How many AA women you know are MBL or WL

I remembered two more people. Another cousin of mine (biracial-AA mom, Indian father) who had tailbone length natural hair at one point. Her hair is waist length now.

I also know an AA girl (who is my stepmom's soror's daughter) with MBL relaxed hair.
I know 3 more from the top of my head, and also people I dont know, ppl from childhood I didnt even include. I originrally posted 7 so thats 10. I read this thread and now I think in my area(Houston,TX/Southeast Texas) that MBL or longer hair is a little more common than some other places in America the ladies are from. I will soon be added to the list because I myself am approaching MBL.:)
In RL I know 3 women, one is my cousin (not here in France, in my country Cameroon) .
Edited: My bad I'm not AA nor those women ....sowry
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Midback and waist are super long!! Lol I honestly think bsl could have been included since that length is still 'long' for the majority of other races lol. Also then I could say my lot of cousins on my mom's half of the fambam have bsl length.

But with midback my grandmother's sister, a girl from high school and a girl who I always talk to in the salon. Her dad's half Japanese though.
Here in my city, Mwedzi who's a member here, BSL natural, nobody else that I know, everyone wears weaves,wigs or extensions, or short chewed damaged relaxed hair.
My sister in Cuba is BSL natural unstretched, about WSL flat ironed. My other sister is relaxed MBL.I'm close to BSL relaxed.
But well you said AA and we're not.
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Growing up one of my sisters had barely shoulder length hair and it was considered long.
I had mostly neck length and our other sister had ear length. The shoulder length sister would sometimes make fun of us for having shorter hair.

To this day my shoulder length sister gets nervous whenever I let my hair get longer.

I have a cousin who went natural approximately 4 years ago who has bra strap length hair. Can't recall any black women that currently have longer hair.
I know two technically.
One was mid back, but recently cut her hair back to armpit.
The other, my mother, made me cut her hair down to her shoulders. She was hip length. I cried for her a little when I did it, but she wanted a change.
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I only knew one that was BSB; she was a press & curl natural.

The only AA women that I know are MBL+ are on here, other hair forums, youtube, and tumblr. Hopefully, I will make it soon.
No one personally. But I see a lot on here, in other forums, blogs, and Youtube videos. I'll probably be the first one I know. :)
About 7-8
• One cousin - waistlength. She's been waistlength since she was very young. She wore her hair natural for years (braids/twist/flat twists), but switched to a relaxer a few years back, and it hasn't seemed to slow her growth at all.

• One aunt - waistlength. She is currently relaxed, but for decades was strictly ole school “press and curl". I know she used to consistently use Royal Crown (hair grease).

• Two co-workers - midback. One in locs and the other relaxed. The relaxed head is very serious about hair care - VERY (limited heat, good products, protective styles)

• Two ladies at church - one midback and the other waistlength. I don't know what their hair regimes are. But on Sundays they seem to be rockin' rollersets. During midweek services, they are usually in the same rollersets or ponytails.

• A friend of mine - midback. She has locs that hang at about brastrap, but I'm guessing that if her hair was ever full stretched or straightened she'd be at least mid-back.

• This one may not count, because I lost contact with her. But there was a hairstylist who was natural (she wore her hair flat ironed most of the time). Her hair was MB. At the time I was relaxed with a short, sexy, pixie ‘do. Her hair was long and healthy, but her hairstyles were always basic and plain Jane (aka protective styles), so I wasn’t trying to keep up with her, or get to know her regime…but oh my, how I wish I had her contact information now.
An aunt who passed many years ago. She had thick silver hair that she'd wear in one luscious braid going down her back.
Me, but that was when I was a child and in braids. I let bald headed b1tches peer pressure me into cutting my hair in Jr High, and never got it to grow past APL.

My Mom & Sister had WL, and TBL Dreads. My sister would get annoyed, because she'd always be sitting on her hair. She recently chopped them to SL, and my Mom cut off her dreads and has a TWA that she loves.

I have two Hatian girlfriends that could probably grow it down to the floor if they felt like it....every time they cut their hair I want to punch them in the face! *sucks teeth*
Only one. My cousin's wife and her WHip length hair was GORGEOUS...until she had her son and just did not take care of it at all afterwards :nono: tragic.
Growing up one of my sisters had barely shoulder length hair and it was considered long.
I had mostly neck length and our other sister had ear length. The shoulder length sister would sometimes make fun of us for having shorter hair.

To this day my shoulder length sister gets nervous whenever I let my hair get longer.

I have a cousin who went natural approximately 4 years ago who has bra strap length hair. Can't recall any black women that currently have longer hair.


Just one. A sitter that watched my sons once. Girl had WL thick hair. I wanted to ask about her reggie..but it really wasn't the time for all of that, LOL.
i know two. One is mixed and has like 3c hair. Her hair is maybe MBL. The other is a close friend of mine. She had beautiful WL hair but it was so thick and tangled so badly that she finally said no to the SSKs can cut it to APL.
I know 1 who works in our office suite. I think she may be type 3b or 3c and may be mixed. Back in high school I knew another one. She was part Indian though. Oh well... I know there are others out there. I've seen some out and about in stores with WL or MBL dreds.

I have a lot of friends and former coworkers with APL and BSL though. Strange how that is, because it seems like from BSL you'd only have a few more inches to go for MBL at least. A lot of AA women probably just don't wanna deal with all of that hair though. I know I don't.
I've known one for years. SHe's natual low density Type 3 WL. Just wears it in ponys or buns. The natural color is sandy brown. I've always been jealous of her hair!

Also knew one super dense, course stranded BSL Type 3c prety much identical to Naptural85. SHe shingled the mess out that hair to and was always bragging about it. Yes, I was jelly of her too!
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