spinning::yep: They will only half way believe you when they or you take a piece from the back and pull it down the back of you and see that it really is BSL.
Ahh the joys of having a cottony mass of wonderfulness!!!!!:yep:

LOL I was explaining the shrinkage factor to my husband too he was just like :ohwell: the whole time. It's a shame must be a woman thing sometimes I like it and I'm cool and other times I am also like:ohwell: ...:lachen:

Ah, Hair Anorexia.... I know it well. :ohwell: My shortest layer is APL, the rest is BSL. I feel like it's a TWA sometimes. I refuse to wear it out because I feel it's too short. It just feels so short to me. My goal length is Classic Length Unstretched.

DH and I are committed to green living, with the one glaring exception being my extensive arsenal of synthetic wigs, weaves and braiding hair. I feel bad for killing the planet, but I MUST have them, my hair is too short to wear exposed!!!

I'm currently on a self-imposed Bootcamp Challenge to make WL (in back) by mid-June :armyhat: and I had told DH I would wear my own hair when I reached WL. Well, I had to tell him this weekend that is just not going down! :drunk: I said I'll wear my hair out once it's Hip Length, I promise! :crossfingers: Unless I feel like it's still too short.... :look:

You know what, most of the time I don't wear it out thinking nah too short to wear down LOL... Then other times I will wear it down anyway. A wash n go shrinks to shoulder length.:rolleyes: My hubby thinks I need to stop "Phazing" with it all I had to come to LHCF to share my insanity:lachen:
Is HAA just a support group, or have the members put their heads together to find a cure? :lol: I knew I had a problem when I was eying a clip-on ponytails in a store one day, and my cousin asked me why on earth would I want a fake ponytail that was shorter than my own ponytail.
I am developing a case of Hair Anorexia because my mom laughs at me every time I tell her I am growing my hair waist length. It's all her fault. I may have to grow it to tail bone length just to shut her up!
I feel the same way. I too thought that I would never get the APL, but now that I'm here...ahhh shoot. Next stop MBL, I'm just going to skip BSL.

Once I accomplish that....the sky's the limit. Next stop.. Knee length.:lachen:

Well, why not aim for the floor!:grin:
YES! My original goal was BSL stretched. It felt no different than APL. I'm MBL now and aiming for WL now--something I never thought I'd do.
I'm thinking a full BSL (with the bra strap at the proper place) will look long on me. I have a long neck and torso.
I'm thinking a full BSL (with the bra strap at the proper place) will look long on me. I have a long neck and torso.

Ya know... I never really thought about it that way on someone with a long neck and torso (no offense lol) but that's an interesting theory.

I'm like a .5 inch away from being full BSL and that still will seem the same either way.
YES! My original goal was BSL stretched. It felt no different than APL. I'm MBL now and aiming for WL now--something I never thought I'd do.

My avatar pic is MBL or just below... Yesterday I decided I'm going for MBL hands down and just maintain it... I also thought about tb just to see if I could but I'm not serious.

Uh, is there anyone else who keeps changing their mind LOL.
Guess we'll see....but i SERIOUSLY doubt I'll ever think I have short hair at MBL..most of the weaves major stars are rocking are APL or MBL so in my mind these are the most "sought after" lengths...but LHCF is a "special place"
You're not alone! I was BSL about a month ago and I got a trim to APL and I feel like I've been scalped! :wallbash: Other people comment and say that my hair is still long, but it feels super short to me. I guess we're never satisfied :perplexed
Guess we'll see....but i SERIOUSLY doubt I'll ever think I have short hair at MBL..most of the weaves major stars are rocking are APL or MBL so in my mind these are the most "sought after" lengths...but LHCF is a "special place"

LOL! A very special place! You hit it right on the head, people PAY for hair lenghts that some of us have been able to attain and then maintain. The ish is like the twilight zone.
I realized I may have hairnorexia. I looked at my "About Me" page and couldn't believe that just 7 months ago I said BSL was my goal. Now that I'm only 1-2" from full BSL, it seems really, really short. I flatironed today after waiting a full month - and then decided I couldn't wear my hair down because it was too short-looking (not the rapper, the length)

I think I need at least 4 more inches until it looks really nice when I wear it down. But then I wonder if that will be enough because if I get a roller set it'll still look APL.....When will this madness end??????